上定大字 AI JLAO TONG UNIVERSITY 2. Software Development Processes
2. Software Development Processes
Outline SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY ③ Historical aspects ③ Economic aspects ③ Maintenance aspects 9 Requirements, analysis, and design aspects e Team development aspects e Why there is no planning phase Software Engineering
Software Engineering Outline Historical aspects Economic aspects Maintenance aspects Requirements, analysis, and design aspects Team development aspects Why there is no planning phase
SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY Outline(contd) e Why there is no testing phase e Why there is no documentation phase e The object-oriented paradigm g The object-oriented paradigm in perspective ③ Terminology ③ Ethica|iues Software Engineering
Software Engineering Outline (contd) Why there is no testing phase Why there is no documentation phase The object-oriented paradigm The object-oriented paradigm in perspective Terminology Ethical issues
上定1.1 Historical Aspects SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY e 1968 NATO Conference, Garmisch, Germany e Aim To solve the software crisis e Software is delivered Late Over budget · With residua| faults Software Engineering
Software Engineering 1.1 Historical Aspects 1968 NATO Conference, Garmisch, Germany Aim: To solve the software crisis Software is delivered • Late • Over budget • With residual faults
SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY Standish Group Data Data on projects complete/Canceled Successf d in 2006 19 35% Com pl leted late over budget, and/or with features missing 46% igure Software Engineering
Software Engineering Standish Group Data Data on projects complete d in 2006 Figure 1.1 Just over one in three projects was successful
上 Cutter Consortium data SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY e 2002 survey of information technology organizations 78%have been involved in disputes ending in litigation o For the organizations that entered into litigation In 67%of the disputes, the functionality of the information system as delivered did not meet up to the claims of the developers In 56% of the disputes, the promised delivery date slipped several times In 45% of the disputes, the defects wBertvae Eayereering
Software Engineering Cutter Consortium Data 2002 survey of information technology organizations • 78% have been involved in disputes ending in litigation For the organizations that entered into litigation: • In 67% of the disputes, the functionality of the information system as delivered did not meet up to the claims of the developers • In 56% of the disputes, the promised delivery date slipped several times • In 45% of the disputes, the defects were so severe that the information system was unusable
Conclusion SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY e The software crisis has not been solved o Perhaps it should be called the software depression Long duration Poor prognosis Software Engineering
Software Engineering Conclusion The software crisis has not been solved Perhaps it should be called the software depression • Long duration • Poor prognosis
上12 Economic Aspects SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY o Coding method cmnew is 10% faster than currently used method CMold. Should it be used? ③ Common sense answer · Of course! 9 Software Engineering answer Consider the cost of training Consider the impact of introducing a new technology Consider the effect of Cmnew on maistitmaneEngineering
Software Engineering 1.2 Economic Aspects Coding method CMnew is 10% faster than currently used method CMold. Should it be used? Common sense answer • Of course! Software Engineering answer • Consider the cost of training • Consider the impact of introducing a new technology • Consider the effect of CMnew on maintenance
EAit 1.3 Maintenance Aspects SHANGHAI JAD TONG UNIVERSITY e Life-cycle model The steps(phases) to follow when building software a theoretical description of what should be done e Life cycle The actual steps performed on a specific product Software Engineering
Software Engineering 1.3 Maintenance Aspects Life-cycle model • The steps (phases) to follow when building software • A theoretical description of what should be done Life cycle • The actual steps performed on a specific product
上文三太 Waterfall Life-Cycle Model e Classical model (1970) 1. Requirements phase 2. Analysis(specification) phase 3. Design phase 4. Implementation phase 5. Postdelivery maintenance 6. Retirement Figure 1.2 Software Engineering
Software Engineering Waterfall Life-Cycle Model Classical model (1970) Figure 1.2