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目录 第一章导论 1.1关于本章 1.2关于本手册 1.3什么是 Multisim 1.4安装 Multisim 1.5如何与我们联系 1.6 Multisim界面导论 1.7定制 Multisim界面

Multisim 原理图输入,仿真与可编程逻辑 入门指导


前言 祝贺您选择了 Multisim。我们有信心将数年来增加的超级设计功能交付给您。 Electronics Workbench是世界领先的电路设计工具供应商,我们的用户比其它任何的EDA开发商的用户 都多。所以我们相信,您将对 Multisim以及您可能选择的任何其它的 Electronics Workbench 产品所带来的价值感到满意 文件惯例 当涉及到工具按钮时,相应的工具按钮出现在文字的左边 虽然 multisim的电路显示模式是彩色的,但本手册中以黑白模式显示电路。(您可以将此定制 成您喜好的设置) 当您看到这样的图标时,所描述的功能只有特定的版本才有。用户可以购买相应的附加模块。 Multisim用Menu/Item表示菜单命令。例如, File/Open表示在Fle菜单中选择Open命令 本手册用箭头(>)表示程序信息 Multisim文件系列 Multisim文件包括“ Multisim入门指导”、“ User guide”和在线帮助。所有的用户都会收到这 两本手册的PDF版本。用户还会收到所购买 Multisim版本的印刷版手册。 入门指导 “入门指导”向您介绍 Multisim界面,并指导您学习电路设计( circuit)、仿真( similation)、 分析( analysis)和报告( reporting)a User Guide “ User Guide”详细介绍了 Multisim的各项功能,它是基于电路设计层次进行组织的,详细地 描述了 Multisim的各个方面 在线帮助 Multisim提供在线帮助文件系统以支持您使用,选择Help/ Multisim Manual可显示详细描述 Multisim程序的文件,或者选择 Help/Multisim Help显示包含参考资料(来自于印刷版的附 录)的帮助文件,比如对 Multisim所提供元器件的详细介绍。所有的帮助文件窗口都是标准 窗口,并提供内容列表与索引 Adobe pde文件 Multisim光盘中提供“ Getting Start and Tutorial”和“ User Guide”的PDF文件,并且可从 Windows 的 Start菜单进入 授权协议 Please read this license carefully before installing and using the software contained in this package By installing and using the software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, simply return the unused software within thirty days to the place where you obtained it and your money will be refunded. 1. Copyright. The software in this package is copyright Interactive Image Techno Ltd. (IIT). The software is licensed for use only on the terms set forth herein. You may use this soft-ware on any computer for which it is designed as long it is run in only one place at a time. You must pay for additional copies of the software if more than

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one copy will be running at the same time on one or more computers. You may not rent, sell, lease, sub-license, time- share or loan the software to others. You may not transfer this license without the written permission of IIT. Failure to comply will result in the automatic termination of this license In addition to the above restrictions, the following conditions apply if you have paid for Multi-Station Version Only. This multi-station license allows you to install this software on a specified number stations. Each station shall consist of only one computer with only one user. If your multi-station version is to be used in a network environment, each computer con-nected to that network from which this software will be run shall be onsidered one station. If your multi-station version is to be used in an environment where each computer is stand- alone, each computer shall be considered one station. The total number of stations your particular multi-station license is restricted to is 2. Limited Warranty. IIT warrants that under normal use for a period of thirty ( 30) days from the date of delivery that (a) the media on which the software is furnished will be free from defects in the material and workmanship; and(b) the software will operate substantially as described in the User's Guide(documentation). In order to make a claim under this warranty you must call IT for authorization to return any defective item during the warranty period. If you return merchandise to IIT, you must insure the defective item being returned because Ilf does not assume the risk of loss or damage while in transit. Upon return of a defective item, IIT shall, upon verification of the defect or error, at IITs option, either repair or replace the defective copy or refund the amount paid for the license. If IIT elects to provide a refund, upon the date you receive notice of such election, this license shall termi-nate and you must comply with the provisions set out You must assume full responsibility for the selection of this software to achieve your intended purposes, for the proper installation and use of the software and for verifying the results obtained from use of the software. Ilt does not warrant in any way that the functions contained in the software will meet your requirements, that the software is fit for any particular purpose or that the operations of the software will be uninterrupted and error-free. 3. Term. The License granted in this agreement is effective until termination. Your misuse shall automatically terminate this license if you breach any of its terms and conditions. Upon termi-nation, you shall return all media containing the software and all documentation to IIT and destroy any copies of the software or any portions of it which have not been returned to IIT, including copies resident in computer memory. 4. Copies, Modification or Merger. shall not copy or modify all or any portion of the soft-ware documentation or merge it into another software program. Copies shall include, without limitation, any complete or partial duplications on any media, adaptations, translations, compi-lations, partial copies within modifications, mergers with other material from whatever source, and updated works. You shall use your best efforts to prevent any ized copying of the software. ompile or disassemble the software or any portion of it, or otherwise attempt to determine the underlying source code of the software or permit any such action 5. Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability. IIT expressly disclaims all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All warranties shall terminate thirty days from date of delivery of the software to you. Your exclusive remedy and ITs entire liability arising from or in connection with the software, the software documentation, and/or this license(including without limitation for breach of war-ranty) shall be, at IITs option, the repair or replacement of software diskettes or refund of license fee. In no event shall IT's total liability for any damages, direct or indirect, in connection w software, the sof ocumentation. and/or this license exc the license fees paid for your right to use this copy of the software, whether such liability arises from any claim based

