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标题:中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则(附英文 【颁布单位】:公安部/外交部 【颁布日期】:1986-12-27 【正文】: 根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》(以下简称《外国人入境出境管理法》)第三十三条的规定,制 定本实施细则。

标题:中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则(附英文 【颁布单位】:公安部/外交部 【颁布日期】:1986-12-27 【正文】: 根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》(以下简称《外国人入境岀境管理法》)第三十三条的规定,制 定本实施细则。 第一章入境 第一条外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理 签证。外国人持有中国国内被授权单位的函电,并持有与中国有外交关系或官方贸易往来国家的普通护照,因下 列事由确需紧急来华而来不及在上述中国驻外机关申办签证的,也可以向公安部授权的口岸签证机关申请办理签 证:(一)中方临时决定邀请来华参加交易会的:(二)应邀来华参加投标或正式签订经贸合同的:(三)按约 来华监装出口、进口商检或参加合同验收的:(四)应邀参加设备安装或工程抢修的:(五)应中方要求来华解 决索赔问题的:(六)应邀来华提供科技咨询的:(七)应邀来华团组办妥签证后,经中方同意临时增换的;(八) 看望危急病人或处理丧事的:(九)直接过境人员由于不可抗拒的原因不能在二十四小时内乘原机离境或需改乘 其他交通工具离境的:(十)其他被邀请确实来不及在上述中国驻外机关申请签证,并持有指定的主管部门同意 在口岸申办签证的函电的。不属上述情况者,口岸签证机关不得受理其签证申请。 第二条公安部授权的口岸签证机关设立在下列口岸:北京、上海、天津、大连、福州、厦门、西安 桂林、杭州、昆明、广州(白云机场)、深圳(罗湖、蛇口)、珠海(拱北 第三条根据外国人来中国的身份和所持护照的种类,分别发给外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证、普通 签证 第四条签发普通签证时,根据外国人申请来中国的事由,在签证上标明相应的汉语拼音字母:(一) D字签证发给来中国定居的人员:(二)Z字签证发给来中国任职或就业的人员及其随行家属:(三)X字签证 发给来中国留学、进修、实习六个月以上的人员:(四)F字签证发给应邀来中国访问、考察、讲学、经商、进 行科技文化交流及短期进修、实习等活动不超过六个月的人员:(五)L字签证发给来中国旅游、探亲或因其他 私人事务入境的人员,其中九人以上组团来中国旅游的,可以发给团体签证:(六)G字签证发给经中国过境的 人员:(七)℃字签证发给执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空机机组人员及国际航行船舶 的海员及其随行家属 第五条外国人申请签证须回答被询问的有关情况并履行下列手续:(一)提供有效护照或者能够代替 护照的证件:(二)填写签证申请表,交近期二寸半身正面免冠照片:(三)交验与申请入境、过境事由有关的 证 第六条本实施细则第五条(三)项所说的有关证明是指:(一)申请D字签证,须持有定居身份确认 表。定居身份确认表由申请人或委托其在中国的亲属向申请定居地的市、县公安局出入境管理部门申请领取:(二) 申请Z字签证,须有中国聘雇单位的聘请或雇用证明,或被授权单位的函电:(三)申请X字签证,须有接受单 位或主管部门的证明:(四)申请F字签证,须有被授权单位的函电:(五)申请L字签证,来华旅游的,须有 中国旅游部门的接待证明:(六)申请G字签证,须持有前往国家(地区)的有效签证。如果申请人免办前往国 家(地区)的签证,须持有联程客票;(七)申请C字签证,按协议提供有关的证明。外国人来中国定居或者居 留一年以上的,在申请入境签证时,还须交验所在国政府指定的卫生医疗部门签发的,或者卫生医疗部门签发的 并经过公证机关公证的健康证明书。健康证明书自签发之日起六个月有效 第七条下列外国人不准入境:(一)被中国政府驱逐出境,未满不准入境年限的:(二)被认为入境 后可能进行恐怖、暴力、颠覆活动的:(三)被认为入境后可能进行走私、贩毒、卖淫活动的:(四)患有精神 病和麻疯病、艾滋病、性病、开放性肺结核病等传染病的:(五)不能保障其在中国期间所需费用的:(六)被 认为入境后可能进行危害我国国家安全和利益的其他活动的。 第八条外国人持有联程客票并已定妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境,在过境城市停留不超过 二十四小时,不出机场的,免办过境签证:要求离开机场的,须向边防检查站申请办理停留许可手续 第九条国际航行船舶在中国港口停泊期间,外国船员及其随行家属要求登陆,不出港口城市的,向边

1 标 题:中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则(附英文) 【颁布单位】:公安部/外交部 【颁布日期】:1986-12-27 【正 文】: 根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》(以下简称《外国人入境出境管理法》)第三十三条的规定,制 定本实施细则。 第一章 入 境 第一条 外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理 签证。外国人持有中国国内被授权单位的函电,并持有与中国有外交关系或官方贸易往来国家的普通护照,因下 列事由确需紧急来华而来不及在上述中国驻外机关申办签证的,也可以向公安部授权的口岸签证机关申请办理签 证:(一)中方临时决定邀请来华参加交易会的;(二)应邀来华参加投标或正式签订经贸合同的;(三)按约 来华监装出口、进口商检或参加合同验收的;(四)应邀参加设备安装或工程抢修的;(五)应中方要求来华解 决索赔问题的;(六)应邀来华提供科技咨询的;(七)应邀来华团组办妥签证后,经中方同意临时增换的;(八) 看望危急病人或处理丧事的;(九)直接过境人员由于不可抗拒的原因不能在二十四小时内乘原机离境或需改乘 其他交通工具离境的;(十)其他被邀请确实来不及在上述中国驻外机关申请签证,并持有指定的主管部门同意 在口岸申办签证的函电的。不属上述情况者,口岸签证机关不得受理其签证申请。 第二条 公安部授权的口岸签证机关设立在下列口岸:北京、上海、天津、大连、福州、厦门、西安、 桂林、杭州、昆明、广州(白云机场)、深圳(罗湖、蛇口)、珠海(拱北)。 第三条 根据外国人来中国的身份和所持护照的种类,分别发给外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证、普通 签证。 第四条 签发普通签证时,根据外国人申请来中国的事由,在签证上标明相应的汉语拼音字母:(一) D字签证发给来中国定居的人员;(二)Z字签证发给来中国任职或就业的人员及其随行家属;(三)X字签证 发给来中国留学、进修、实习六个月以上的人员;(四)F字签证发给应邀来中国访问、考察、讲学、经商、进 行科技文化交流及短期进修、实习等活动不超过六个月的人员;(五)L字签证发给来中国旅游、探亲或因其他 私人事务入境的人员,其中九人以上组团来中国旅游的,可以发给团体签证;(六)G字签证发给经中国过境的 人员;(七)C字签证发给执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空机机组人员及国际航行船舶 的海员及其随行家属。 第五条 外国人申请签证须回答被询问的有关情况并履行下列手续:(一)提供有效护照或者能够代替 护照的证件;(二)填写签证申请表,交近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;(三)交验与申请入境、过境事由有关的 证明。 第六条 本实施细则第五条(三)项所说的有关证明是指:(一)申请D字签证,须持有定居身份确认 表。定居身份确认表由申请人或委托其在中国的亲属向申请定居地的市、县公安局出入境管理部门申请领取;(二) 申请Z字签证,须有中国聘雇单位的聘请或雇用证明,或被授权单位的函电;(三)申请X字签证,须有接受单 位或主管部门的证明;(四)申请F字签证,须有被授权单位的函电;(五)申请L字签证,来华旅游的,须有 中国旅游部门的接待证明;(六)申请G字签证,须持有前往国家(地区)的有效签证。如果申请人免办前往国 家(地区)的签证,须持有联程客票;(七)申请C字签证,按协议提供有关的证明。外国人来中国定居或者居 留一年以上的,在申请入境签证时,还须交验所在国政府指定的卫生医疗部门签发的,或者卫生医疗部门签发的 并经过公证机关公证的健康证明书。健康证明书自签发之日起六个月有效。 第七条 下列外国人不准入境:(一)被中国政府驱逐出境,未满不准入境年限的;(二)被认为入境 后可能进行恐怖、暴力、颠覆活动的;(三)被认为入境后可能进行走私、贩毒、卖淫活动的;(四)患有精神 病和麻疯病、艾滋病、性病、开放性肺结核病等传染病的;(五)不能保障其在中国期间所需费用的;(六)被 认为入境后可能进行危害我国国家安全和利益的其他活动的。 第八条 外国人持有联程客票并已定妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境,在过境城市停留不超过 二十四小时,不出机场的,免办过境签证;要求离开机场的,须向边防检查站申请办理停留许可手续。 第九条 国际航行船舶在中国港口停泊期间,外国船员及其随行家属要求登陆,不出港口城市的,向边

