Flexible energy storage devices based on nanocomposite paper Victor L. Pushparaj*, Manikoth M. Shaijumon*, Ashavani Kumar*, Saravanababu Murugesan, Lijie Ci*, Robert vajtai't Robert J Linhardt, Omkaram Nalamasu*, and Pulickel M. ajayan*+s ering andChemical and Biological Engineering, and Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, sselaer Nanotechnology Center; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY12180 Communicated by Mildred S Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 11, 2007(received for review February 23, 2007) There is strong recent interest in ultrathin, flexible, safe energy nonaqueous), limiting high-power capability and packaging designs storage devices to meet the various design and power needs of is the other important factor in supercapacitors and batteries(8, 9) modern gadgets. To build such fully flexible and robust electr If integrated structures containing the three essential componen chemical devices, multiple components with specific electrochem-(electrodes, spacer, and electrolyte) of the electrochemical device ical and interfacial properties need to be integrated into single can be made mechanically flexible, it would enable these to be units. Here we show that these basic components, the electrode, embedded into various functional devices in a wide range of parator, and electrolyte, can all be integrated into single con- innovative products such as smart cards, displays, and implantable tiguous nanocomposite units that can serve as building blocks for medical devices. Previous of flexible energy-storage devices a variety of thin mechanically flexible energy storage devices. (1)have been based on separated thin-electrode and spacer layers Nanoporous cellulose paper embedded with aligned carbon nano- proving less-than-optimum in performance and handling because tube electrode and electrolyte constitutes the basic unit. The units of the existence of multiple interfaces between the layers. Here we and dual-storage battery-in-supercapacitor devices. The thin free- integrated nance fabrication of electrode-spacer-electrolyte are used to build various flexible supercapacitor, battery hybrid, demonstrate osite units to build a variety of thin flexible tanding nanocomposite paper devices offer complete mechanical energy-storage devices. We combine two essential materials, cel- supercapacitors operate with lulose and carbon nanotubes( CNTs), that fit the characteristics of electrolytes including aqueous solvents, room temperature ionic spacer and electrode and provide inherent flexibility as well as liquids, and bioelectrolytes and over record temperature ranges. porosity to the system. Cellulose, the main constituent of paper and These easy-to-assemble integrated nanocomposite energy-storage a inexpensive insulating separator structure with excellent biocom- systems could provide unprecedented design ingenuity for a va- patibility, can be made with adjustable porosity. CNTs, a structure riety of devices operating over a wide range of temperature and with extreme flexibility, have already been widely used as electrodes in electrochemical devices(10-16). The major challenge in fabri- cating CNT-integrated cellulose composites is the insolubility of batteries carbon nanotubes supercapacitor cellulose in most common solvents. This issue is solved here by using a room temperature ionic liquid(RTIL)(17)1-buty here has been recent interest in flexible safe energy devices, methylimidazolium chloride([bmImI()(17), which dissolves up based on supercapacitors and batteries, to meet the various to 25%(wt/wt)of unmodified cellulose by using microwave irra- requirements of modern gadgets(1-3). Electrochemical energy diation(18). Interestingly, the ionic nature of RTIL(19)permits it can be stored in two fundamentally different ways. In a battery, be used as an electrolyte in supercapacitors(20), allowing the the charge storage is achieved by electron transfer that produces assembly of all three components(Fig. 1) via a simple scalable a redox on in the electroactive materials (3). In an electric process. louble-layer capacitor, namely the supercapacitor, the charge Uniform films of vertically aligned thin-walled multiwalled torage process is non Faradic, that is, ideally no electron transfer nanotubes(MWNT) are grown on silicon substrates by using a kes place across the electrode interface, and the storage of thermal-chemical vapor-deposition method (supporting infor electric charge and energy is electrostatic. Because the charging mation (SI)). Unmodified plant cellulose dissolved in RTIL and discharging of such supercapacitors involve no chemical (lbmIm cip(17)is infiltrated into the MWNT to form a phase and composition changes, such capacitors have a high uniform film of cellulose and [bmIm(cl], embedding the degree of cyclability. However, in certain supercapacitors based MWNT(Fig. la). After solidification on dry ice, this nanocom on pseudocapacitance, the essential process can be Faradic, posite is immersed in ethanol to partially or completely extract similar to that in a battery. However, an essential fundamental excess rTiL and dried in vacuo to remove residual ethanol. The the chemical and associated electrode potentials are a continu- building unit in our devices, is peeled from the substrate for use demand for efficient power devices to meet the high-power and lergy applications, there seems to be the possibility of an ideal compromise, which combines some of the storage capabilities of uthor contributions: V LP, M. MS, AK,RJ.L O N, and P. M. A designed research: V L.P. batteries and some of the power-discharge characteristics of ca agents/analytic tools, V L.., M.M. R. L, O N, and P M.A. analyzed data; and V.L.P. actors in devices capable of storing useful quantities of elec- MMS, and P.M.A. wrote the pape tricity that can be discharged very quickly. We address here this The authors declare no conflict of interest. need to develop new integrated hybrid devices with adaptability Abbreviations: CNT, carbon nanotube; [bmlmIICIL 1-butyl, 3-methylimidazolium chloride: in various thin-film as well as bulk applications by using engi- MwNT, multiwalled nanotubes; RTIL, room temperature ionic liqt peered electrode nanostructures STo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ajayan Grpi edu Theperformancecharacteristicsofenergydevicesarefunda-Thisarticlecontainssupportinginformationonlineatwww.pnas.org/cgilcontentfull entally determined by the structural and electrochemical pre 0706508104Dc1 erties of electrode materials (4-7). Electrolyte choice(aqueous e 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA 13574-13577|PNAs| August21.2007|vol.104|no.34 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0706508104
Flexible energy storage devices based on nanocomposite paper Victor L. Pushparaj*, Manikoth M. Shaijumon*, Ashavani Kumar*, Saravanababu Murugesan†, Lijie Ci*, Robert Vajtai‡, Robert J. Linhardt†, Omkaram Nalamasu*, and Pulickel M. Ajayan*‡§ Departments of *Materials Science and Engineering and †Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, ‡Rensselaer Nanotechnology Center; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 Communicated by Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 11, 2007 (received for review February 23, 2007) There is strong recent interest in ultrathin, flexible, safe energy storage devices to meet the various design and power needs of modern gadgets. To build such fully flexible and robust electrochemical devices, multiple components with specific electrochemical and interfacial properties need to be integrated into single units. Here we show that these basic components, the electrode, separator, and electrolyte, can all be integrated into single contiguous nanocomposite units that can serve as building blocks for a variety of thin mechanically flexible energy storage devices. Nanoporous cellulose paper embedded with aligned carbon nanotube electrode and electrolyte constitutes the basic unit. The units are used to build various flexible supercapacitor, battery, hybrid, and dual-storage battery-in-supercapacitor devices. The thin freestanding nanocomposite paper devices offer complete mechanical flexibility during operation. The supercapacitors operate with electrolytes including aqueous solvents, room temperature ionic liquids, and bioelectrolytes and over record temperature ranges. These easy-to-assemble integrated nanocomposite energy-storage systems could provide unprecedented design ingenuity for a variety of devices operating over a wide range of temperature and environmental conditions. batteries carbon nanotubes supercapacitor There has been recent interest in flexible safe energy devices, based on supercapacitors and batteries, to meet the various requirements of modern gadgets (1–3). Electrochemical energy can be stored in two fundamentally different ways. In a battery, the charge storage is achieved by electron transfer that produces a redox reaction in the electroactive materials (3). In an electric double-layer capacitor, namely the supercapacitor, the chargestorage process is nonFaradic, that is, ideally no electron transfer takes place across the electrode interface, and the storage of electric charge and energy is electrostatic. Because the charging and discharging of such supercapacitors involve no chemical phase and composition changes, such capacitors have a high degree of cyclability. However, in certain supercapacitors based on pseudocapacitance, the essential process can be Faradic, similar to that in a battery. However, an essential fundamental difference from battery behavior arises because, in such systems, the chemical and associated electrode potentials are a continuous function of degree of charge, unlike the thermodynamic behavior of single-phase battery reactants (3). Now, with the demand for efficient power devices to meet the high-power and -energy applications, there seems to be the possibility of an ideal compromise, which combines some of the storage capabilities of batteries and some of the power-discharge characteristics of capacitors in devices capable of storing useful quantities of electricity that can be discharged very quickly. We address here this need to develop new integrated hybrid devices with adaptability in various thin-film as well as bulk applications by using engineered electrode nanostructures. The performance characteristics of energy devices are fundamentally determined by the structural and electrochemical properties of electrode materials (4–7). Electrolyte choice (aqueous vs. nonaqueous), limiting high-power capability and packaging designs, is the other important factor in supercapacitors and batteries (8, 9). If integrated structures containing the three essential components (electrodes, spacer, and electrolyte) of the electrochemical device can be made mechanically flexible, it would enable these to be embedded into various functional devices in a wide range of innovative products such as smart cards, displays, and implantable medical devices. Previous designs of flexible energy-storage devices (1) have been based on separated thin-electrode