APPLIED MATHEMATICS AN COMP风TATION ELSEVIER Applied Mathematics and Computation 144 (2003)441-455 Analysis of peaks and plateaus in a Galerkin/minimal residual pair of methods for solving Ax=b☆ Yuming Shen ab,Jinxi Zhao a a State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology,Nanjing University. Nanjing 210093.PR China Department of Mathematics,Nanjing University.Nanjing 210093.PR China Abstract Irregular peaks often appear if we use Galerkin methods for solving linear systems of equations Ax=b.These peaks bring about too difficult to identify convergence.To remedy this disadvantage,we have to spend more work and memory,that is we use norm minimizing methods for solving Ax =b.However,plateaus cannot be avoided.In this paper we give a sufficient and necessary condition for occurring of peaks.Also we present some related factors for this behavior. 2002 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved. 1.Introduction and definitions For solving linear systems of equations Ax=b (1.1) there are two classes of iterative methods commonly used.One is Galerkin methods such as Lanczos [10],BCG [5]and FOM [11].The other is norm minimizing methods such as MINRES [12],QMR [6]and GMRES [13]. *Supported by the State 863-plan High Science and Technology of China. Corresponding author.Address:Department of Computer Science and Technology,21000 Nanjing,China. E-mail (J.Zhao). 0096-3003/02/S-see front matter 2002 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved. doi10.1016/S0096-3003(02)00419-8
Analysis of peaks and plateaus in a Galerkin/minimal residual pair of methods for solving Ax ¼ b q Yuming Shen a,b, Jinxi Zhao a,* a State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, PRChina b Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, PRChina Abstract Irregular peaks often appear if we use Galerkin methods for solving linear systems of equations Ax ¼ b. These peaks bring about too difficult to identify convergence. To remedy this disadvantage, we have to spend more work and memory, that is we use norm minimizing methods for solving Ax ¼ b. However, plateaus cannot be avoided. In this paper we give a sufficient and necessary condition for occurring of peaks. Also we present some related factors for this behavior. 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction and definitions For solving linear systems of equations Ax ¼ b ð1:1Þ there are two classes of iterative methods commonly used. One is Galerkin methods such as Lanczos [10], BCG [5] and FOM [11]. The other is norm minimizing methods such as MINRES [12], QMR [6] and GMRES [13]. q Supported by the State 863-plan High Science and Technology of China. * Corresponding author. Address: Department of Computer Science and Technology, 210008 Nanjing, China. E-mail address: (J. Zhao). 0096-3003/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0096-3003(02)00419-8 Applied Mathematics and Computation 144 (2003) 441–455
442 Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 The convergence of any iterative method is said to have occurred at iteration k if for some specified convergence tolerance & lxl/lol≤e (1.2) where ro is the initial residual,r&=-Ax+b,and x&is the kth iteration Without any loss of generality,we will assume that A is real and nonsingular. The initial guess xo=0 so that ro=b.In this paper we focus on a pair of Lanczos/MINRES methods for solving Eq.(1.1)when A is an n x n symmetric matrix.See [2]for results of the pairs GMRES/FOM and QMR/BCG and for details of theorems and proofs are not include in this paper.It is shown that using Galerkin methods for solving linear system (1.1)with 4 either real symmetric or nonsymmetric the residual norms,r,k=1,2,...,are not always monotonically decreasing as a function of the iteration number.Irregu- lar peaks can appear in such curves,making it difficult to identify convergence, and making the user feel insecure about using the method.See for example Fig.1. One way of copying with this problem is to use norm minimizing methods. Since the Krylov subspaces generated are nested,the residual normr must be a monotone decreasing function of the iteration number k.However,these 0m5o110 15 w.Iou [enp!sa. 20 25 35 102030405060 708090100 iteration number Fig.1.The convergence curves of Lanczos
