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西安电子科技大学:《构件与中间件技术》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第二部分 Java EE与EJB 2.2 Java Web工程

Java EE与Web开发 Web与Web应用 Web开发技术 Web服务器与应用服务器 Servlet JSP Cookie与Session 参考资料

目录 ▣Java EE与Web开发 ▣Web与Web应用 ▣Web开发技术 ▣Web服务器与应用服务器 ▣Servlet ▣JSP ▣Cookie.与Session ▣参考资料

5 目录  Java EE与Web开发  Web与Web应用  Web开发技术  Web服务器与应用服务器  Servlet  JSP  Cookie与Session  参考资料

Java EE与Web开发 口Java EE制定了一套协议规范,但并不是真正的实现,指导其他厂商 应当如何实现企业服务 ▣Java EET可分为5大类,13个技术规范 ■分布式系统相关 >JND:Java Naming and Directory Interface,命名目录接口,把资:源 从程序中剥离,使得程序与资源耦合降低 >IDL:Interface Definition Language,不同系统平台不同语言之间的系统 集成协议 >EJB:Enterprise Jave Bean,可以进行远程调用的)avaBeant协议 >RMl:Remote Method Invocation,Java对象远程调用协议 >JMS:Java Message Service,Java消息中间件协议。ActiveMQ是其中 一个实现,后发展出AMQP(Advanced Message Queue Protocal,高级 消息队列协议),实现包括RabbitMQ 6

6 Java EE与Web开发  Java EE制定了一套协议规范,但并不是真正的实现,指导其他厂商 应当如何实现企业服务  Java EE可分为5大类,13个技术规范 ◼ 分布式系统相关 ➢ JNDI:Java Naming and Directory Interface,命名目录接口,把资源 从程序中剥离,使得程序与资源耦合降低 ➢ IDL: Interface Definition Language,不同系统平台不同语言之间的系统 集成协议 ➢ EJB:Enterprise Jave Bean, 可以进行远程调用的JavaBean协议 ➢ RMI:Remote Method Invocation, Java对象远程调用协议 ➢ JMS:Java Message Service, Java消息中间件协议。ActiveMQ是其中 一个实现,后发展出AMQP(Advanced Message Queue Protocal, 高级 消息队列协议),实现包括RabbitMQ

Java EE与Web开发 ← →C0 docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jndi/overview/index.html ORACLEJava Documentation The JavaTM Tutorials Hide TOC Overview of JNDI Naming Package Previous·Trail·Next Home Pag Directory and LDAP Packages The Java Tutonals have been wntten for JDK Examples and practices described in this page don'T take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use te Event and Service Java SE 9 Provider Packages See DK Refease Notes for information about new fea DK releases Lesson:Overview of JNDI The Java Naming and Directory Interface(JNDI)is an application programming interface (API)that provides naming and drectory functionality to applications wntten using the to be independent of any specific directory service implementation.Thus a varety of directories-new,emerging and already deployed can be accessed in a common way Architecture The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI)Java applications use the JNDI API to access a vanety of naming and directory services.The SP services tobe plugged in transparenty,thereby allow tna the lava apolication usino the JNDI API to access their services See the following figure Naming Manager 四四阿回阿四

7 Java EE与Web开发

Java EE与Web开发 docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/rmi/hello/hello-worid.html ORACLE Java SE Documentation Getting Started Using JavaTM RMI aa The fes needed for this tutora are ORACLE Products Industrles Resources Support Events Developer Partners Note:For e reminderf setermsremeimementaionand"implemerationcre Define the remote interface /Technical Detais/ Erverprise Javaeans Technology ackage exarple.helloi Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Erverprise vaBeans technology s the server-sde component archtecture oava Platlorm EnterpriseEnEE Btechnologyenabesapidand smpied developmentidrasacureand portableappbased on Jvtchnology mapping with Java EE and Java SE This spec treated under the Jave