and spacer layers, proving less-than-optimum in performance and handling because of the existence of multiple interfaces between the layers. Here we demonstrate the fabrication of electrode-spacer-electrolyteintegrated nanocomposite units to build a variety of thin flexible energy-storage devices. We combine two essential materials, cellulose and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), that fit the characteristics of spacer and electrode and provide inherent flexibility as well as porosity to the system. Cellulose, the main constituent of paper and a inexpensive insulating separator structure with excellent biocompatibility, can be made with adjustable porosity. CNTs, a structure with extreme flexibility, have already been widely used as electrodes in electrochemical devices (10–16). The major challenge in fabricating CNT-integrated cellulose composites is the insolubility of cellulose in most common solvents. This issue is solved here by using a room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) (17) 1-butyl,3- methylimidazolium chloride ([bmIm][Cl]) (17), which dissolves up to 25% (wt/wt) of unmodified cellulose by using microwave irradiation (18). Interestingly, the ionic nature of RTIL (19) permits it be used as an electrolyte in supercapacitors (20), allowing the assembly of all three components (Fig. 1) via a simple scalable process. Uniform films of vertically aligned thin-walled multiwalled nanotubes (MWNT) are grown on silicon substrates by using a thermal-chemical vapor-deposition method [supporting information (SI)]. Unmodified plant cellulose dissolved in RTIL ([bmIm][Cl]) (17) is infiltrated into the MWNT to form a uniform film of cellulose and [bmIm][Cl], embedding the MWNT (Fig. 1a). After solidification on dry ice, this nanocomposite is immersed in ethanol to partially or completely extract excess RTIL and dried in vacuo to remove residual ethanol. The resulting nanocomposite paper (Fig. 1b), which forms the basic building unit in our devices, is peeled from the substrate for use as the supercapacitor. The excellent mechanical flexibility of the nanocomposite paper (CNT cellulose–RTIL) is shown in Fig. 1b. Author contributions: V.L.P., M.M.S., A.K., R.J.L., O.N., and P.M.A. designed research; V.L.P., M.M.S., A.K., and S.M. performed research; V.L.P., A.K., S.M., L.C., and R.V. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; V.L.P., M.M.S., R.J.L., O.N., and P.M.A. analyzed data; and V.L.P., M.M.S., and P.M.A. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Abbreviations: CNT, carbon nanotube; [bmIm][Cl], 1-butyl,3-methylimidazolium chloride; MWNT, multiwalled nanotubes; RTIL, room temperature ionic liquid. §To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ajayan@rpi.edu. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/ 0706508104/DC1. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA 13574–13577 PNAS August 21, 2007 vol. 104 no. 34 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0706508104
current collectors 014}a MWNTs dEt9so 0.14 0.6-0.4-0.2 0.20.4 1 0250300350400450 nL Cellulose with composite paper supercapacitor. (a)Cyclic voltammograms(CV) and(b) Fig 1. Fabrication of the nanocomposite paper units for supercapacitor and charge-discharge behavior of the nanocomposite supercapacitor devices attery. (a)Schematic of the supercapacitor and battery assembled by using with KOH and RTIL electrolytes. The V measurements are carried out at a scan anocomposite film units. The nanocomposite unit comprises RTIL rate of 50 mV/s temperature. The near-rectangular shape of the CV lulose covers the top of the mwnt array TiAu thin film deposited on the discharge behavior was measured at a constant current of 1 mA. (c)Power exposed MWNT acts as a current collector. In the battery, a thin Li electrode density of the supercapacitor device(using the RTIL electrolyte)as a function Im is added onto the nanocomposite. (b)Photographs of the nanocomposi operating temperature. The supercapacitor operates over a record range of units demonstrating mechanical flexibility. Flat sheet(top), partially rolled temperatures (195-450 K).(d) CV of the supercapacitor by using bioelectro- (middle), and completely rolled up inside a capillary (bottom) are shown. (c) lytes[body fluids(blood, sweat)] measured at a scan rate of 50 mV/s at roor Cross-sectional SEM image of the nanocomposite paper showing MWNT temperature. protruding from the cellulose-RTIL thin films (Scale bar, 2 um. )The schematic displays the partial exposure of MWNT. are lower(22). A power density of 1.5 kW-kg-(energy density, The paper can be rolled up, twisted, or bent to any curvature and 13 Wh/kg)is obtained at room temperature for the nanocom- is completely recoverable Fig Ic shows the cross-sectional SEM (0.01-10 kW-kg-)of commercial supercapacitors and compa The celli with randomly distributed of 50+ The performance of acitor (with RTIL) was next 5 nm(21).The nanocomposite paper, which can be typically a examined as a function of temperature to show the thermome- few tens of microns thick, contains MWNTs as the working chanical robustness of the device. The supercapacitor device electrode and the cellulose surrounding individual MWNTs, well as the extra layer as the spacer and the rTiL in cellulose as density that increases with temperature(Fig. 2c), because of the self-sustaining electrolyte. Two of the nanocomposite units enhanced ionic conductivity. Although commercially available onded back-to-back make a single supercapacitor device. The thin lightweight(=15-mg/cm)design of the device results from