The convergence of any iterative method is said to have occurred at iteration k if for some specified convergence tolerance e, krkk=kr0k 6 e ð1:2Þ where r0 is the initial residual, rk ¼ Axk þ b, and xk is the kth iteration. Without any loss of generality, we will assume that A is real and nonsingular. The initial guess x0 ¼ 0 so that r0 ¼ b. In this paper we focus on a pair of Lanczos/MINRES methods for solving Eq. (1.1) when A is an n n symmetric matrix. See [2] for results of the pairs GMRES/FOM and QMR/BCG and for details of theorems and proofs are not include in this paper. It is shown that using Galerkin methods for solving linear system (1.1) with A either real symmetric or nonsymmetric the residual norms, krkk, k ¼ 1; 2; ... ; are not always monotonically decreasing as a function of the iteration number. Irregular peaks can appear in such curves, making it difficult to identify convergence, and making the user feel insecure about using the method. See for example Fig. 1. One way of copying with this problem is to use norm minimizing methods. Since the Krylov subspaces generated are nested, the residual norm krkk must be a monotone decreasing function of the iteration number k. However, these Fig. 1. The convergence curves of Lanczos. 442 Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455
Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 443 methods have been devised that require a great deal of work and memory Moreover,plateaus can appear in such plots,intervals of iterations over which the norm of the residual decrease at an unacceptably slow rate of change.See for example Fig.2. In this paper we examine,both experimentally and theoretically,peak and plateau formation generated by the Lanczos/MINRES.In Section 2 we present relationships between peaks and plateaus.In Section 3 we identify some factors which initiate peak formations in the Lanczos residual norm plots.In Section 4 we give some numerical experiments to examine our conclusions. The norm is the Euclidean two norm,or spectral norm.The and denote the Lanczos residual and MINRES residual,respectively. The Krylov subspace is defined by K三Ke(4ro)三span{o,Aro,,A-o,k≥1 and the corresponding Krylov matrix is K≡(m,A0,,A-1o),k≥1 Throughout the paper we refer to peaks and plateaus in residual norm plots as follows. 0 20 3 0102030405060708090100 iteration number Fig.2.The convergence curves of MINRES
methods have been devised that require a great deal of work and memory. Moreover, plateaus can appear in such plots, intervals of iterations over which the norm of the residual decrease at an unacceptably slowrate of change. See for example Fig. 2. In this paper we examine, both experimentally and theoretically, peak and plateau formation generated by the Lanczos/MINRES. In Section 2 we present relationships between peaks and plateaus. In Section 3 we identify some factors which initiate peak formations in the Lanczos residual norm plots. In Section 4 we give some numerical experiments to examine our conclusions. The norm k:k is the Euclidean two norm, or spectral norm. The rLR k and rMR k denote the Lanczos residual and MINRES residual, respectively. The Krylov subspace is defined by Kk : Kk ðA;r0Þ spanfr0; Ar0; ... ; Ak1 r0g; k P 1 and the corresponding Krylov matrix is Kk ðr0; Ar0; ... ; Ak1 r0Þ; k P1 Throughout the paper we refer to peaks and plateaus in residual norm plots as follows. Fig. 2. The convergence curves of MINRES. Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455 443
444 Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 Definition 1.1 (Cullum,1995 [1)).A peak is any consecutive section of a re- sidual norm plot during which the residual norms increase to a local maximum and then decrease to a local minimum. Definition 1.2 (Cullum,1995 [1]).A plateau is any consecutive section of a residual norm plot during which the norm of the residual decrease at an un- acceptably slow rate of change. 