8 Java EE与Web开发

Java EE.与Web开发 ORACL∈兰JavaDocumntato Java Sonware SE Downbads va SE Documenlacn Getting Started with Java IDL napping-and as ns name imples,Java IDL supports the mapping for Java.To leam more abou the IOL-to-Java language mappirg.see IDL-to-Java Language Mapping. OR A.Note th ather than applicabon-levei intesaction-any appication could be ct and at the ation into a method call an the local object nethod being invoked When the method returns,the skeleton code Between theR communicaton proceeds by means of a shared prolocol,IIOP-the Imemet inter-R Protocl P which based on the TCP/IP memet defines hew CORBA-complan!ORs pass back and orh Lke 英D,⑨ 9

9 Java EE与Web开发

Java EE.与Web开发 ORACLE Products Industries Resources Customers Partners Developers Events Company Getting Started with Java Message Service (JMS) by Qusay H Mohmoud Published November 2004 require the time Howeve age-onented ystems pro The Java Message Service (MS),which is designed by Sun Microsystemsand several other companies under the Java Community Processas SR4s the first enterprise messaging APl that has received wide industry support.The Java Message Service (JMS)was designed to make lt easy to develop business applications that asynchronously send and recehve business data and events It defines a common enterprise messaging APl that is designed to be easlly and efficlently supported by a wide range of enterprise messaging products.JMS supports both messaging modeh:point-to-point (queuing)and publish-subsribe. on way for Java applikations to access such enter under middlwrendcllMerented dwhicvchnundereath complementary yers suchdatabas s automation.MOM is bec AMQP APACHE 凸RabbitM0. ACTIVEMQ Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 10

10 Java EE与Web开发

Java EE与Web开发 ■数据库开发相关: >JDBC:数据库连接协议 >JTA(Java Transaction APl):事务管理体系结构协议,主要规范进行 事务管理必须的角色以及之间的关系 >JTS:事务管理服务协议,为TA更具体化的协议,规范各种角色之间的 具体交互方法) ORACLE JavaTM Transaction API(JTA) DB Server Version 1.2 Java应用程序 c之mae on senver. JDBC API JDBC-ODBC桥 ODBC API ODBc层 Maintenance Lead:Paul Parkinson Please send technical comments to usersjta-specjava.net Final Release

11 Java EE与Web开发 ◼ 数据库开发相关: ➢ JDBC:数据库连接协议 ➢ JTA(Java Transaction API):事务管理体系结构协议,主要规范进行 事务管理必须的角色以及之间的关系 ➢ JTS:事务管理服务协议,为JTA更具体化的协议,规范各种角色之间的 具体交互方法)

Java EE与Web开发 ■Web开发相关: >JSP,Java Server Page,可在HTML中嵌入Java的协议 >Servlet,Server Applet,服务端应用 JSP Life Cycle [1] Thread Server _jspService( Load Web Servlet MyJSP_jsp jsplnito .class Container Browser MyJSP,jsp- ◆MyJSP.jsp Translation .java Compilation Phase Phase [1]https://leadsfac.com/diseno-paginas-web/ 12

12 Java EE与Web开发 ◼ Web开发相关: ➢JSP,Java Server Page,可在HTML中嵌入Java的协议 ➢Servlet,Server Applet,服务端应用 [1] https://leadsfac.com/diseno-paginas-web/ [1]

Java EE与Web开发 ■ 邮件相关: >Java Mail:邮件服务协议 >JAF(JavaBeans Activation Framework):MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)数据处理框架 CRACLE 回m n JavaMail API ←→Ca。radecom/chnoogie/d Products es Resources Support Events Developer Partner 他m9a Downloads ADMEICHANC图Nar线eT avaMail API Release 1.3.2 JAF 1.1.1 released! The javaBeam Activati3nF利 了ed风ed o the fises vee the Mf-changeslt darume

13 Java EE与Web开发 ◼ 邮件相关: ➢ Java Mail:邮件服务协议 ➢ JAF(JavaBeans Activation Framework): 邮件MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions )数据处理框架

Java EE与Web开发 ■公共相关: >XML可扩展标记语言,多用于配置文件 口嵌套XML元素 ■示例 XXX 讲师 8000 数学与统计学院 <教职工 14

14 Java EE与Web开发 ◼ 公共相关: ➢XML 可扩展标记语言,多用于配置文件

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