防检査站申请登陆证,要求在陆地住宿的,申请住宿证。有正当理由需要前往港口城市以外的地区,或不能随原 船出境的,须向当地公安局申请办理相应的签证。 第二章入出境证件检查 第十条外国人抵达口岸,必须向边防检查站缴验有效护照和中国的签证、证件,填写入出境卡,经边 防检査站査验核准加盖验讫章后入境 第十一条外国航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,其负责人负有下列责任:( 船长或代理人 必须向边防检查站提交机组人员、船员名单和旅客名单:(二)如果载有企图偷越国境的人员,发现后应立即向 边防检查站报告,听候处理;(三)对于不准入境的人员,必须负责用原交通工具带走 不可抗拒的原因 不能立即离境的人,必须负责其在中国停留期间的费用和离开时的旅费。 第十二条对下列外国人,边防检査站有权阻止入境或出境:(一)未持有效护照、证件或签证的:(二) 持伪造、涂改或他人护照、证件的:(三)拒绝接受查验证件的:(四)公安部或者国家安全部通知不准入境、 出境的。 第十三条外国人出境,须缴验有效护照或者其他有效证件,以及准予在中国停留的签证或者居留证件 第十四条被签证机关指定通行口岸的外国人和外国人的交通工具,必须从指定的口岸入、出境 第十五条对于本实施细则第十二条所列被阻止入境的外国人,如不能立即随原交通工具返回,边防检 査站可以采取必要的措施限制其活动范围,并令其乘最近一班交通工具离境 第三章居留 第十六条持标有D、Z、X字签证的外国人,必须自入境之日起十日内到居住地市、县公安局办理外 国人居留证或外国人临时居留证。上述居留证件的有效期即为准许持证人在中国居留的期限。外国人居留证,发 给在中国居留一年以上的人员。外国人临时居留证,发给在中国居留不满一年的人员。持标有F、L、G、C字 签证的外国人,可以在签证注明的期限内在中国停留,不需办理居留证件 第十七条外国人申请居留证件须回答被询问的有关情况并履行下列手续:(一)交验护照、签证和与 居留事由有关的证明;(二)填写居留申请表:(三)申请外国人居留证的,还要交验健康证明书,交近期二寸 半身正面免冠照片。 第十八条外国人居留证有效期可签发一年至五年,由市、县公安局根据外国人居留的事由确定。对符 合《外国人入境出境管理法》第十四条规定的外国人,公安机关可以发给一年至五年长期居留资格的证件;有显 著成效的可以发给永久居留资格的证件 第十九条根据中国政府同外国政府签定的协议免办签证的外国人,需在中国停留三十日以上的,应于 入境后按本实施细则第十六、十七条申请居留证件。但是,《外国人入境出境管理法》第三十四条规定的外国人, 不适用前款的规定。 第二十条外国人在签证或居留证件有效期满后需继续在中国停留或居留,须于期满前申请延期。外国 人在中国居留期间,如果发现患有本实施细则第七条第四项规定的疾病,中国卫生主管机关可以提请公安机关令 其提前出境 第二十一条在外国人居留证上填写的项目内容(姓名、国籍、职业或身份、工作单位、住址、护照号 码、偕行儿童等)如有变更,持证人须于十日内到居住地公安局办理变更登记 第二十二条持外国人居留证的人迁出所在市、县,须于迁移前向原居住地的公安局办理迁移登记,到 达迁入地后,须于十日内向迁入地公安局办理迁入登记。定居的外国人申请迁移,须事先向迁入地公安局申请准 予迁入的证明,凭该证明按前款规定办理迁移登记 第二十三条出于维护国家安全、社会秩序或其他公共利益的原因,市、县公安局可以限制外国人或外 机构在某些地区设立住所或办公处所:已在上述限制地区设立住所或办公处所的,必须在市、县公安局迁移通 知书指定的期限内迁至许可的地区 第二十四条在中国定居的外国人必须每年一次在指定的时间到居住地的公安局缴验外国人居留证 安局认为必要时,可通知外国人到出入境管理部门缴验外国人居留证,外国人应按通知指定的时间前往缴验 第二十五条在中国居留或停留的年满十六周岁以上的外国人必须随身携带居留证件或者护照,以备外 事民警查验 第二十六条在中国出生的外国要儿,须于出生后一个月内,由其父母或代理人持出生证明向当地公安