range of 233-358 K, our nanocomposite supercapacitor device avoiding the use of a separate electrolyte and spacer, genera ch wider record-operating temper te(s3 wt/wt of cellulose in RTIL) makes the device temperatures, and the device showed good performance over environmentally friendly. In a final package, operating devices 100 cycles of charge and discharge. When measurement was can be fabricated by laminating multiple stacks of individual performed at 77K, the device showed no capacitive behavior but promptly recovered when returned to room temperature, dem- Results and discussion onstrating it device was not damaged when kept at ultralow temperatures(77K) Electrochemical measurements were carried out for the super- In addition to using the aqueous and RTIL electrolytes, the electrolyte, 6M KOH aqueous electr the nonaqueous rTiL device operates with a suite of electrolytes based on bodily fluids the performance. Fig. 2 a and b show good capacitive behavior implant or for use under special circumstances. As a precedent, of the supercapacitor by using aqueous(6 M KOH) and non- urine-activated battery was recently demonstrated for bio- aqueous(RTIL) electrolytes. Devices using the KOH electrolyte MEMS device applications(23). Body sweat, composed of water, with RTIL electrolyte. The CNT cellulose-RTiL nanocompos- placed on the film gets sucked into the porous cellulose) for those with the KOH electrolyte(=0.9V). The calculated specific the device(specific capacitance of 12 F/g, operating voltage of capacitances were 36 F/g and 22 F/g for these devices with KOH $2.4 V; Fig 2d). Blood(human whole blood in K EDTA from nd RTiL electrolytes, respectively. The specific capacitance of Innovative Research, Southfield, MI)worked even better as an the device in the KoH solution is higher compared with RTIL, electrolyte, enhancing the capacitive behavior of the supera because the dielectric constant and ionic mobility of the latter pacitor, resulting in a specific capacitance of 18 F/g(Fig 2d) PNAs| August21.2007|vol.104|no.34|13575
The paper can be rolled up, twisted, or bent to any curvature and is completely recoverable. Fig. 1c shows the cross-sectional SEM image of the nanocomposite with its corresponding structure. The cellulose is porous with randomly distributed pores of 50 5 nm (21). The nanocomposite paper, which can be typically a few tens of microns thick, contains MWNTs as the working electrode and the cellulose surrounding individual MWNTs, as well as the extra layer as the spacer and the RTIL in cellulose as the self-sustaining electrolyte. Two of the nanocomposite units bonded back-to-back make a single supercapacitor device. The thin lightweight (15-mg/cm2) design of the device results from avoiding the use of a separate electrolyte and spacer, generally used in conventional supercapacitors. The use of RTIL electrolyte (3 wt/wt % of cellulose in RTIL) makes the device environmentally friendly. In a final package, operating devices can be fabricated by laminating multiple stacks of individual nanocomposite layers (SI). Results and Discussion Electrochemical measurements were carried out for the supercapacitor and, in addition to using the nonaqueous RTIL electrolyte, 6 M KOH aqueous electrolyte was used to compare the performance. Fig. 2 a and b show good capacitive behavior of the supercapacitor by using aqueous (6 M KOH) and nonaqueous (RTIL) electrolytes. Devices using the KOH electrolyte showed lower equivalent series resistance compared with that with RTIL electrolyte. The CNT cellulose–RTIL nanocomposite showed a higher operating voltage (2.3 V) compared with those with the KOH electrolyte (0.9 V). The calculated specific capacitances were 36 F/g and 22 F/g for these devices with KOH and RTIL electrolytes, respectively. The specific capacitance of the device in the KOH solution is higher compared with RTIL, because the dielectric constant and ionic mobility of the latter are lower (22). A power density of 1.5 kWkg1 (energy density, 13 Wh/kg) is obtained at room temperature for the nanocomposite (RTIL) supercapacitor, which are within reported ranges (0.01–10 kWkg1) of commercial supercapacitors and comparable to flexible devices reported (3). The performance of supercapacitor (with RTIL) was next examined as a function of temperature to show the thermomechanical robustness of the device. The supercapacitor device, operated at different temperatures (195–450 K), shows a power density that increases with temperature (Fig. 2c), because of enhanced ionic conductivity. Although commercially available supercapacitors are reported to work typically in a temperature range of 233–358 K, our nanocomposite supercapacitor device showed a much wider record-operating temperature range (195– 423 K). Cyclability testing was also carried out at various temperatures, and the device showed good performance over 100 cycles of charge and discharge. When measurement was performed at 77 K, the device showed no capacitive behavior but promptly recovered when returned to room temperature, demonstrating it device was not damaged when kept at ultralow temperatures (77 K). In addition to using the aqueous and RTIL electrolytes, the device operates with a suite of electrolytes based on bodily fluids, suggesting the possibility of the device being useful as a dry-body implant or for use under special circumstances. As a precedent, a urine-activated battery was recently demonstrated for bioMEMS device applications (23). Body sweat, composed of water, Na, Cl, and K ions (24), used as electrolyte (a drop of sweat placed on the