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upon contract, warrants, tort or otherwise. In no event shall IIT or its partners be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, conse-quential or other damages, resulting from or in any way connected with the use of this software and including but not limited to any damages resulting from the use of the software for any special or high-risk applications such as those relating to or involving nuclear IT specifically disclaims any other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. In that event, any implied warranties are limited in duration to ninety (90)days from the date of delivery of the software This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights, which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. No action for any breach of warranty shall be commenced more than one year following the expiration of such 6. General. You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and IIT and supersedes any proposal or prior agree-ment or any other communications between IIt and you relating to the use of If any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable, all others shall remain in effect. This Ag governed by the internal laws of the Province of Ontario and Canada, including Canadian copyright laws. The exclusive venue in the event of any suit, proceeding or claim brought by you, and at our option, any suit, proceeding or claim brought by IIT, shall be in the Courts located in Metropolitan Toronto, Ontario. If you have any questions regarding this agreement, you may contact ilt by writing to us at the address set out beloy INTERACTIVE IMAGE TECHNOLOGIES LTD 111 Peter Street, Suite 801 Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H1 Tel:(416977-5550Fax:(416)977-1818 e-mail: ewb(aelectronicsworkbench com Internetwww.electronicsworkbench.com 声明 Multisim and Electronics Worbench copyright 1989, 1992-1999 Interactive Imag Technologies Ltd. All right reserved Portions of this product are provided under license from Green Mountain Computing System Metamor. Inc

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目录 第一章导论 1.1关于本章 12关于本手册 1.3什么是 Multisim? 14安装 Multisim 15如何与我们联系 16 Multisim界面导论 17定制 Multisim界面 第二章建立电路 21关于本章 22导言 23开始建立电路文件 24在电路窗口中放置元件 25给元件连线 2.6给电路增加文本 27结束 第三章编辑元件 3.1关于本章 3.2元件编辑器入门 33进入元件编辑器 34开始编辑元件 3.5结束 第四章给电路增加仪表 4.1关于本章 42导言 4.3增加并连接仪表 44设置仪表 4.5结束 第五章仿真电路 51关于本章 52仿真电路 3观察仿真结果 54结束 第六章分析电路

    '"' Ê¢WË '"* Ê¢WXY '"0 ÌÍ  '"1 ÎÏ  '"2 y.ÃЭ '"3  …Ñ '"4 ^_     *"' Ê¢WË *"* …Ò *"0 /ÓÔÕ!"J *"1 I!"½¾ZÖc» *"2 »ׇ *"3 !"JW *"4 ØÙ   0"' Ê¢WË 0"* »ÚÛ¼‚ƒ 0"0 ¥‚»ÚÛ¼ 0"1 /ÓÚÛ» 0"2 ØÙ    1"' Ê¢WË 1"* …Ò 1"0 ×ÜÝs 1"1 cÝs 1"2 ØÙ   2"' Ê¢WË 2"* !" 2"0 ÞßØà 2"1 ØÙ  