2 防检查站申请登陆证,要求在陆地住宿的,申请住宿证。有正当理由需要前往港口城市以外的地区,或不能随原 船出境的,须向当地公安局申请办理相应的签证。 第二章 入出境证件检查 第十条 外国人抵达口岸,必须向边防检查站缴验有效护照和中国的签证、证件,填写入出境卡,经边 防检查站查验核准加盖验讫章后入境。 第十一条 外国航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,其负责人负有下列责任:(一)机长、船长或代理人 必须向边防检查站提交机组人员、船员名单和旅客名单;(二)如果载有企图偷越国境的人员,发现后应立即向 边防检查站报告,听候处理;(三)对于不准入境的人员,必须负责用原交通工具带走,对由于不可抗拒的原因 不能立即离境的人,必须负责其在中国停留期间的费用和离开时的旅费。 第十二条 对下列外国人,边防检查站有权阻止入境或出境:(一)未持有效护照、证件或签证的;(二) 持伪造、涂改或他人护照、证件的;(三)拒绝接受查验证件的;(四)公安部或者国家安全部通知不准入境、 出境的。 第十三条 外国人出境,须缴验有效护照或者其他有效证件,以及准予在中国停留的签证或者居留证件。 第十四条 被签证机关指定通行口岸的外国人和外国人的交通工具,必须从指定的口岸入、出境。 第十五条 对于本实施细则第十二条所列被阻止入境的外国人,如不能立即随原交通工具返回,边防检 查站可以采取必要的措施限制其活动范围,并令其乘最近一班交通工具离境。 第三章 居 留 第十六条 持标有D、Z、X字签证的外国人,必须自入境之日起十日内到居住地市、县公安局办理外 国人居留证或外国人临时居留证。上述居留证件的有效期即为准许持证人在中国居留的期限。外国人居留证,发 给在中国居留一年以上的人员。外国人临时居留证,发给在中国居留不满一年的人员。持标有F、L、G、C字 签证的外国人,可以在签证注明的期限内在中国停留,不需办理居留证件。 第十七条 外国人申请居留证件须回答被询问的有关情况并履行下列手续:(一)交验护照、签证和与 居留事由有关的证明;(二)填写居留申请表;(三)申请外国人居留证的,还要交验健康证明书,交近期二寸 半身正面免冠照片。 第十八条 外国人居留证有效期可签发一年至五年,由市、县公安局根据外国人居留的事由确定。对符 合《外国人入境出境管理法》第十四条规定的外国人,公安机关可以发给一年至五年长期居留资格的证件;有显 著成效的可以发给永久居留资格的证件。 第十九条 根据中国政府同外国政府签定的协议免办签证的外国人,需在中国停留三十日以上的,应于 入境后按本实施细则第十六、十七条申请居留证件。但是,《外国人入境出境管理法》第三十四条规定的外国人, 不适用前款的规定。 第二十条 外国人在签证或居留证件有效期满后需继续在中国停留或居留,须于期满前申请延期。外国 人在中国居留期间,如果发现患有本实施细则第七条第四项规定的疾病,中国卫生主管机关可以提请公安机关令 其提前出境。 第二十一条 在外国人居留证上填写的项目内容(姓名、国籍、职业或身份、工作单位、住址、护照号 码、偕行儿童等)如有变更,持证人须于十日内到居住地公安局办理变更登记。 第二十二条 持外国人居留证的人迁出所在市、县,须于迁移前向原居住地的公安局办理迁移登记,到 达迁入地后,须于十日内向迁入地公安局办理迁入登记。定居的外国人申请迁移,须事先向迁入地公安局申请准 予迁入的证明,凭该证明按前款规定办理迁移登记。 第二十三条 出于维护国家安全、社会秩序或其他公共利益的原因,市、县公安局可以限制外国人或外 国机构在某些地区设立住所或办公处所;已在上述限制地区设立住所或办公处所的,必须在市、县公安局迁移通 知书指定的期限内迁至许可的地区。 第二十四条 在中国定居的外国人必须每年一次在指定的时间到居住地的公安局缴验外国人居留证。公 安局认为必要时,可通知外国人到出入境管理部门缴验外国人居留证,外国人应按通知指定的时间前往缴验。 第二十五条 在中国居留或停留的年满十六周岁以上的外国人必须随身携带居留证件或者护照,以备外 事民警查验。 第二十六条 在中国出生的外国婴儿,须于出生后一个月内,由其父母或代理人持出生证明向当地公安

局申报,办理登记手续。 第二十七条外国人在中国死亡,其家属或监护人或代理人须于三日内持死亡证明向当地公安局申报并 缴销死者的居留证件或签证。外国人非正常死亡,有关人员或发现者应当立即向公安机关报告 第二十八条《外国人入境出境管理法》第十九条所称的中国政府主管机关是指中华人民共和国劳动人 事部。 第四章住宿登记 第二十九条外国人在宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所、学校等企业、事业单位或者机关、团体及其他中 机构内住宿,应当出示有效护照或者居留证件,并填写临时住宿登记表。在非开放地区住宿还要出示旅行证 第三十条外国人在中国居民家中住宿,在城镇的,须于抵达后二十四小时内,由留宿人或本人持住宿 人的护照、证件和留宿人的户口簿到当地公安机关申报,填写临时住宿登记表:在农村的,须于七十二小时内向 当地派出所或者户籍办公室申报 第三十一条外国人在中国的外国机构内或在中国的外国人家中住宿,须于住宿人抵达后二十四小时内, 由留宿机构、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的护照或居留证件,向当地公安机关申报,并填写临时住宿登记表。 第三十二条长期在中国居留的外国人离开自己的住所临时在其他地方住宿,应当按本实施细则第二十 九、三十、三十一条规定申报住宿登记。 第三十三条外国人在移动性住宿工具内临时住宿,须于二十四小时内向当地公安机关申报。为外国人 移动性住宿工具提供场地的机构或个人,应于二十四小时前向当地公安机关申报。 第五章旅行 第三十四条外国人前往不对外国人开放的市、县旅行,须事先向所在市、县公安局申请旅行证,获准 后方可前往。申请旅行证须履行下列手续:(一)交验护照或居留证件:(二)提供与旅行事由有关的证明;(三) 填写旅行申请表 第三十五条外国人旅行证的有效期最长为一年,但不得超过外国人所持签证或居留证件的有效期限 第三十六条外国人领取旅行证后,如要求延长旅行证有效期、增加不对外国人开放的旅行地点、增加 偕行人数,必须向公安局申请延期或者变更。 第三十七条外国人未经允许,不得进入不对外开放的场所 第六章出境 第三十八条外国人应当在签证准予停留的期限内或者居留证件的有效期内出境。 第三十九条持有外国人居留证件的人,在其居留证件有效期内出境并需返回中国的,应当在出境前按 本实施细则第五、六条有关规定向当地公安机关申请办理返回中国的签证。持有居留证件的外国人出境后不再返 回中国的,出境时应向边防检查站缴销居留证件 第七章处罚 第四十条对非法进入中国境内的外国人,可以处五百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十 日以下的拘留,也可以并处限期出境或驱逐出境:情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四十一条对违反本实施细则第十一条规定,拒绝承担责任的交通工具负责人或其代理人,可以处五 百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十日以下的拘留。 第四十二条对违反本实施细则第十六、十九、二十、二十一、二十二、二十三条规定,非法居留或者 违反居留管理规定的外国人,可以处警告或一百元以上、五百元以下的罚款,或处一日以上、三日以下的拘留: 情节严重的,并处限期出境 第四十三条对违反本实施细则第二十四、二十五条规定,不按要求缴验居留证,不随身携带护照或者 留证件;或者拒绝民警查验证件的外国人,可以处警告,或处二十元以上、五十元以下的罚款;情节严重的 并处限期出境。 第四十四条对未经中华人民共和国劳动人事部批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或就业的同时 可以处二百元以上、一千元以下的罚款:情节严重的,并处限期出境 第四十五条对违反本实施细则第四章规定,不办理住宿登记或者不向公安机关申报住宿登记或者留宿 未持有效证件外国人的责任者,可以处警告,或处十元以上、五十元以下的罚款 第四十六条对违反本实施细则第三十四、三十六、三十七条规定,未经批准前往不对外国人开放地区

