Digestive system Can you enjoy your life without your di igestive system?
Digestive System Can you enjoy your life without your digestive system?
Characteristics of Digestive System Taking in energy sources Di gestion energy tissue absorption waste · Numerous organs
Characteristics of Digestive System • Taking in energy sources Digestion energy tissue absorption waste • Numerous organs
Indiretly contact with outside environment F 00d Pathogenic factors→ (physical, chemical, microbial)
Indiretly contact with outside environment Food→ Pathogenic factors→ (physical, chemical, microbial)
Common lesions inflammation Ulcer bleeding perforation neoplasm functional disturbances
Common Lesions inflammation Ulcer bleeding perforation neoplasm functional disturbances
inflammation erosion ucer
inflammation erosion ulcer
bleeding perforation tumor
bleeding perforation tumor
Characteristics of Digestive System Not only a digestive organ but also endocrine organ pancreas gastrin glucagon g somatostatin VIP insulin
Characteristics of Digestive System • Not only a digestive organ but also ➢ endocrine organ pancreas gastrin glucagon somatostatin VIP insulin
Characteristics of Digestive System Immune organ mucosa. submucosa ymhatic system Liver >Unique neurologic system vagus sympathetic mesenteric plexus
Characteristics of Digestive System ➢ Immune organ mucosa. submucosa lymhatic system Liver ➢Unique neurologic system vagus sympathetic mesenteric plexus
Relation with other systems
Relation with other systems