Chapter 6 Foliar application
Foliar application Chapter 6
Foliar fertilizer A foliar fertilizer is one that is applied to the surface of the plant Foliar uptake is important to aquatic plants and when nutrients are sprayed on foliage in horticulture and agriculture
◼ A foliar fertilizer is one that is applied to the surface of the plant. ◼ Foliar uptake is important to aquatic plants and when nutrients are sprayed on foliage in horticulture and agriculture. Foliar fertilizer
Gas nutrients uptake by the leaves 陆生植物可以通过气孔吸收气态养分,如CO2 O2以及SO2等。 Leaves and other aerial plant organs are well able to take up nutrients in gaseous form such as CO2,O2, and SO, via the stomata
陆生植物可以通过气孔吸收气态养分,如CO2、 O2以及SO2等。 Leaves and other aerial plant organs are well able to take up nutrients in gaseous form such as CO2 , O2 , and SO2 via the stomata. Gas nutrients uptake by the leaves
地上部供给SO2或根系供给SO2烟草 干物质产量及含硫量 The effects of supply so, and SO- on the biomass and s content of tabacum 处理 干重(mg/株)含硫量 (Smg/株) 叶根叶根 不供硫 08641.51.9 叶片供SO2200.6111419 根部供SO2200.67449
干重 (mg/ 株 ) 含硫量 (Smg/株) 处 理 叶 根 叶 根 不供硫 0.8 1.5 1.9 叶片供 SO2 2.0 11.4 1.9 根部供 SO4 2- 2.0 7.4 4.9 6.4 0.61 0.6 地上部供给SO2或根系供给SO4 2-烟草 干物质产量及含硫量 The effects of supply SO2 and SO4 2- on the biomass and S content of tabacum
Uptake of mineral nutrients by the leaves 陆生植物因叶表皮细胞的外壁上覆盖有蜡质及 角质层,对矿质元素的吸收有明显障碍 The process of nutrients uptake by leaf cells is the same as that of nutrient absorption by plant root ce The uptake of nutrients in ionic forms from solution is limited as the outer epidermal cells of the leaf are covered by the cuticle(k)which occurs in all terrestrial(陆生) plant species. The cuticle consist of two components cutin(角质) and wax (腊质)
陆生植物因叶表皮细胞的外壁上覆盖有蜡质及 角质层,对矿质元素的吸收有明显障碍。 The process of nutrients uptake by leaf cells is the same as that of nutrient absorption by plant root cell. The uptake of nutrients in ionic forms from solution is limited as the outer epidermal cells of the leaf are covered by the cuticle(表皮) which occurs in all terrestrial(陆生) plant species. The cuticle consist of two components cutin(角质) and wax (腊质). Uptake of mineral nutrients by the leaves
N小水滴的歌振 蜡质小秆 s蜡质很盖 cuticle 角质 。。。角质(cuir s2半角质( hemicutin 这初生 0D/果胶 (pectin Cea∥A蜡质(wax 次生壁 细胞膜 cell membrane 细胞质 symplasm 外质连丝 ectoesmata
叶表皮细胞外壁的示意图 角质(cutin) 半角质(hemicutin) 果胶(pectin) 蜡质(wax) 角质 角质层 初生壁 次生壁 质膜 细胞质symplasm 蜡质覆盖 带除垢剂 小水滴 的小水滴 蜡质小秆 外质连丝 外质连丝 cuticle Cell wall 细胞膜cell membrane ectoesmata
Uptake of mineral nutrients by the leaves Waxes represents the water proofing component of the cuticle. Due to their hydrophobic nature waxes impede the diffusion of hydrophilic ions. So the leaves are not constructed for the uptake of hydrophilic ions dissolved in water. Nevertheless uptake of aqueous plant nutrients at least in small quantities
Waxes represents the water proofing component of the cuticle. Due to their hydrophobic nature waxes impede the diffusion of hydrophilic ions. So the leaves are not constructed for the uptake of hydrophilic ions dissolved in water. Nevertheless uptake of aqueous plant nutrients at least in small quantities. Uptake of mineral nutrients by the leaves
The characteristics of foliar nutrition Advantage of foliar nutrition 1. Nutrients can be absorbed quickly 2. Foliar application is particularly useful under conditions where nutrients uptake from the soil is restricted 3. Avoids the problem of nutrient fixation in the soil. Such as iron. Mn Zn and Cu. which are frequently fixed by the soil particles
Advantage of foliar nutrition 1. Nutrients can be absorbed quickly 2. Foliar application is particularly useful under conditions where nutrients uptake from the soil is restricted. 3. Avoids the problem of nutrient fixation in the soil . Such as iron, Mn, Zn and Cu, which are frequently fixed by the soil particles. The characteristics of foliar nutrition
The characteristics of foliar nutrition Advantage of foliar nutrition a 4. Nutrients sprays are particularly used for fruit trees, especially in grass-grown orchards 1 5. Physiological disorders, such as bitter pit in apples, which results from Ca deficiency, can be alleviated to some extent by spraying the fruit with a solution of ca salt
◼ 4.Nutrients sprays are particularly used for fruit trees, especially in grass-grown orchards. ◼ 5.Physiological disorders, such as “bitter pit” in apples, which results from Ca deficiency, can be alleviated to some extent by spraying the fruit with a solution of Ca salt. The characteristics of foliar nutrition Advantage of foliar nutrition
The effect of foliarspraving of cu on the wheat growing in Cu deficit soil Treat ears/m2 seeds/ear seed weight(g/m2) No Cu 37.0 0.14 0.03 Soil dress Cuso(kg/ha) 2.5 28.8 2.3 1.0 10.0 58.5 2.3 Foliarspraying Cul2%0, 2 CusO4(kg/ha) elongation stage 63.8 17.1 14.0 elongation stage and heading stage 127.4 52.0 79.3
The effect of foliar spraying of Cu on the wheat growing in Cu deficit soil Treat ears/m2 seeds/ear seed weight(g/m2) No Cu Soil dress CuSO4 (kg/ha) 2.5 10.0 Foliar spraying Cu12%,2CuSO4 (kg/ha) elongation stage elongation stage and heading stage 37.0 0.14 0.03 28.8 2.3 1.0 58.5 2.9 2.3 63.8 17.1 14.0 127.4 52.0 79.3