2.Peaks,plateaus and angles between subspaces Thanks to J.Cullum and A.Greenbaum,in [1,2]they indicate a correlation between peaks and plateaus.Whenever a peak occurs there is a plateau under it.The converse however may not be true.It is possible for a plateau to occur in a MINRES residual norm plot without a visible corresponding peak in the corresponding Lanczos residual norm plot.They also indicate that whenever the residual norm plot for the MINRES is decreasing rapidly the corre- sponding residual norm plot for the Lanczos iterates is also decreasing rapidly The corresponding residual norm plots appear to track each other.In this section we consider the same problem in another way.We recall that in many MINRES implementations a least squares problems is solved in each iteration by reducing a Hessenberg matrix to upper triangular form via Givens rotation [11].At iteration k a Givens rotation, 0 Gk= Ck Sk (2.1) 一Sk is generated to eliminate the trailing element of the Hessenberg matrix.Notice that these se and c&are not merely artifacts of the computational scheme but are the sines and cosines of the angles AK and K&. The following relations are fundamental for our later investigations(see [4] Section 2). Theorem 2.1 (Eiermann and Ernst,2001 [4)).For k =1,2,...,L-1,there holds Sk=sin∠(Kk,AKk)and ck=cos∠(Kk,AK)】 (2.2)
Definition 1.1 (Cullum, 1995 [1]). A peak is any consecutive section of a residual norm plot during which the residual norms increase to a local maximum and then decrease to a local minimum. Definition 1.2 (Cullum, 1995 [1]). A plateau is any consecutive section of a residual norm plot during which the norm of the residual decrease at an unacceptably slowrate of change. 2. Peaks, plateaus and angles between subspaces Thanks to J. Cullum and A. Greenbaum, in [1,2] they indicate a correlation between peaks and plateaus. Whenever a peak occurs there is a plateau under it. The converse however may not be true. It is possible for a plateau to occur in a MINRES residual norm plot without a visible corresponding peak in the corresponding Lanczos residual norm plot. They also indicate that whenever the residual norm plot for the MINRES is decreasing rapidly the corresponding residual norm plot for the Lanczos iterates is also decreasing rapidly. The corresponding residual norm plots appear to track each other. In this section we consider the same problem in another way. We recall that in many MINRES implementations a least squares problems is solved in each iteration by reducing a Hessenberg matrix to upper triangular form via Givens rotation [11]. At iteration k a Givens rotation, Gk ¼ 1 0 .. . 1 ck sk sk ck 1 .. . 0 1 0 BBBBBBBBBBB@ 1 CCCCCCCCCCCA ð2:1Þ is generated to eliminate the trailing element of the Hessenberg matrix. Notice that these sk and ck are not merely artifacts of the computational scheme but are the sines and cosines of the angles AKk and Kk . The following relations are fundamental for our later investigations (see [4] Section 2). Theorem 2.1 (Eiermann and Ernst, 2001 [4]). For k ¼ 1; 2; ... ; L 1, there holds sk ¼ sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ and ck ¼ cos \ðKk ; AKk Þ ð2:2Þ 444 Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455
Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 445 where /(Kk,AKg)denotes the largest canonical angle between the spaces Kx and AKg.The quantities c and sk are given by the Givens rotations Gg of (2.1) L :minfk:xMR =4-16)=minfk:xR=4-1b). Theorem 2.2 (Eiermann and Ernst,2001 [4]).With s&sin /(K&,AK&)and c&cos (K&,AKk)the MINRES residual and Lanczos residual approximations with respect to the Krylov subspaces K&satisfy lrMR‖=clR‖ (2.3) l4R‖=sl‖=ss2.sellroll (2.4) TMR STMR+CHIR (2.5) In view of s=lrMRll/llvgll,i.e.,=1-Rwe obtain the fol- lowing theorem Theorem 2.3 (Eiermann and Ernst,2001 [4]).In exact arithmetic,if c&0 at each iteration k,then the Lanczos residuals and MINRES residuals are related by R‖=4I/√1-R/r (2.6) Using the expression of sin (K&,4K)=l/l,we can rewrite (2.6)as follows: IlR‖=l4/W1-(sin∠(K,AKx)月 (2.7) (2.7)shows that if (K,AK)is reduced by a significant factor at step k,then the Lanczos residual norm will be approximately equal to the MINRES re- sidual norm at step k,since the denominator in the right-hand side of(2.7)will be close to 1.If the∠(Kk,AKk)remains almostπ/2,however,then the de- nominator in the right-hand side of(2.7)is close to 0 and the Lanczos residual norm will be much larger. As shown before the behavior of the angles (K&,AK)as k approaches oo play a crucial role in the convergence of the MR and LR approximates.If the angles actually tend to zeros rapidly,in view of (2.4),implies superlinear convergence.Based on the Theorem 2.3 we can prove the following two propositions. I Given orthogonal bases and wj of two m-dimensional subspaces V and W,then the cosines of the canonical angles between V and W are the singular values of the matrix of inner products [(w)]ER"x.We remark that the sine of the largest canonical angle between the spaces V and W of equal dimension is given by (I-P)Pl [14.Theorem 4.37)
