Website: m-learning, Zju. Blood 9.0 ③。.③ LiDongMei may75119@163c0m
Blood LiDongMei
Overview of blood oeQ。9 og%a oc Blood is a fluid connective tissue 88 Its total volume is Ooo about 6 liters 0。9 e°。9890098°8 It has many functions 8c880。828 Blood is made of 9000 o89°c two parts: blood Figure 9. 1b. Blood smear: overview photomicrograph cells and plasma X350 Copyright c 2003 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Overview of Blood ◼ Blood is a fluid connective tissue. ◼ Its total volume is about 6 liters. ◼ It has many functions. ◼ Blood is made of two parts: blood cells and plasma
Main Functions Transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells Transport of wastes and carbon dioxide away from cells Delivery of hormones and other regulatory substances to and from cells and tissues Maintenance of homeostasis Transport of humoral agent and cells of the immune system
Main Functions ◼ Transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells. ◼ Transport of wastes and carbon dioxide away from cells. ◼ Delivery of hormones and other regulatory substances to and from cells and tissues. ◼ Maintenance of homeostasis. ◼ Transport of humoral agent and cells of the immune system
Plasma a Its main component is water A variety of solutes, including proteins (albumin, fibrinogen), dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), electrolytes (Na, Mg, ca), nutrients(glucose, lipids) regulatory substances(hormones,e nzymes and waste materials drugs urea
Plasma ◼ Its main component is water. ◼ A variety of solutes ,including proteins (albumin, fibrinogen) , dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) , electrolytes (Na, Mg ,Ca), nutrients (glucose, lipids) , regulatory substances (hormones, e nzymes) and waste materials (drugs urea)
What do blood cells include? Erythrocytes neutrophils granulocytes eosinophIls Leukocytes basophils agranulocytes lymphocytes monocytes Platelets
What do blood cells include? ◼ Erythrocytes neutrophils granulocytes eosinophils ◼ Leukocytes basophils agranulocytes lymphocytes monocytes ◼ Platelets
Blood Erythrocyte Neurophilic granulocyte Lymphocyte Platelets leukocyte
Blood Erythrocyte Leukocyte Platelets
Erythrocytes Anucleate biconcave disks Quite flexible Eog Packed with pro otein hemoglobin
Erythrocytes ◼ Anucleate, biconcave disks. ◼ Quite flexible. ◼ Packed with protein hemoglobin
a Function: oXygen and carbon dioxide transporting R a Few reticulocytes
◼ . ◼ Function:oxygen and carbon dioxide transporting ◼ Few reticulocytes
Leukocytes-granulocytes Possess two types of granules: specific granules and azurophilic granules Granulocytes have nuclei with two or more lobes Include the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
Leukocytes-granulocytes ◼ Possess two types of granules: specific granules and azurophilic granules. ◼ Granulocytes have nuclei with two or more lobes. ◼ Include the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
Neutrophils 60N70%o of the leukocyte count Spherical, with a nucleus consisting of two to five lobes Neutrophil cytoplasm is lightly eosinophilic and contains two types of granules Specific granules: contain bactericidal enzymes. Azurophilic granules: are primary lysosomes containing peroxidase and hydrolytic enzymes The active phagocytes of bacteria and other foreign agents
Neutrophils ◼ 60~70% of the leukocyte count ◼ Spherical, with a nucleus consisting of two to five lobes. ◼ Neutrophil cytoplasm is lightly eosinophilic and contains two types of granules. ◼ Specific granules: contain bactericidal enzymes. ◼ Azurophilic granules: are primary lysosomes containing peroxidase and hydrolytic enzymes. ◼ The active phagocytes of bacteria and other foreign agents