61关于本章 62分析 63关于驰豫分析 64运行分析 6.5结束 第七章使用HDL 71关于本章 72关于 Multisim中的HDL 7.3使用ⅤHDL模型元件 74仿真电路 7.5窥视可编程逻辑综合 7.6结束 第八章产生报告 81关于本章 82导言 83产生并打印BOM 84结束

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第一章导论 11关于本章 本章向您介绍本手册与 Multisim,也介绍了如何安装 Multisim以及如何安装 Multisim附加模 块的功能码。 12关于本手册 本手册针对所有的 Multisim用户,概括了 Multisim的各项主要功能,指导读者逐步地建立 个基本电路,并进行仿真、分析以及产生报告。本手册所描述的大多数功能,各种版本的 Multisim 都具备。对于某些不是所有的 Multisim版本都具备的功能,描述文字的左边用如下图标指明 本手册假定读者已经熟悉了 Windows应用,比如,知道如何选择菜单命令、用鼠标选择条目 以及怎样选中/去选一个选项。如果不熟悉 Windows,请参考 Windows的相关帮助文件。 13什么是 Multisim? Multisim是一个完整的设计工具系统,提供了一个非常大的元件数据库,并提供原理图输入 接口、全部的数模 Spice仿真功能、Ⅴ HDL/Verilog设计接口与仿真功能、 FPGA/CPLD综合 RF设计能力和后处理功能,还可以进行从原理图到PCB布线工具包(如: Electronics workbench 的 Ultiboard)的无缝隙数据传输。它提供的单一易用的图形输入接口可以满足您的设计需求 Multisim提供全部先进的设计功能,满足您从参数到产品的设计要求。因为程序将原理图输 入、仿真和可编程逻辑紧密集成,您可以放心地进行设计工作,不必顾及不同供应商的应用 程序之间传递数据时经常出现的问题 14安装 Multisim 4.1单用户的安装 您收到的 Multisim包装中的CD-ROM可以自行启动运行,按照如下步骤进行安装 【注】为了成功安装,您可能需要大于250MB的硬盘空间,不同的版本所需要的硬盘空间不 同。个人版的 Multisim需要100MB空间。 1.如果您的 Multisim版本提供了硬件锁,请将它插在计算机并口上(一般是LPTl口)。如果 没收到硬件锁,无须进行此步 2.开始安装前请退出所有的 Windows应用程序。 3.将光盘放入光驱,出现“ Welcome”后,单击Next继续。 4.阅读授权协议,单击Yes接受协议。如果不接受协议请单击No,安装程序将终止 5.阅读出现的系统升级对话框,系统窗口文件需要此时升级。单击Next系统窗口文件的进行 升级。 6.程序再次提醒您关闭所有的 Windows应用程序。单击Next重新启动计算机。计算机重新启 动后将会使用升级的窗口文件。 【注】请不要取出光盘,一旦计算机重新启动, Multisim会自动继续安装进程。您将会再次

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看到“ Welcome”和“ License”,只需分别单击Next和Yes以继续安装。 7.输入您的姓名、公司名称和与 Multisim一同提供给您的20位的系列码。系列码在 Multisim 包装的背后。单击Next继续 8.如果您购买了附加模块,会收到12位的功能码。现在就输入第一个功能码。如果没有收到 功能码,略去本步。单击Next继续进行。若输入了功能码并单击了Next,将出现一新的输 入框,继续输入其它的功能码即可。将所有的功能码输入完后,保持最后的输入框空白, 单击Next继续。 【注】功能码与系列码不同,只有购买了附加模块才能收到功能码。 9选择 Multisim的安装位置。选择缺省位置或单击 Browse选择另一位置,或输入文件夹名。 单击Next继续。 10.安装程序将依您所输入的名称建立程序文件夹。单击Next继续进行。 Multisim将完成安 装。单击 Cancel可以终止安装。 Multisim安装完毕后,可以选择是否安装 Adobe Acrobat Reader Version4。阅读电子板手册时需要此软件,单击Next并根据指导进行安装。如果已 经安装了此软件,单击 Cancela 142安装功能码 如果早先已经安装了 Multisim,后来又购买了可选的附加模块并得到了功能码,需要重新运 行初始安装程序,这样将使您有机会输入功能码,程序将相应的功能打开。安装功能码时无 须卸载已经安装的 Multisim 安装功能码(假定已经安装了 Multisim 1.如上所述,重新运行安装程序 2.按照提示输入功能码,单击Next再次出现提示输入功能码的输入框。 3.输入您所购买的另一功能码,然后单击 Next 4.继续输入功能码并单击Next,直至输入所有的功能码 5.输入完所有的功能码后,保持最后的输入框为空,单击Next 15如何与我们联系 我们提供多种联系方法 Email:support(@electronicsworkbench.com 传真:(416)97818 Technical Support department. 浏览我们的网页:htp/www.electronicsworkbench.com Hif:(416)977-5550 ask for Sales or technical support