3 局申报,办理登记手续。 第二十七条 外国人在中国死亡,其家属或监护人或代理人须于三日内持死亡证明向当地公安局申报并 缴销死者的居留证件或签证。外国人非正常死亡,有关人员或发现者应当立即向公安机关报告。 第二十八条 《外国人入境出境管理法》第十九条所称的中国政府主管机关是指中华人民共和国劳动人 事部。 第四章 住宿登记 第二十九条 外国人在宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所、学校等企业、事业单位或者机关、团体及其他中国 机构内住宿,应当出示有效护照或者居留证件,并填写临时住宿登记表。在非开放地区住宿还要出示旅行证。 第三十条 外国人在中国居民家中住宿,在城镇的,须于抵达后二十四小时内,由留宿人或本人持住宿 人的护照、证件和留宿人的户口簿到当地公安机关申报,填写临时住宿登记表;在农村的,须于七十二小时内向 当地派出所或者户籍办公室申报。 第三十一条 外国人在中国的外国机构内或在中国的外国人家中住宿,须于住宿人抵达后二十四小时内, 由留宿机构、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的护照或居留证件,向当地公安机关申报,并填写临时住宿登记表。 第三十二条 长期在中国居留的外国人离开自己的住所临时在其他地方住宿,应当按本实施细则第二十 九、三十、三十一条规定申报住宿登记。 第三十三条 外国人在移动性住宿工具内临时住宿,须于二十四小时内向当地公安机关申报。为外国人 的移动性住宿工具提供场地的机构或个人,应于二十四小时前向当地公安机关申报。 第五章 旅 行 第三十四条 外国人前往不对外国人开放的市、县旅行,须事先向所在市、县公安局申请旅行证,获准 后方可前往。申请旅行证须履行下列手续:(一)交验护照或居留证件;(二)提供与旅行事由有关的证明;(三) 填写旅行申请表。 第三十五条 外国人旅行证的有效期最长为一年,但不得超过外国人所持签证或居留证件的有效期限。 第三十六条 外国人领取旅行证后,如要求延长旅行证有效期、增加不对外国人开放的旅行地点、增加 偕行人数,必须向公安局申请延期或者变更。 第三十七条 外国人未经允许,不得进入不对外开放的场所。 第六章 出 境 第三十八条 外国人应当在签证准予停留的期限内或者居留证件的有效期内出境。 第三十九条 持有外国人居留证件的人,在其居留证件有效期内出境并需返回中国的,应当在出境前按 本实施细则第五、六条有关规定向当地公安机关申请办理返回中国的签证。持有居留证件的外国人出境后不再返 回中国的,出境时应向边防检查站缴销居留证件。 第七章 处 罚 第四十条 对非法进入中国境内的外国人,可以处五百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十 日以下的拘留,也可以并处限期出境或驱逐出境;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四十一条 对违反本实施细则第十一条规定,拒绝承担责任的交通工具负责人或其代理人,可以处五 百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十日以下的拘留。 第四十二条 对违反本实施细则第十六、十九、二十、二十一、二十二、二十三条规定,非法居留或者 违反居留管理规定的外国人,可以处警告或一百元以上、五百元以下的罚款,或处一日以上、三日以下的拘留; 情节严重的,并处限期出境。 第四十三条 对违反本实施细则第二十四、二十五条规定,不按要求缴验居留证,不随身携带护照或者 居留证件;或者拒绝民警查验证件的外国人,可以处警告,或处二十元以上、五十元以下的罚款;情节严重的, 并处限期出境。 第四十四条 对未经中华人民共和国劳动人事部批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或就业的同时, 可以处二百元以上、一千元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。 第四十五条 对违反本实施细则第四章规定,不办理住宿登记或者不向公安机关申报住宿登记或者留宿 未持有效证件外国人的责任者,可以处警告,或处十元以上、五十元以下的罚款。 第四十六条 对违反本实施细则第三十四、三十六、三十七条规定,未经批准前往不对外国人开放地区

旅行的外国人,可以处警告,或处三十元以上、一百元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境 第四十七条对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让签证、证件的外国人,在吊销或没收原签证、证件的同时,可 以处五百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十日以下的拘留,也可以并处限期出境:情节严重,构成 犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任 第四十八条由于不可抗拒的原因而违反《外国人入境出境管理法》及本实施细则的,可免予处罚。外 国人无力缴纳罚款的,可以改处拘留 第四十九条本章规定的各项罚款、拘留处罚,也适用于协助外国人非法入境或出境、造成外国人 居留或停留、聘雇私自谋职的外国人、为未持有效旅行证件的外国人前往不对外国人开放的地区旅行提供方 有关责任者。 第五十条被处罚人对公安机关的罚款、拘留处罚不服的,在接到通知之日起十五日内,可以通过原裁 决机关或者直接向上一级公安机关申诉,上一级公安机关自接到申诉之日起三日内作出最后裁决。被处罚人也可 以直接向当地人民法院提起诉讼, 第五十一条本章规定的处罚,由公安机关执行。 第八章其他规定 第五十二条外国人申请各项签证、证件的延期或者变更,须履行下列手续:(一)交验护照和签证、 证件:(二)填写延期申请表或者变更申请表:(三)提供与延期或者变更事由有关的证明 第五十三条外国人申请各项签证、证件或者申请签证、证件延期、变更,必须按规定缴纳签证、证件 费。各项签证、证件的收费标准,由公安部和外交部另行制定。同中国政府订有签证费协议国家的人员,按有关 协议执行。 第五十四条不满十六周岁的外国少年儿童,与其父母或监护人使用同一护照的,随其父母或监护人来 中国时,可以不单独办理入境、过境、居留、旅行手续 第五十五条外国人所持中国的签证、证件如有遗失或损坏,应当立即向当地公安局出入境管理部门报 请补领或换发。遗失外国人居留证的,须在当地政府报纸上声明作废。 第五十六条本实施细则涉及的各种签证、证件和申请表的式样,由公安部和外交部另行制定 第五十七条本实施细则自公布之日起施行。 RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE S REPUBL ICOFCHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY AND EXIT OF ALIENS Important notice:(注意事项) 英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译,中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民 和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版) 当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准. English do cument 1s comIng ning from" LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS (1991.7) which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China, and is publ ished by the China Legal System Publishing House In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail. Whole document(法规全文) RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY AND EXIT OF ALIENS (Approved by the State Council on Dece mber 3, 1986, and Promul gated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 27, 1986)These Rules are