film gets sucked into the porous cellulose) in the RTIL-free nanocomposite affords good capacitive behavior for the device (specific capacitance of 12 F/g, operating voltage of 2.4 V; Fig. 2d). Blood (human whole blood in K2 EDTA from Innovative Research, Southfield, MI) worked even better as an electrolyte, enhancing the capacitive behavior of the supercapacitor, resulting in a specific capacitance of 18 F/g (Fig. 2d). Fig. 1. Fabrication of the nanocomposite paper units for supercapacitor and battery. (a) Schematic of the supercapacitor and battery assembled by using nanocomposite film units. The nanocomposite unit comprises RTIL ([bmIm][Cl]) and MWNT embedded inside cellulose paper. A thin extra layer of cellulose covers the top of the MWNT array. Ti/Au thin film deposited on the exposed MWNT acts as a current collector. In the battery, a thin Li electrode film is added onto the nanocomposite. (b) Photographs of the nanocomposite units demonstrating mechanical flexibility. Flat sheet (top), partially rolled (middle), and completely rolled up inside a capillary (bottom) are shown. (c) Cross-sectional SEM image of the nanocomposite paper showing MWNT protruding from the cellulose–RTIL thin films. (Scale bar, 2 m.) The schematic displays the partial exposure of MWNT. -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 -0.14 -0.07 0.00 0.07 0.14 Current (mA) Voltage (V) RTIL KOH 0 2 4 6 8 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Voltage (V) Time (s) RTIL KOH 200 250 300 350 400 450 1 2 3 Power density (kW/kg) Temperature (K) sweat -0.6 -0.3 0 .0 0.3 -0 .08 -0 .04 0 .0 0 0 .0 4 0 .0 8 Current (mA) Voltage (V) blood a c b d Fig. 2. Electrochemical double-layer capacitance measurements of nanocomposite paper supercapacitor. (a) Cyclic voltammograms (CV) and (b) charge–discharge behavior of the nanocomposite supercapacitor devices with KOH and RTIL electrolytes. The CV measurements are carried out at a scan rate of 50 mV/s at room temperature. The near-rectangular shape of the CV curves indicates good capacitive characteristics for the device. Charge– discharge behavior was measured at a constant current of 1 mA. (c) Power density of the supercapacitor device (using the RTIL electrolyte) as a function of operating temperature. The supercapacitor operates over a record range of temperatures (195–450 K). (d) CV of the supercapacitor by using bioelectrolytes [body fluids (blood, sweat)] measured at a scan rate of 50 mV/s at room temperature. Pushparaj et al. PNAS August 21, 2007 vol. 104 no. 34 13575 ENGINEERING
a as the spacer, without the use of any stand-alone spacer. The bE harge-discharge cycles of the battery were measured between 3.6 and 0.1 V, at a constant current of 10 mA/g. A large irreversible-capacity(430 mAh/g) is observed during the first harge-discharge cycle(Fig 3a), and further charge-discharge Discharge cycles resulted in a reversible capacity of 110 mAh/g(Fig. 3b; see SI). The battery device operates under full mechanical flexibil- :::::,, ity. The laminated Li-ion-based battery device was used to lig up a red light-emitting diode(Fig. 3c), showing its discharge /g) Number of cycles behavior. The demonstration could be repeated over several tens of cycles of charging and discharging C In recent years, supercapacitors coupled with batteries have been considered as promising hybrid devices(25, 26)to combine the best features of a battery and a supercapacitor. We show that our battery and supercapacitor devices could be integrated in arallel to build hybrids, as reported for conventional hybrids ig. 4a). In this case, the battery segment of the hybrid is used harge the adjoining supercapacitor. In addition to this Fig3. Electrochemical measurements of nanocomposite paper battery. (a) traditional hybrid, the nanocomposite units also allow for build irst charge-discharge curves of the nanocomposite thin-film battery cycled ing new kinds of merged hybrid devices(27)(with three termi- tween 3.6 and o 1 V at a constant current of 10 mA/g.(b)Charge capacity nals; Fig. 4b, see legend for the definition of the terminals), nanocomposite film battery used to glow ared light-emitting diode (LED). The storage device). The Li metal layer(anode; terminal 2)and in film present on one side as one of the electrodes. The lEd glows ey when thebattery device is rolled up, and the demonstration could berepeated of aqueous electrolyte(1 LiPF6) forms the battery part of over several tens of cycles at an initial operating voltage of 2.1 V anocomposite unit MWNT terminal )-cellulose-RTIL assembled adjacent to the battery on the The fabrication of the flexible Li-ion battery based on the 1 and 3. During the operation of the device, the Li electrode nanocomposite paper consists of RTIL-free nanocomposite as (terminal 2)and the supercapacitor electrode(terminal 1)are cathode and a thin evaporated Li-metal layer as anode(Fig. 1 shorted, and the discharge of the battery is used to charge the with Al foil on both sides as current collectors. Aqueous 1 M supercapacitor. The charging of the supercapacitor takes place LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate and dimethyl carbonate (1: 1 vol/vol) because of intercalation at terminal 2; a PF-6 double layer forn is used as the electrolyte. As with the supercapacitor, the battery on the surface of the battery cathode(terminal 3), in addition also uses the excess cellulose layer in the nanocomposite cathode the electric double layer formed at the supercapacitor electrode a Li electrode current collectors b 2.0 d 4 1.5 discharge of battery discharge of battery 0150300450 0306090120 itor-battery hybrid energy devices based on nanocomp ercapacitor and battery in parallel configuration. (b)The di discha its(a) Schematic of a four-terminal hybrid-energy device showing the Dacito ge curve of battery and supercapacitor is plotted as a function oftime.The charges the supercapacitor, and subsequently the supercapacitor is discharged. () Schematic of a three-terminal hybrid energy device that can act as both supercapacitor and battery. The three terminals are defined, and the battery and supercapacitor segments of the device are shown. (d) The discharge behavior of the battery and subsequent discharge of supercapacitor are shown. The battery is discharged with terminals 1 and 2 shorted. This simultaneously charges the supercapacitor following the double layer formation at the electrode interface. Subsequently, the supercapacitor is discharged across erminals 1 and 3. An additional separator(glass fibers)is normally added along with the excess cellulose spacer to improve behavior 13576iwww.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0706508104 Pushparaj et al
The fabrication of the flexible Li-ion battery based on the nanocomposite paper consists of RTIL-free nanocomposite as cathode and a thin evaporated Li-metal layer as anode (Fig. 1a), with Al foil on both sides as current collectors. Aqueous 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate and dimethyl carbonate (1:1 vol/vol) is used as the electrolyte. As with the supercapacitor, the battery also uses the excess cellulose layer in the nanocomposite cathode as the spacer, without the use of any stand-alone spacer. The charge–discharge cycles of the battery were measured between 3.6 and 0.1 V, at a constant current of 10 mA/g. A large irreversible-capacity (430 mAh/g) is observed during the first charge–discharge cycle (Fig. 3a), and further charge–discharge cycles resulted in a reversible capacity of 110 mAh/g (Fig. 3b; see SI). The battery device operates under full mechanical flexibility. The laminated Li-ion-based battery device was used to light up a red light-emitting diode (Fig. 3c), showing its discharge behavior. The demonstration could be repeated over several tens of cycles of charging and discharging. In recent years, supercapacitors coupled with batteries have been considered as promising hybrid devices (25, 26) to combine the best features of a battery and a supercapacitor. We show that our battery and supercapacitor devices could be integrated in parallel to build hybrids, as reported for conventional hybrids (Fig. 4a). In this case, the battery segment of the hybrid is used to charge the adjoining supercapacitor. In addition to this traditional hybrid, the nanocomposite units also allow for building new kinds of merged hybrid devices (27) (with three terminals; Fig. 4b, see legend for the definition of the terminals), which would act as both battery and supercapacitor (a dualstorage device). The Li metal layer (anode; terminal 2) and RTIL-free nanocomposite film (cathode; terminal 3) with a drop of aqueous electrolyte (1 M LiPF6) forms the battery part of the hybrid, whereas the nanocomposite unit [MWNT (terminal 1)–cellulose–RTIL] assembled adjacent to the battery on the side of the Li layer forms the supercapacitor between terminals 1 and 3. During the operation of the device, the Li electrode (terminal 2) and the supercapacitor electrode (terminal 1) are shorted, and the discharge of the battery is used to charge the supercapacitor. The charging of the supercapacitor takes place because of intercalation at terminal 2; a PF6 double layer forms on the surface of the battery cathode (terminal 3), in addition to the electric double layer formed at the supercapacitor electrode Fig. 3. Electrochemical measurements of nanocomposite paper battery. (a) First charge–discharge curves of the nanocomposite thin-film battery cycled between 3.6 and 0.1 V at a constant current of 10 mA/g. (b) Charge capacity vs. number of cycles of the nanocomposite thin-film battery. (c) The flexible nanocomposite film battery used to glow a red light-emitting diode (LED). The flexible battery consists of an individual nanocomposite thin film with the Li thin film present on one side as one of the electrodes. The LED glows even when the battery device is rolled up, and the demonstration could be repeated over several tens of cycles at an initial operating voltage of 2.1 V. Fig. 4. Supercapacitor-battery hybrid energy devices based on nanocomposite units. (a) Schematic of a four-terminal hybrid-energy device showing the arrangement of supercapacitor and battery in parallel configuration. (b) The discharge curve of battery and supercapacitor is plotted as a function of time. The discharge of battery charges the supercapacitor, and subsequently the supercapacitor is discharged. (c) Schematic of a three-terminal hybrid energy device that can act as both supercapacitor and battery. The three terminals are defined, and the battery and supercapacitor segments of the device are shown. (d) The discharge behavior of the battery and subsequent discharge of supercapacitor are shown. The battery is discharged with terminals 1 and 2 shorted. This simultaneously charges the supercapacitor following the double-layer formation at the electrode interface. Subsequently, the supercapacitor is discharged across terminals 1 and 3. An additional separator (glass fibers) is normally added along with the excess cellulose spacer to improve behavior. 13576 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0706508104 Pushparaj et al.