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16 Multisim界面导论 16.1基本元素 Multisim用户界面包括如下基本元素 设计工具栏 使用中元件列表 型见国回 系统工具栏 元件工具栏 电路窗口 数据库选择器 状态条 【注】缺省状态下,电路窗口的背景是黑色的;但是基于本文的目的,我们使用了白色的背 景。要改变背景色,请参阅“1.71控制当前电路显示”。 与所有的 Windows应用程序类似,可在菜单( Menus)中找到所有功能的命令。 系统工具栏( system toolbar)包含常用的基本功能按钮。 设计工具栏( Multisim design bar)是 Multisim的一个完整部分,下面将详细介绍。 使用中元件列表( In Use)列出了当前电路所使用的全部元件。 元件工具栏( component toolbar)包含元件箱按钮( Parts bin),单击它可以打开元件族工具 栏(此工具栏中包含每一元件族中所含的元件按钮,以元件符号区分) 数据库选择器( database selector)允许确定哪一层次的数据库以元件工具栏的形式显示。 状态条( status line)显示有关当前操作以及鼠标所指条目的有用信息。 162设计工具栏( Design bar) 设计是 Multisim的核心部分,使您能容易地运行程序所提供的各种复杂功能。设计工具栏指 导您安步就班地进行电路的建立、仿真、分析并最终输出设计数据。虽然菜单中可以执行设 计功能,但本手册将使用方便易用的设计工具栏进行电路设计。 元件设计按钮( Component)缺省显示,因为进行电路设计的第一个逻辑步骤是往电路窗口 中放置元件。 元件编辑器按钮( Component Editor)用以调整或増加元件

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仪表按钮( Instruments)用以给电路添加仪表或观察仿真结果。 仿真按钮( Simulate)用以开始、暂停或结束电路仿真。 分析按钮( Analysis)用以选择要进行的分析。 后分析器按钮( Postprocessor)用以进行对仿真结果的进一步操作。 Ⅴ HDL/Verilog按钮用以使用ⅤHDL模型进行设计(不是所有的版本都具备)。 报告按钮( Reports)用以打印有关电路的报告(材料清单,元件列表和元件细节) 传输按钮( Transfer)用以与其它程序通讯,比如与 Ultiboard通讯。也可以将仿真结果输出 到像 MathCAD和 Excel这样的应用程序。 本手册讲述了利用这些工具按钮建立电路、仿真电路的基本用法,有关细节请参考 Multisim User guide 17定制 Multisim界面 您可以定制 Multisim界面的各个方面,包括工具栏、电路颜色、页尺寸、聚焦倍数、自动存 储时间、符号系统(ANSI或DIN)和打印设置。定制设置与电路文件一起保存,所以可以将 不同的电路定制成不同的颜色。也可以重载不同的个例(比如将一特殊的元件由红色变为橙 色)或整个电路 改变当前电路的设置,一般右击电路窗口选择弹出式菜单 用户喜好设置(用 Edit/User Preference进行设置)组成了所有后续电路的缺省设置,但是不 影响当前电路。缺省情况下,任何新建电路使用当前的用户喜好设置。例如,如果当前电路」 显示了元件标号,用 File/New建立的新电路将显示元件标号。 171控制当前显示方式 可以控制当前电路和元件的显示方式,以及细节层次 控制当前电路的显示方式。右击电路窗口选择弹出式菜单: 显示格点 Grid visible(og! les on and off) 显示标题栏与边界 Show Title and border( ( toggles on and of) 颜色 Color(可以选择电路窗口中不同元素的颜色) 显示Show(显示元件及相关元素的细节情况) 试用这些选项进行操作 172设置缺省的用户喜好 新建立的电路使用缺省设置。用用户喜好进行缺省设置,它影响后续电路,但不影响当前电 路 选择 Edit/User preference进行缺省设置,下面是用户喜好对话框

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