4 旅行的外国人,可以处警告,或处三十元以上、一百元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。 第四十七条 对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让签证、证件的外国人,在吊销或没收原签证、证件的同时,可 以处五百元以上、二千元以下的罚款,或处三日以上、十日以下的拘留,也可以并处限期出境;情节严重,构成 犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四十八条 由于不可抗拒的原因而违反《外国人入境出境管理法》及本实施细则的,可免予处罚。外 国人无力缴纳罚款的,可以改处拘留。 第四十九条 本章规定的各项罚款、拘留处罚,也适用于协助外国人非法入境或出境、造成外国人非法 居留或停留、聘雇私自谋职的外国人、为未持有效旅行证件的外国人前往不对外国人开放的地区旅行提供方便的 有关责任者。 第五十条 被处罚人对公安机关的罚款、拘留处罚不服的,在接到通知之日起十五日内,可以通过原裁 决机关或者直接向上一级公安机关申诉,上一级公安机关自接到申诉之日起三日内作出最后裁决。被处罚人也可 以直接向当地人民法院提起诉讼。 第五十一条 本章规定的处罚,由公安机关执行。 第八章 其他规定 第五十二条 外国人申请各项签证、证件的延期或者变更,须履行下列手续:(一)交验护照和签证、 证件;(二)填写延期申请表或者变更申请表;(三)提供与延期或者变更事由有关的证明。 第五十三条 外国人申请各项签证、证件或者申请签证、证件延期、变更,必须按规定缴纳签证、证件 费。各项签证、证件的收费标准,由公安部和外交部另行制定。同中国政府订有签证费协议国家的人员,按有关 协议执行。 第五十四条 不满十六周岁的外国少年儿童,与其父母或监护人使用同一护照的,随其父母或监护人来 中国时,可以不单独办理入境、过境、居留、旅行手续。 第五十五条 外国人所持中国的签证、证件如有遗失或损坏,应当立即向当地公安局出入境管理部门报 告,申请补领或换发。遗失外国人居留证的,须在当地政府报纸上声明作废。 第五十六条 本实施细则涉及的各种签证、证件和申请表的式样,由公安部和外交部另行制定。 第五十七条 本实施细则自公布之日起施行。 RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLICOFCHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY AND EXIT OF ALIENS Important Notice: (注意事项) 英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民 共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991 年 7 月版). 当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准. This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7) which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China Legal System Publishing House. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail. Whole Document (法规全文) RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY AND EXIT OF ALIENS (Approved by the State Council on December 3, 1986, and Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 27, 1986) These Rules are

formulated in accordance with the stipulations in Article 33 of The Law of the People s republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens (hereinafter referred to as The Law on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens) Chapter I Entry into the Country Article 1 For entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomat ic missions, consular posts or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Aliens who hold ordinary passports issued by countries which have diplomatic relations or official trade links with China as well as letter(s)or telegram(s)from authorized units in China, may, under any of the following circumstances where they must necessarily rush to China but have no time for visa application to the aforesaid agencies, apply to the visa-granting depar tments at entry ports as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security (1) they are invited at the last moment by a Chinese host to come to China for a trade fair; (2)they are invited to come to China to submit a tender or to si a formal economic or trade contract (3) they come to China by appointment to supervise the inspection of import and export commodities or to participate in a check-and-accept operat ion in accordance with contracts (4)they are invited to participate in the installation of equi pment or in the emergency engineering projects: (5) they come to China at the request of the Chinese side to solve a problem of claims (6) they are invited to come to provide technical advisory service (7)they come to China due to a last-minute change in the composition of a visiting group and with consent of the Chinese side after the visas are granted (8)they come to China to see patients in critical conditions, or to undertake funeral matters (9)owing to force ma jeure, transit visa holders cannot leave the country within twenty-four hours by taking the original place or by taking other means of transport: (10)other invited guests who really have no time for visa appl ication to the aforesaid Chinas resident agencies abro hold letter(s) telegram(s) from competent authorities who give the consent for the invited guests to apply for the visa at the designated entry ports. The visa-granting agencies at entry ports shall not accept and handle vIsa applications filled out by people who do not come under the aforesaid circums tances. Article 2 Visa-issuing departments at port of entry, as aut horized b Ministry of Public Security, are stationed a t following Tian ji Jalian 1 amen, Xi an Guili Hangzhou, Kunming Guangzhou(Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen (Luohu, Shekou), Zhuhai(Gongbei) Article 3 Different categories of visa, such as diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, service visa, and ordinary visa, shall be issued to different aliens in accordance with the different capacities in which they visit China and also with the different categories of passport they hold. Ice 4

5 formulated in accordance with the stipulations in Article 33 of The Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens (hereinafter referred to as The Law on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens). C h apter I E ntry i nto t he C ountry Article 1 For entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Aliens who hold ordinary passports issued by countries which have diplomatic relations or official trade links with China as well as letter(s) or telegram(s) from authorized units in China, may, under any of the following circumstances where they must necessarily rush to China but have no time for visa application to the aforesaid agencies, apply to the visa-granting departments at entry ports as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security: (1) they are invited at the last moment by a Chinese host to come to China for a trade fair; (2) they are invited to come to China to submit a tender or to sign a formal economic or trade contract; (3) they come to China by appointment to supervise the inspection of import and export commodities or to participate in a check-and-accept operation in accordance with contracts; (4) they are invited to participate in the installation of equipment or in the emergency repair of engineering projects; (5) they come to China at the request of the Chinese side to solve a problem of claims; (6) they are invited to come to provide technical advisory services; (7) they come to China due to a last-minute change in the composition of a visiting group and with consent of the Chinese side after the visas are granted; (8) they come to China to see patients in critical conditions, or to undertake funeral matters; (9) owing to force majeure, transit visa holders cannot leave the country within twenty-four hours by taking the original place or by taking other means of transport; (10) other invited guests who really have no time for visa application to the aforesaid China's resident agencies abroad, and who hold letter(s) or telegram(s) from competent authorities who give the consent for the invited guests to apply for the visa at the designated entry ports. The visa-granting agencies at entry ports shall not accept and handle visa applications filled out by people who do not come under the aforesaid circumstances. Article 2 Visa-issuing departments at port of entry, as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security, are stationed at the following ports: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou (Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen (Luohu, Shekou), Zhuhai (Gongbei) Article 3 Different categories of visa, such as diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, service visa, and ordinary visa, shall be issued to different aliens in accordance with the different capacities in which they visit China and also with the different categories of passport they hold. Article 4