(terminal 1). The electric double layers(between terminals 1 and compare well with other flexible energy-storage devices re- 3)in the supercapacitor can be discharged later in the supera- ported(12 ). The robust integrated thin-film structure allows not pacitor mode. Hence the device acts as both supercapacitor and only good electrochemical performance but also the ability to attery, a true hybrid, in comparison to the conventional hybrid function over large ranges of mechanical deformation and shown record temperatures and with a wide variety of electrolytes Conclusion These selfstanding flexible paper devices can result in unprec dented design ingenuity, aiding in new forms of cost-effective o conclude, we have demonstrated the design, fabrication, and energy storage devices that would occupy minimum space and packaging of flexible CNT-cellulose-RTIL nanocomposite adapt to stringent shape and space requirements sheets, which can be used in configuring energy-storage devices such as supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries, and hybrids. The We acknowledge funding support from the New York State intimate configuration of CNT, cellulose, and RTIL in cellulose Science, Technology, and Academic Research(NYSTAR) help in the efficient packaging, operation, and handling of these National Science Foundation-funded Nanoscale Science and devices. The discharge capacity and performance observed here ing Center on directed assembly of nanostructures I Sugimoto W, Yokoshima K, Ohuchi K, Murakami Y, Takasu Y(2006)J 14. Frackowiak E, Gautier S, Gaucher H, Bonnamy S, Beguin F(1999)Carbon Electrochem Soc 153- A255-A260 37:61-69 2. Nam KT, Kim Dw, Yoo PJ, Chiang CY, Meethong N. Hammond PT, Chiang 15 Frackowiak E, Metenier K, Bertagna V, Beguin F(2000)Appd Plys Left YM, Belcher AM(2006)Science 312: 885-888 77:2421-2423 BE(1999) Electrochemical Capaci ntific Fundamentals and 16. Frackowiak E (2007) Phys Chem Phys 9: 1774-178 Technological Applications(Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands). elton T(1999) Chen Rev 99 4. Burke A(2000)J Power Sources 91: 37- 18. Swatloski RP, Spear SK, Holbrey JD, Rogers RD(2002)J Am Chem Soc 5. Tarascon JM, Armand M(2001)Nature 414:359-367. 124:4974-4975 6. Dresselhaus MS. Thomas IL(2001)Nature 414:332-337. 19. Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR, Hollenkamp AF(2004)Electrochem Solid-State 7. Arico As, Bruce P. Scrosati B, Tarascon JM, Van Schalkwijk w(2005)Nat e7:A97-A101 Matr4:366-377 20. Kim YJ, Matsuzawa Y, Ozakis, Park KC, Kim C Endo M, Yoshida H. Masuda 8. Hammami A, Raymor G, Sato T, Dresselhaus MS(2005)J Electrochem Soc 152: A710-A71 9. Rose MF, Johnson C, Owens T, Stephens B(1994) Sources 21. Mu 47:303-312. J Biomed Malr ousa s vijayaraghavan A, Ajayan PM, Linhardt RJ(2006) 10. Niu CM, Sichel EK, Hoch R, Moy D, Tennent H (1997)Appl Plys Lett 22. Conway BE, Pell wG(2003)J Solid State Electrochem 7: 637-644. 23. Lee KB (2005)J Micromech Microeng 15: 5210-S214 11. Wu GT, Weng CS. Zhang XB, Yang HS, Oi ZF, He PM, Li WZ(1999)J 24. Sato K (1977) Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmaco! 79: 51-13 Electrochem Soc 146: 1696-1701 25. Nelson PA, Owen JR(2003)J Electrochem Soc 150: A1313-A1317. 12. Che GL, Lakshmi BB, Fisher ER. Martin CR(199S)Nature 393: 346-349. 26. Amatucci GG, Badway F, Pasquier AD. Zheng T(2001)J Electrochem Soc 13. Endo M, Kim YA, Hayashi T, Nishimura K, Matusita T, Miyashita K. 148:A930-A93 Dresselhaus MS(2001)Carbon 39: 1287-1297 27. Anani AA, Wu H, Lian KK(2000)US Patent 6. 117-585. et a PNAs| August21.2007|vol.104|no.34|13577
