Concurrent Objects 并发对象 Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
并发对象 Concurrent Objects 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 1
&雪扇 摘要 UNIVE 2 口并发基础知识 口并发与面向对象程序设计 口Java并发模型 Semaphores and reader/writer in Java Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
摘要 并发基础知识 并发与面向对象程序设计 Java并发模型 Semaphores and reader/writer in Java 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 2
&雪扇 摘要 UNIVE 口并发基础知识 口并发与面向对象程序设计 口Java并发模型 Semaphores and reader/writer in Java Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
摘要 并发基础知识 并发与面向对象程序设计 Java并发模型 Semaphores and reader/writer in Java 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 3
&雪扇 并发基础知识 4 口并发的概念 口并发程序设计 口“并发”和“面向对象” Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
并发基础知识 并发的概念 并发程序设计 “并发”和“面向对象” 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 4
&雪扇 并发基础知识 口并发的概念 口并发程序设计 口“并发”和“面向对象” Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
并发基础知识 并发的概念 并发程序设计 “并发”和“面向对象” 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 5
What is "Concurrency"? 6 Edsger Wybe Dijkstra "Concurrency occurs when two or more executior are able to run simultaneously." Roscoe,A.W.The Theory and Practice of Conc 1997 "Concurrency is a property of systems in which several computational processes are executing at the same time, and potentially interacting with each other. Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
What is “Concurrency”? Edsger Wybe Dijkstra "Concurrency occurs when two or more execution flows are able to run simultaneously." Roscoe, A. W. The Theory and Practice of Concurrency, 1997 “Concurrency is a property of systems in which several computational processes are executing at the same time, and potentially interacting with each other.” 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 6
Concurrent Computing 102 Concurrent(simultaneous)execution of multiple interacting computational tasks. These tasks may be implemented as separate programs,or as a set of processes or threads created by a single program. The tasks may also be executing on a single processor,several processors in close proximity,or distributed across a network. Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
Concurrent Computing Concurrent (simultaneous) execution of multiple interacting computational tasks. These tasks may be implemented as separate programs, or as a set of processes or threads created by a single program. The tasks may also be executing on a single processor, several processors in close proximity, or distributed across a network. 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 7
Concurrent Computing 102 8 Concurrent computing is related to parallel computing,but focuses more on the interactions between tasks. Key concerns: ▣ Correct sequencing of the interactions or communications between different tasks The coordination of access to resources that are shared between tasks Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
Concurrent Computing Concurrent computing is related to parallel computing, but focuses more on the interactions between tasks. Key concerns: Correct sequencing of the interactions or communications between different tasks The coordination of access to resources that are shared between tasks 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 8
&雪扇 并发基础知识 9 口并发的概念 口并发程序设计 口“并发”和“面向对象” Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
并发基础知识 并发的概念 并发程序设计 “并发”和“面向对象” 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 9
&扇 Concurrent Programming 10 多道程序设计(Multiprogramming) 口系统同时接纳多个程序进入内存,让它们在OS控 制下交迭或夹插执行的方式 ■存储浮动和程序保护 ■处理器管理和调度 ■系统资源的管理 Institute of Computer Software 2022-2-27 Nanjing University
Concurrent Programming 多道程序设计(Multiprogramming) 系统同时接纳多个程序进入内存,让它们在OS控 制下交迭或夹插执行的方式 存储浮动和程序保护 处理器管理和调度 系统资源的管理 2022-2-27 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 10