ZocOR 14 Wild Ways People Soothe Their Sunburns < 7 Curious Things People Do To Treat unburnt
7 Curious Things People Do To Treat Sunburns 14 Wild Ways People Soothe Their Sunburns
Health hack Aloe vera Ice Cubes Some people freeze aloe vera in an ice cube tray to rub gently on burned skin Health hack Cold milk Bath Some bathe in cold milk. They argue it's great for ZocDoC burned skin
Cold Milk Some people freeze aloe vera in an ice cube tray to rub gently on burned skin. Health Hack: Aloe Vera Ice Cubes Some bathe in cold milk. They argue it's great for burned skin. Health Hack: Bath
Health Hack. Witch hazel Witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory astringent that can minimIze pain and itching Some use it to soothe sun-irritated skin YOGURT Health hack. Yogurt HAZEL They say yogurt fights bad breath. But does it help soothe sunburns Some sunbathers swear by it ZocDoC
HAZEL WITCH Health Hack: Yogurt They say yogurt fights bad breath. But does it help soothe sunburns? Some sunbathers swear by it. Health Hack: Witch Hazel Witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory astringent that can minimize pain and itching. Some use it to soothe sun-irritated skin. YOGURT
Health Hack Earl Grey Tea your thing? Some swear it helps sunburns, applying teabags straight to the skin or diluting it with water and dabbing with a wash cloth Health hack. Aloe vera Cooling Towel tea Aloe vera is a classic but this is new. Some innovative people freeze it on a towel apply to burned areas ZocDoC
Health Hack: Aloe Vera Cooling Towel Aloe vera is a classic, but this is new. Some innovative people freeze it on a towel & apply to burned areas. Health Hack: Earl Grey Tea your thing? Some swear it helps sunburns, applying teabags straight to the skin or diluting it with water and dabbing with a wash cloth. tea
Health hack. Shaving Cream Shaving cream often includes glycerin which helps keep your skin moisturized Some people think it helps hydrate sunburns as well Health Hack www51pptmoban.com搜集整理 Watermelon We all associate watermelons with summer cookouts SHAV but some use it to CR日 soothe summer burns, applying cool Juice or fruit pleces directly to burns ZocDoc
Health Hack: Watermelon We all associate watermelons with summer cookouts, but some use it to soothe summer burns, applying cool juice or fruit pieces directly to burns. Health Hack: Shaving Cream Shaving cream often includes glycerin which helps keep your skin moisturized. Some people think it helps hydrate sunburns as well. www.51pptmoban.com 搜集整理
Health hack. Cucumber You've heard of cucumbers soothing tired eyes, but some think they soothe burned skin as well Health Hack. Tomatoes Some claim tomatoes rubbed on sunburned skin soothes the burning sensation ZocDoC
Cucumber Some claim tomatoes rubbed on sunburned skin soothes the burning sensation. Health Hack: Tomatoes You've heard of cucumbers soothing tired eyes, but some think they soothe burned skin as well. Health Hack:
Health Hack Mayonnaise ou might like extra mayo on your crispy blt, but some wild folks apply mayo to their crispy skin! Health hack. MAYON Chamomile ea Another cup of tea Some spray cold chamomile tea on burned skin ZocDoC
Another cup of tea? Some spray cold chamomile tea on burned skin. Health Hack: Chamomile Tea You might like extra mayo on your crispy BLT, but some wild folks apply mayo to their crispy skin! Health Hack: Mayonnaise
Health Hack. negar Or maybe you prefer pickling yourself? BAKING Some swear by SODA vInegar tor sunburns Health Hack. Baki ing Soda g Baking soda can be used when baking, but is also known te replace toxIc cleaners ome people also use it to reduce itching ZocDOC
BAKING VINE GA Baking Soda SODA Health Hack: Baking soda can be used when baking, but is also known to replace toxic cleaners. Some people also use it to reduce itching. Or maybe you prefer pickling yourself? Some swear by vinegar for sunburns. Health Hack: Vinegar - R
Click here to view the full infographic O ZocDoC Disclaimer: You should always check with your doctor or professional healthcare provider before starting or chan any medical treatment. The information on this infographic is not medical advice and should not be treated as s Sources: http://ifehacker.com/5872588/freeze-aloe-vera-in-ice-for-soothing-cooling-sunburn-relief http://www.complex.com/style/2013/02/50-life-hacks-that-will-make-you-more-stylish/earl-grey-sunburn http://voicesyahoocom/the-three-best-natural-sunburn-remedies-3856478.html?cat=68 http:/www.parents.com/kids/safety/outdoor/sunbum-remedies/ http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=1&contentid=173 www.zocdoc.com
Disclaimer: You should always check with your doctor or professional healthcare provider before starting or changing any medical treatment. The information on this infographic is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. Sources: http://lifehacker.com/5872588/freeze-aloe-vera-in-ice-for-soothing-cooling-sunburn-relief http://www.complex.com/style/2013/02/50-life-hacks-that-will-make-you-more-stylish/earl-grey-sunburn http://voices.yahoo.com/the-three-best-natural-sunburn-remedies-3856478.html?cat=68 http://www.parents.com/kids/safety/outdoor/sunburn-remedies/ http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=1&contentid=173 www.zocdoc.com Click here to view the full infographic: