SELRE AD CAMPAI GNS Why Marketers May Want to RethInk Their Marketing Strategy ◎ SurveyMonkey Audience
分A HDR Off 44% Of respondents said the main reason they take selfies is to share a special moment VIDEO PHOTO SQUARE
4 Of respondents 4% said the main reason they take selfies is to share a special moment
armen Sandoval with Joel McDowell 45% post selfies to facebook 45% Of respondents share their selfies on Facebook day Bt 1:34 PM a
45 News Feed Requests Messenger Notif ications More Share Jamie Jackson Today at 1:34 PM SMA 5:27 PM 93% Carmen Sandoval with Joel McDowell Today at 1:56 PM 45% post selfies to facebook 4 Of respondents 5% share their selfies on Facebook 79 Likes 3 Co m men ts L i ke Co m m e n t
OUR 38% SERVICE AHOY Think using selfies in ad campaigns is a fad and will not last long
3Think using 8selfies% in ad campaigns is a fad and will not last long
77 Have not considered purchasing a product or service simply because its ad campaign included selfies
48 Said they wouldn't buy a selfie-related product ch as a selfie-stick or a mini-tripod
48 % Said they wouldn’t buy a selfie-related product, such as a selfie-stick, or a mini-tripod
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Market Research Made Easy We’ve got millions of people ready to take your survey so you can stay ahead of consumer trends. Get started