(terminal 1). The electric double layers (between terminals 1 and 3) in the supercapacitor can be discharged later in the supercapacitor mode. Hence the device acts as both supercapacitor and battery, a true hybrid, in comparison to the conventional hybrid shown in Fig. 4a. Conclusion To conclude, we have demonstrated the design, fabrication, and packaging of flexible CNT–cellulose–RTIL nanocomposite sheets, which can be used in configuring energy-storage devices such as supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries, and hybrids. The intimate configuration of CNT, cellulose, and RTIL in cellulose help in the efficient packaging, operation, and handling of these devices. The discharge capacity and performance observed here compare well with other flexible energy-storage devices reported (12). The robust integrated thin-film structure allows not only good electrochemical performance but also the ability to function over large ranges of mechanical deformation and record temperatures and with a wide variety of electrolytes. These selfstanding flexible paper devices can result in unprecedented design ingenuity, aiding in new forms of cost-effective energy storage devices that would occupy minimum space and adapt to stringent shape and space requirements. We acknowledge funding support from the New York State Office of Science, Technology, and Academic Research (NYSTAR) and the National Science Foundation-funded Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center on directed assembly of nanostructures. 1. Sugimoto W, Yokoshima K, Ohuchi K, Murakami Y, Takasu Y (2006) J Electrochem Soc 153:A255–A260. 2. Nam KT, Kim DW, Yoo PJ, Chiang CY, Meethong N, Hammond PT, Chiang YM, Belcher AM (2006) Science 312:885–888. 3. Conway BE (1999) Electrochemical Capacitors: Scientific Fundamentals and Technological Applications (Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands). 4. Burke A (2000) J Power Sources 91:37–50. 5. Tarascon JM, Armand M (2001) Nature 414:359–367. 6. Dresselhaus MS, Thomas IL (2001) Nature 414:332–337. 7. Arico AS, Bruce P, Scrosati B, Tarascon JM, Van Schalkwijk W (2005) Nat Mater 4:366–377. 8. Hammami A, Raymond N, Armand M (2003) Nature 424:635–636. 9. Rose MF, Johnson C, Owens T, Stephens B (1994) J Power Sources 47:303–312. 10. Niu CM, Sichel EK, Hoch R, Moy D, Tennent H (1997) Appl Phys Lett 70:1480–1482. 11. Wu GT, Weng CS, Zhang XB, Yang HS, Qi ZF, He PM, Li WZ (1999) J Electrochem Soc 146:1696–1701. 12. Che GL, Lakshmi BB, Fisher ER, Martin CR (1998) Nature 393:346–349. 13. Endo M, Kim YA, Hayashi T, Nishimura K, Matusita T, Miyashita K, Dresselhaus MS (2001) Carbon 39:1287–1297. 14. Frackowiak E, Gautier S, Gaucher H, Bonnamy S, Beguin F (1999) Carbon 37:61–69. 15. Frackowiak E, Metenier K, Bertagna V, Beguin F (2000) Appl Phys Lett 77:2421–2423. 16. Frackowiak E (2007) Phys Chem Phys 9:1774–1785. 17. Welton T (1999) Chem Rev 99:2071–2083. 18. Swatloski RP, Spear SK, Holbrey JD, Rogers RD (2002) J Am Chem Soc 124:4974–4975. 19. Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR, Hollenkamp AF (2004) Electrochem Solid-State Lett 7:A97–A101. 20. Kim YJ, Matsuzawa Y, Ozaki S, Park KC, Kim C, Endo M, Yoshida H, Masuda G, Sato T, Dresselhaus MS (2005) J Electrochem Soc 152:A710–A715. 21. Murugesan S, Mousa S, Vijayaraghavan A, Ajayan PM, Linhardt RJ (2006) J Biomed Mater Res B 79B:298–304. 22. Conway BE, Pell WG (2003) J Solid State Electrochem 7:637–644. 23. Lee KB (2005) J Micromech Microeng 15:S210–S214. 24. Sato K (1977) Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol 79:51–131. 25. Nelson PA, Owen JR (2003) J Electrochem Soc 150:A1313–A1317. 26. Amatucci GG, Badway F, Pasquier AD, Zheng T (2001) J Electrochem Soc 148:A930–A939. 27. Anani AA, Wu H, Lian KK (2000) US Patent 6,117,585. Pushparaj et al. PNAS August 21, 2007 vol. 104 no. 34 13577 ENGINEERING