where \ðKk ; AKk Þ denotes the largest canonical angle between the spaces Kk and AKk . 1 The quantities ck and sk are given by the Givens rotations Gk of (2.1) L :¼ minfk: xMR k ¼ A1bg ¼ minfk: xLR k ¼ A1bg. Theorem 2.2 (Eiermann and Ernst, 2001 [4]). With sk ¼ sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ and ck ¼ cos \ðKk ; AKk Þ the MINRES residual and Lanczos residual approximations with respect to the Krylov subspaces Kk satisfy kr MR k k ¼ ckkr LR k k ð2:3Þ kr MR k k ¼ skkr MR k1k ¼ s1s2 ...skkr0k ð2:4Þ r MR k ¼ s 2 k r MR k1 þ c2 k r LR k ð2:5Þ In viewof sk ¼ krMR k k=krMR k1k, i.e., c2 k ¼ 1 krMR k k2 =krMR k1k2 we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3 (Eiermann and Ernst, 2001 [4]). In exact arithmetic, if ck 6¼ 0 at each iteration k, then the Lanczos residuals and MINRES residuals are related by kr LR k k¼kr MR k k= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 krMR k k 2 =krMR k1k 2 q ð2:6Þ Using the expression of sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ¼krMR k k=krMR k1k, we can rewrite (2.6) as follows: kr LR k k¼kr MR k k= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 ðsin \ðKk ; AKk ÞÞ2 q ð2:7Þ (2.7) shows that if \ðKk ; AKk Þ is reduced by a significant factor at step k, then the Lanczos residual norm will be approximately equal to the MINRES residual norm at step k, since the denominator in the right-hand side of (2.7) will be close to 1. If the \ðKk ; AKk Þ remains almost p=2, however, then the denominator in the right-hand side of (2.7) is close to 0 and the Lanczos residual norm will be much larger. As shown before the behavior of the angles \ðKk ; AKk Þ as k approaches 1 play a crucial role in the convergence of the MR and LR approximates. If the angles actually tend to zeros rapidly, in viewof (2.4), implies superlinear convergence. Based on the Theorem 2.3 we can prove the following two propositions. 1 Given orthogonal bases fvjgm j¼1 and fwjgm j¼1 of two m-dimensional subspaces V and W, then the cosines of the canonical angles between V and W are the singular values of the matrix of inner products ½ðvj; wk Þ 2 Rmm. We remark that the sine of the largest canonical angle between the spaces V and W of equal dimension is given by kðI PvÞPwk [14, Theorem 4.37]. Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455 445
446 Y.Shen.J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 Proposition 2.1.If,under the assumptions of Theorem 2.3,there exist iterations K1≤k≤K2,01 with ri‖≥7ll,then if there exists0arctany (2.9) Proof.From Theorem 2.3 and the inequality on we have that 安R=R/V1-4R/lr2≥是 =(/W1-/漫 Since lMRl/lrl‖=sin∠(K,AKx)Y,01
Proposition 2.1. If, under the assumptions of Theorem 2.3, there exist iterations K1 6 k 6 K2, 0 1 with krLR k kP ckrLR k1k, then ifthere exists 0 arctan c ð2:9Þ Proof. From Theorem 2.3 and the inequality on krLR k k we have that kr LR k k¼kr MR k k= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 krMR k k2 =krMR k1k2 q Pckr LR k1k ¼ c kr MR k1k= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 krMR k1k 2 =krMR k2k2 q Since kr MR k k=kr MR k1k ¼ sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ c; 0 1 446 Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455
Y.Shen.J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 447 i.e., 0>arctany Proposition 2.2 shows that if over some interval of iterations residual norms generated by Lanczos are increasing at least as a specified rate,then the angle (K,AK)cannot decrease at a rate faster than the bound on 0 given in (2.9),i.e.,the corresponding MINRES residual norms cannot decrease at a rate faster than the bound on sin 0.For example,if y>2 then 0> arctan2≈63.4349,sin0≈0.89442.▣ 3.Peaks and some related factors The reason why the residual norm is not always minimized is more inter- esting,for it touches a deeper issue and is a topic of current concern and im- perfect understanding [3].In this section we consider four factors which are related to the Lanczos peaks. I.Numerical Instabilities.What role do numerical instabilities play in the generation of the peak formations observed in the Lanczos residual norm plots?In [1],we know that if the linear system (1.1)is sufficiently well condi- tioned [1,Definition 3.3],then numerical instabilities have no role in any ob- served peak formations. II.Finite precision arithmetic.Are the peaks and plateaus artifacts of the finite precision arithmetic?See [1],we know that peaks and plateaus are not artifacts of the finite precision arithmetic.Peaks and plateaus can also occur when the arithmetic is exact.However,more peaks or plateaus will occur in finite precision arithmetic than would occur if the computations were exact. Moreover,the effect of finite precision arithmetic is an open problem. III.Angle between subspaces.Based on properties of angle between sub- spaces and use the relationship between the orthogonal residual norm and the minimal residual norm,we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for occurring of peaks. Theorem 3.1.In the exact arithmetic,for c0,k 1,2,...,L-1 the condi- tion 序+答B (3.2) where F=sin∠(K,AK)
i.e., h > arctan c Proposition 2.2 shows that if over some interval of iterations residual norms generated by Lanczos are increasing at least as a specified rate c, then the angle \ðKk ; AKk Þ cannot decrease at a rate faster than the bound on h given in (2.9), i.e., the corresponding MINRES residual norms cannot decrease at a rate faster than the bound on sin h. For example, if c > 2 then h > arctan 2 63:4349, sin h 0:89442. 3. Peaks and some related factors The reason why the residual norm is not always minimized is more interesting, for it touches a deeper issue and is a topic of current concern and imperfect understanding [3]. In this section we consider four factors which are related to the Lanczos peaks. I. Numerical Instabilities. What role do numerical instabilities play in the generation of the peak formations observed in the Lanczos residual norm plots? In [1], we know that if the linear system (1.1) is sufficiently well conditioned [1, Definition 3.3], then numerical instabilities have no role in any observed peak formations. II. Finite precision arithmetic. Are the peaks and plateaus artifacts of the finite precision arithmetic? See [1], we know that peaks and plateaus are not artifacts of the finite precision arithmetic. Peaks and plateaus can also occur when the arithmetic is exact. However, more peaks or plateaus will occur in finite precision arithmetic than would occur if the computations were exact. Moreover, the effect of finite precision arithmetic is an open problem. III. Angle between subspaces. Based on properties of angle between subspaces and use the relationship between the orthogonal residual norm and the minimal residual norm, we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for occurring of peaks. Theorem 3.1. In the exact arithmetic, for ck 6¼ 0; k ¼ 1; 2; ... ; L 1 the condition 1 F 2 k þ F 2 k1 b2 b ð3:2Þ where Fk ¼ sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455 447
448 Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 Proof.Making use of the relation between the Lanczos residual norm and MINRES residual norm MR‖l=C&lTER‖we obtain RI C-1 MRI RII V1--1 Ck 1- Notice that 会 T sin∠(Kk,AKe)=F then F21 -1 If there exists B>1 such that the condition (3.1)is satisfied then That is >8 T If the Lanczos residual norm increases,i.e., >B,B≥1 which implies 1-民>(房-ie, Theorem 3.1 shows that if the sines of (K,AK)satisfy the condition (3.1) then the Lanczos residual norm increases.It also explains why a plateau to occur without a visible corresponding peak,since the condition (3.1)is not satisfied.▣ Corollary 3.1.If the condition (3.1)is satisfied and c&0,k =1,2,...,L-I then 2F-1
Proof. Making use of the relation between the Lanczos residual norm and MINRES residual norm krMR k k ¼ ckkrLR k k we obtain krLR k k krLR k1k ¼ ck1 ck krMR k k krMR k1k ¼ krMR k k krMR k1k ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 s2 k1 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 s2 k p Notice that sk ¼ krMR k k krMR k1k ¼ sin \ðKk ; AKk Þ ¼ Fk then krLR k k krLR k1k ¼ 1 F 2 k1 1 F 2 k 1 !1=2 If there exists b P1 such that the condition (3.1) is satisfied then 1 F 2 k 1 b If the Lanczos residual norm increases, i.e., krLR k k krLR k1k ¼ 1 F 2 k1 1 F 2 k 1 !1=2 > b; b P1 which implies 1 F 2 k1 > b2 1 F 2 k 1 i:e:; 1 F 2 k þ F 2 k1 b2 Fk1; 448 Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455
Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 449 i.e., π/4∠(Kk-1,AKk-1) Proof.Since the condition (3.1)is satisfied then 1 R>- B≥1 1+- Because c&≠0 we get 02 contradiction This means during iterations,which the Lanczos residual norms are increasing, the angle between the present subspaces is larger than the angle between the prior subspaces and these angle (K,AK)E(/4,/2).These are two nec- essary conditions for occurring of peaks.For the special case B=1,we get a sufficient condition for the Lanczos residual norm increases. Corollary3.2.IfF≥(F1+1)and cx≠0,k=1,2,.L-1them +层1F which implies +民1<2 1 Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.1 clearly indicate that the angle between subspaces plays a crucial role in the Lanczos residual norm plot increases
i.e., p=4 \ðKk1; AKk1Þ Proof. Since the condition (3.1) is satisfied then F 2 k > 1 1 þ 1F 2 k1 b2 ; b P1 Because ck 6¼ 0 we get 0 2 contradiction This means during iterations, which the Lanczos residual norms are increasing, the angle between the present subspaces is larger than the angle between the prior subspaces and these angle \ðKk ; AKk Þ2ðp=4; p=2Þ. These are two necessary conditions for occurring of peaks. For the special case b ¼ 1, we get a sufficient condition for the Lanczos residual norm increases. Corollary 3.2. If F 2 k P 1 2 ðF 2 k1 þ 1Þ and ck 6¼ 0; k ¼ 1; 2; ... L 1 then 1 F 2 k þ F 2 k1 F 4 k1 which implies 1 F 2 k þ F 2 k1 < 2 Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.1 clearly indicate that the angle between subspaces plays a crucial role in the Lanczos residual norm plot increases. Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455 449
450 Y.Shen,J.Zhao Appl.Math.Comput.144 (2003)441-455 However,the condition (3.1)is an abstract inequality,it can not clearly ex- amine different eigenvalue distributions.From [7,Theorem 4.1]we can see that if A is normal and I≤k≤L-1then Ib-Az‖ (3.3) where B,is the norm of the orthogonal projection of b onto the eigenspace associated with,l/vk+T≤mk+1≤Vk+IL-万,and1,.,k+iare +I distinct eigenvalues of 4 that maximizeHence we can obtain {将} mg+1,min F= m映{备 Suppose there exists index s such that:minimum both then F=m+1- mk k+1 For this particular case the following examples illustrate how to interpret the condition (3.1)in Theorem 3.1 for different eigenvalue distributions.We cite [7,Example 4.1],matrix A has one cluster of eigenvalues centered at a point c in the complex plane with radius e>0,and a single outlier c+6.Then is the absolute distance between cluster and outlier.We make three as- sumptions:first the absolute separation between cluster and outlier is much larger than the absolute cluster radius,>e;second,the relative cluster radius is small,e/cc.Then one can show [8,Section 5.2]that in iteration k, 婴l) If we examine the condition (3.1)in Theorem 3.1,we obtain Fec.Since e/lcl2.This suggests in the exact arithmetic we can say there is no peaks in the Lanczos residual norm plot for this par-
However, the condition (3.1) is an abstract inequality, it can not clearly examine different eigenvalue distributions. From [7, Theorem 4.1] we can see that if A is normal and 1 6 k 6 L 1 then min z2Kk kb Azk kbk ¼ mkþ1 min 1 6 j 6 kþ1 bj kbk Y kþ1 l¼1;l6¼j jkl kjj jklj ( ) ð3:3Þ where bj is the norm of the orthogonal projection of b onto the eigenspace associated with kj, 1= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k þ 1 p 6 mkþ1 6 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðk þ 1ÞðL kÞ p and k1; ... ; kkþ1 are k þ 1 distinct eigenvalues of A that maximize Qkþ1 j¼1 bj Qkþ1 l¼jþ1 jkl kjj. Hence we can obtain Fk ¼ mkþ1 min 1 6 j 6 kþ1 bj kbk Qkþ1 l¼1;l6¼j jklkjj jklj n o mk min 1 6 j 6 k bj kbk Qk l¼1;l6¼j jklkjj jklj n o Suppose there exists index s such that: minimum both bj kbk Y kþ1 l¼1;l6¼j jkl kjj jklj ( ) and bj kbk Y k l¼1;l6¼j jkl kjj jklj ( ) then Fk ¼ mkþ1 mk jkkþ1 ksj jkkþ1j : For this particular case the following examples illustrate how to interpret the condition (3.1) in Theorem 3.1 for different eigenvalue distributions. We cite [7, Example 4.1], matrix A has one cluster of eigenvalues centered at a point c in the complex plane with radius > 0, and a single outlier c þ d. Then jdj is the absolute distance between cluster and outlier. We make three assumptions: first the absolute separation between cluster and outlier is much larger than the absolute cluster radius, jdj ; second, the relative cluster radius is small, =jcj 2. This suggests in the exact arithmetic we can say there is no peaks in the Lanczos residual norm plot for this par- 450 Y. Shen, J. Zhao / Appl. Math. Comput. 144 (2003) 441–455