a phone i call e
A phone call
It’ s a mobile phone 回国 ap回司
It’s a mobile phone
Mobile phones are very popular across the world. You can use a mobile phone to write emails. listen to music. watch Tv programmes and play games. You can use it to visit your favourite websites and even do shopping
Mobile phones are very popular across the world. You can use a mobile phone to write emails, listen to music, watch TV programmes and play games. You can use it to visit your favourite websites and even do shopping
What can you do with a o mobile phone?u
What can you do with a mobile phone?
I can write emails 函 凶区命台
I can write emails 写信
I can 听音乐
I can listen to music 听音乐
cah watch TV programmes 看电视节目
I can watch TV programmes 看电视节目
an play games 玩游戏
I can play games 玩游戏
I can m22Q7:16 主页 见频优酷 visit websites http://www.youku.com/ 游览网页
I can visit websites 游览网页
I can do shopping 购物 +
I can do shopping 购物