In accordance with aliens reasons for coming to China, the ordinary visas to be issued to them shall be marked with the following Chinese pinyin letters (1) the letter D"is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes for permanent residence in China (2)the letter"Z" is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China for a post or employment, and also to this persons accompany ing family members (3)the Letter X"is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China to study to engage in advanced studies, or to do fieldwork, for a period of more than 6 months (4)the letter F"is marked on a visa issued to a person who is invited to come to fo for doing bus iness f carry 1 scientific technical cultural exchanges, for pursuing short-term advanced studies or for doing short-term fieldwork: these activities shall not exceed 6 months (5)the letter " L"is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China for sight seeing for visiting relatives, or for private matters: a group visa shall be issued to a china-bound tourist group of nine members or more (6)the letter G is marked on a visa issued to a transit traveller (7) the letter C is marked on a visa issued to a crew member performing his/her duties on board an international train, or on an international airliner, to a sailor on board an internationa ocean-liner or freighter, and also to their accompany ing family members. Article 5 An alien, who is applying for a visa, shall answer the questions put to him/her and go throug the following procedures (1)to present a valid passport or other certificate(s) that can be used in place of a passport (2)to fill in a visa application form, and hand in recent frontal hatless half-length passport-size photos of the applicant (3)to present, for examination, documents of certification pertaining to the reason(s) for entry or transit application Article 6 The documents of certification as mentioned in Item (3) Article 5 of these Regulations, refer to (1) those appl ying for the visa marked with"D" shall hold status-of-residence identification forms. To obtain such a form, the applicant may apply or do so through his/her relatives in China, to the entry-exit controlling department under the public security bureau of the city or county where the applicant is to reside (2) those applying for the visa marked with "Z" shall hold documents of certification issued by a Chinese unit indicating the engagement or employment, (s) telegram(s) sent by an authorized unit (3) those apply ing for the visa marked with X" shall hold documents of certification issued by a host institution or by a competent department: (4)those applying for the visa marked with F"shall hold letter(s) or telegram(s) sent by a authorized unit (5) those applying for the visa marked with L, who come to China as tourists, shall hold certifying documents for reception issued by a Chinese tourist department (6)those applying for the visa marked with G" shall hold a valid visa issued by the country (o region the applicant 1 S Only

6 In accordance with aliens' reasons for coming to China, the ordinary visas to be issued to them shall be marked with the following Chinese pinyin letters: (1) the letter "D" is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes for permanent residence in China; (2) the letter "Z" is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China for a post or employment, and also to this person's accompanying family members; (3) the Letter "X" is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China to study, to engage in advanced studies, or to do fieldwork, for a period of more than 6 months; (4) the letter "F" is marked on a visa issued to a person who is invited to come to China for a visit, for investigations, for giving lectures, for doing business, for carrying out scientific, technical and cultural exchanges, for pursuing short-term advanced studies or for doing short-term fieldwork: these activities shall not exceed 6 months; (5) the letter "L" is marked on a visa issued to a person who comes to China for sightseeing, for visiting relatives, or for private matters; a group visa shall be issued to a China-bound tourist group of nine members or more; (6) the letter "G" is marked on a visa issued to a transit traveller; (7) the letter "C" is marked on a visa issued to a crew member performing his/her duties on board an international train, or on an international airliner, to a sailor on board an international ocean-liner or freighter, and also to their accompanying family members. Article 5 An alien, who is applying for a visa, shall answer the questions put to him/her and go through the following procedures: (1) to present a valid passport or other certificate(s) that can be used in place of a passport; (2) to fill in a visa application form, and hand in recent frontal hatless half-length passport-size photos of the applicant; (3) to present, for examination, documents of certification pertaining to the reason(s) for entry or transit application. Article 6 The documents of certification as mentioned in Item (3) Article 5 of these Regulations, refer to: (1) those applying for the visa marked with "D" shall hold status-of-residence identification forms. To obtain such a form, the applicant may apply, or do so through his/her relatives in China, to the entry-exit controlling department under the public security bureau of the city or county where the applicant is to reside; (2) those applying for the visa marked with "Z" shall hold documents of certification issued by a Chinese unit indicating the engagement or employment, or hold letter(s) or telegram(s) sent by an authorized unit; (3) those applying for the visa marked with "X" shall hold documents of certification issued by a host institution or by a competent department; (4) those applying for the visa marked with "F" shall hold letter(s) or telegram(s) sent by an authorized unit; (5) those applying for the visa marked with "L", who come to China as tourists, shall hold certifying documents for reception issued by a Chinese tourist department; (6) those applying for the visa marked with "G" shall hold a valid visa issued by the country (or region) the applicant is going to. Only a

through-ticket holder is exempt from the procedures for such visa application (7) those applying for the visa marked with C shall produce relevant certificates according to agreement. Aliens who come to reside in China or to stay in China for more than one year shall, when applying for an entry visa, produce for examinat ion a heal th certificate issued by a heal th department designated by the country the applicant resides in, or issued by a health department and attested by a notary office. The health certificate shall remain valid within a period of 6 months of its issuance Article 7 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be permitted to enter china (1)deportees by the Chinese government whose terms of deportat ion have not yet expired (2) those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to terrorist or subversive activities or violence (3)those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to smuggl ing prostitution, or drug trafficking (4)those who suffer from mental diseases, or leprosy, AIDS, venereal diseases, open tuberculosis and such infectious diseases (5) those who lack the means to support themselves financially while staying in China 6)those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to other activities that may jeopardize the country' s security and interests. Article 8 Aliens may be exempt from going through the procedures for obtaining a transit visa if they hold a through ticket and have booked seats on international airliners flying directly through China, and will stay in a transit city for less than 24 hours without leaving the airport: al who wish to leave the airport shall apply to the border inspection office for permission to stay. Article 9 During the period of time when an international ocean -going vessel casts anchor at a port in china, foreign crew members and their accompany ing family members who wish to come on l and but do not eave the seaport city shall apply to the border inspection office for landing certificates those who wish to spend the night on land shall apply for lodging certificates. Those who wish, with justification, to go to places beyond the limits of a seaport city, or are unable to leave the country on board the original ship, shall apply to the local public security bureau for proper visas. Chapter ii i tion of the Entry-Exit Certificates Articl Aliens, upon arrival at a port, shall present to the border inspection office for exami nation their valI id passports with visas nd relevant certificates issued by the Chinese government, and fill in entry-exit cards; they may enter the country after the border inspection office has examined, approved, and stamped their certificates Article 11 Upon arrival of a foreign aircraft or a vessel at a port in China, the persons in charge shall have the following responsibilities

7 through-ticket holder is exempt from the procedures for such visa application; (7) those applying for the visa marked with "C" shall produce relevant certificates according to agreement. Aliens who come to reside in China or to stay in China for more than one year shall, when applying for an entry visa, produce for examination a health certificate issued by a health department designated by the country the applicant resides in, or issued by a health department and attested by a notary office. The health certificate shall remain valid within a period of 6 months of its issuance. Article 7 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be permitted to enter China: (1) deportees by the Chinese government whose terms of deportation have not yet expired; (2) those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to terrorist or subversive activities or violence; (3) those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to smuggling, prostitution, or drug trafficking; (4) those who suffer from mental diseases, or leprosy, AIDS, venereal diseases, open tuberculosis and such infectious diseases; (5) those who lack the means to support themselves financially while staying in China; (6) those who are considered prone, after entering the country, to other activities that may jeopardize the country's security and interests. Article 8 Aliens may be exempt from going through the procedures for obtaining a transit visa if they hold a through ticket and have booked seats on international airliners flying directly through China, and will stay in a transit city for less than 24 hours without leaving the airport; aliens who wish to leave the airport shall apply to the border inspection office for permission to stay. Article 9 During the period of time when an international ocean-going vessel casts anchor at a port in China, foreign crew members and their accompanying family members who wish to come on land but do not leave the seaport city shall apply to the border inspection office for landing certificates; those who wish to spend the night on land shall apply for lodging certificates. Those who wish, with justification, to go to places beyond the limits of a seaport city, or are unable to leave the country on board the original ship, shall apply to the local public security bureau for proper visas. Chapter II Inspection of the Entry-Exit Certificates Article 10 Aliens, upon arrival at a port, shall present to the border inspection office for examination their valid passports with visas and relevant certificates issued by the Chinese government, and fill in entry-exit cards; they may enter the country after the border inspection office has examined, approved, and stamped their certificates. Article 11 Upon arrival of a foreign aircraft or a vessel at a port in China, the persons in charge shall have the following responsibilities:

(1) the aircraft commander, the captain or the agent must submit to the border inspection office a name list of the crew members, and a name list of the passengers 2) if the aircraft or vessel happens to carry persons who attempt to cross the borders illegally, the case must be reported as soon as it is discovered, to the border inspection office for disposition (3)with regard to the persons who are forbidden to enter the country, the persons in cha t assume the responsibility to take such persons away by means of the original aircraft or vesse respec t to persons who are unable to leave the country immediately owing to force majeure, the persons in charge shall be responsible for paying such persons living costs during their stay in China, and also for paying their traveling costs when they leave the country Article 12 The border inspection office shall have the right to forbid aliens belonging to any of the following categories to enter or leave the country (1) holders of invalid passports, certificates or visas (2) holders of forged or altered or other persons passports and certificates (3)those who refuse to present their certificates for examination: 4)those whose entry into or exit from the country are not permitted, as notified by the ministry of Public Security or by the Ministry of State Security Article 13 Aliens, on leaving the country, shall present, for examination, their valid passports or other valid certificates, and their visas authorizing their stay in China or residence permit. Article 14 Aliens and foreign- f transport whose transit ports have been designated by the visa-granting department must enter or leave the country by the designated ports. Article 15 With respect to those aliens who are forbidden to enter the country, as stipulated in article 12 of these Rules, in the event that they are unable to return by the original means of transport, the border inspection office may take necessary measures to restrict their bounds of activities, and give orders for them to leave the country by the next earliest means of transport. Chapter iii residence Article 16 Aliens who hold the visas marked with d,Z andx ust, within 10 days of entry, go through the procedures for obtaining the residence permit for aliens or temporary residence permit for aliens. The term of validity of the aforesaid residence permi t shall be the time limit of the authorized stay in China for the permit hol der. The residence permit for aliens shall be issued to those who will stay in China for a period of more than one year. The temporary residence permit for aliens shall be issued to those who will stay in China for a period of less than one year. Aliens who hold visas marked with"F",L,G and C may stay in China wi thin the time limit as their visas indicate, without the necessity to obtain residence permits Article 17 Aliens who apply for the residence permit shall answer all the questions put to them and go through the following formalities

8 (1) the aircraft commander, the captain or the agent must submit to the border inspection office a name list of the crew members, and a name list of the passengers; (2) if the aircraft or vessel happens to carry persons who attempt to cross the borders illegally, the case must be reported as soon as it is discovered, to the border inspection office for disposition; (3) with regard to the persons who are forbidden to enter the country, the persons in charge must assume the responsibility to take such persons away by means of the original aircraft or vessel; with respect to persons who are unable to leave the country immediately owing to force majeure, the persons in charge shall be responsible for paying such persons' living costs during their stay in China, and also for paying their traveling costs when they leave the country. Article 12 The border inspection office shall have the right to forbid aliens belonging to any of the following categories to enter or leave the country: (1) holders of invalid passports, certificates or visas; (2) holders of forged or altered or other person's passports and certificates; (3) those who refuse to present their certificates for examination; (4) those whose entry into or exit from the country are not permitted, as notified by the Ministry of Public Security or by the Ministry of State Security. Article 13 Aliens, on leaving the country, shall present, for examination, their valid passports or other valid certificates, and their visas authorizing their stay in China or residence permit. Article 14 Aliens and foreign-owned means of transport whose transit ports have been designated by the visa-granting department must enter or leave the country by the designated ports. Article 15 With respect to those aliens who are forbidden to enter the country, as stipulated in Article 12 of these Rules, in the event that they are unable to return by the original means of transport, the border inspection office may take necessary measures to restrict their bounds of activities, and give orders for them to leave the country by the next earliest means of transport. Chapter III Residence Article 16 Aliens who hold the visas marked with "D", "Z" and "X" must, within 10 days of entry, go through the procedures for obtaining the residence permit for aliens or temporary residence permit for aliens. The term of validity of the aforesaid residence permit shall be the time limit of the authorized stay in China for the permit holder. The residence permit for aliens shall be issued to those who will stay in China for a period of more than one year. The temporary residence permit for aliens shall be issued to those who will stay in China for a period of less than one year. Aliens who hold visas marked with "F", "L", "G" and "C" may stay in China within the time limit as their visas indicate, without the necessity to obtain residence permits. Article 17 Aliens who apply for the residence permit shall answer all the questions put to them and go through the following formalities:

(1) to present, for examination, their passports, visas, and certificates pertaining to their (2) to fill in the residence application form (3) applicants for the residence permit or ens hall present, for examina ion their health certificates together with recent frontal hatless half-length passport-size photos Article 18 The term of validity of the residence permit for aliens may las t from one year to five years, as shall be decided by the municipal or county public security bureau in accordance with reasons of aliens for staying in China To aliens who conform to the sti ions of Article 14 of The on Control of the Entry Exit of Aliens. the public security a 1-5-Year long-term residence permit: to aliens of outs tanding accomp lishments a permanent residence permit may be granted Article 19 Aliens exempt from the visa-obtaining procedures in accordance with an agreement signed by the Chinese government and the government of a foreign country, shall, after entry, apply for the residence permit in accordance with the stipulations in Article 16 and Article 17 of these Rules, if they will stay in China for a period of more than 30 days. However, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the aliens as stipulated in Article 34 of The Law on Control of The Entry and Exit of Aliens Article 20 An alien who wishes to continue to stay or reside in China when the term of validity of his/her visa or residence permit expires shall, before the expiration, apply for an extension In the event that an alien, while staying in China, has been found to suffer any of the diseases as specified in Item 4 of Article 7 of these Rules, China s competent public health department may suggest to the public security organ that the alien in question be notified to leave the country before the term of his/ her stay expires. Article 21 If any change is to be made in entries (name, nationality, profession unit, residence, passport number, accompanying children, etc.)of the residence permit for allens the permit holder shall wi thin 10 days, go through the registration procedures for the change at the public security bureau stationed at the locality of their residence Article 22 In the event that holders of the residence permit for aliens wish to move out of the city or county y reside, hall be fore the go through the removal registration at the public security bureau stationed at the locality their original residence After novI ng into locality, they shall go through the mov ing-in registration procedures within 10 days at the public security bureau stationed at the new locality. Resident aliens who wish to apply for moving the ir homes shall first apply to the public security bureau stationed t t et locality fo a permit and then with th he removal registration procedures in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding paragraph

9 (1) to present, for examination, their passports, visas, and certificates pertaining to their residence; (2) to fill in the residence application form; (3) applicants for the residence permit for aliens shall present, for examination, their health certificates together with recent frontal hatless half-length passport-size photos. Article 18 The term of validity of the residence permit for aliens may last from one year to five years, as shall be decided by the municipal or county public security bureau in accordance with reasons of aliens for staying in China. To aliens who conform to the stipulations of Article 14 of The Law on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens, the public security organ may grant a 1-5-Year long-term residence permit; to aliens of outstanding accomplishments a permanent residence permit may be granted. Article 19 Aliens exempt from the visa-obtaining procedures in accordance with an agreement signed by the Chinese government and the government of a foreign country, shall, after entry, apply for the residence permit in accordance with the stipulations in Article 16 and Article 17 of these Rules, if they will stay in China for a period of more than 30 days. However, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the aliens as stipulated in Article 34 of The Law on Control of The Entry and Exit of Aliens. Article 20 An alien who wishes to continue to stay or reside in China when the term of validity of his/her visa or residence permit expires shall, before the expiration, apply for an extension. In the event that an alien, while staying in China, has been found to suffer any of the diseases as specified in Item 4 of Article 7 of these Rules, China's competent public health department may suggest to the public security organ that the alien in question be notified to leave the country before the term of his/her stay expires. Article 21 If any change is to be made in entries (name, nationality, profession or status, work unit, residence, passport number, accompanying children, etc.) of the residence permit for aliens, the permit holder shall, within 10 days, go through the registration procedures for the change at the public security bureau stationed at the locality of their residence. Article 22 In the event that holders of the residence permit for aliens wish to move out of the city or county where they reside, they shall, before they move, go through the removal registration at the public security bureau stationed at the locality of their original residence. After moving into the new locality, they shall go through the moving-in registration procedures within 10 days at the public security bureau stationed at the new locality. Resident aliens who wish to apply for moving their homes shall first apply to the public security bureau stationed at the target locality for a permit and then with this permit go through the removal registration procedures in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding paragraph

Article 23 Out of the consideration for safeguarding state security, maintaining social order, and protecting other public interests, the municipal or county public security bureau may impose restrictions on the es tablishment of residences or business offices in certain areas by aliens or by foreign insti tutions foreign-owne residences business already established in the aforesaid areas under restrictions must move to the designated areas wi thin the time specified in the notice of removal issued by the municipal or county public security bureau Article 24 Aliens residing in China must, once a year at the designated time present their residence permit for public bureau for examinat 1 on The public security bureau may, at a time it deems necessary notify an alien to present his/her residence permit for aliens to the entry-exit control department for examination; and the alien shall do this accordingly at the time specified in the notice. Article 2 Aliens who reside or stay in China and are 16 years of age or older must carry the ir residence permits or passports on them for exami nation by the police of foreign affairs when the occas ion requires Article 26 As regards a foreign baby born in China, the babys parents or agent shall, wi thin one mon th of the babys birth, submit a report together with the baby 's birth certificate to the local public security bureau d go through the registration procedures. Article 27 In the event that an alien dies in China, his/her family members or guardian or agent shall, within 3 days of the death, submit a report toge ther with the death certificate of the deceased the local public security bureau, and present, for cancellation, the residence permit or visa of the deceased With respect to cases of aliens acci dental death, the pe concerned or the discoverers must report the cases immediately to the public security organ Article 28 The competent authorities of the chinese government, mentioned in Article 19 of the law on Control of the entry and Exit of Aliens, refers to the ministry of Labour and personnel of the People s Republic of china Chapter Iv Registration for lodging Article 29 Aliens who stay at such enterprises or institutions as guest houses, hotels, inns, hostels, and schools, or at government departments, public organizations and other Chinese institut ions shall produce their valid passports or residence permits, and fill in the temporary lodging form. If they accommodate in an area not open to aliens, they shall also produce their travel certificates Article 30 In the event that an alien accommodates at the house of a Chinese res i dent. if the house is located in a city or a town, the host or the alien himself shall, within 24 hours of th lodger s arrival submi t report h public security organ together with the lodgers passport and other certificates and the

10 Article 23 Out of the consideration for safeguarding state security, maintaining social order, and protecting other public interests, the municipal or county public security bureau may impose restrictions on the establishment of residences or business offices in certain areas by aliens or by foreign institutions; foreign-owned residences or business offices already established in the aforesaid areas under restrictions must move to the designated areas within the time specified in the notice of removal issued by the municipal or county public security bureau. Article 24 Aliens residing in China must, once a year at the designated time, present their residence permit for aliens to the local public security bureau for examination. The public security bureau may, at a time it deems necessary, notify an alien to present his/her residence permit for aliens to the entry-exit control department for examination; and the alien shall do this accordingly at the time specified in the notice. Article 25 Aliens who reside or stay in China and are 16 years of age or older must carry their residence permits or passports on them for examination by the police of foreign affairs when the occasion requires. Article 26 As regards a foreign baby born in China, the baby's parents or agent shall, within one month of the baby's birth, submit a report together with the baby's birth certificate to the local public security bureau and go through the registration procedures. Article 27 In the event that an alien dies in China, his/her family members or guardian or agent shall, within 3 days of the death, submit a report together with the death certificate of the deceased to the local public security bureau, and present, for cancellation, the residence permit or visa of the deceased. With respect to cases of aliens' accidental death, the persons concerned or the discoverers must report the cases immediately to the public security organ. Article 28 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government, mentioned in Article 19 of the Law on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens, refers to the Ministry of Labour and Personnel of the People's Republic of China. Chapter IV Registration for Lodging Article 29 Aliens who stay at such enterprises or institutions as guest houses, hotels, inns, hostels, and schools, or at government departments, public organizations and other Chinese institutions shall produce their valid passports or residence permits, and fill in the temporary lodging form. If they accommodate in an area not open to aliens, they shall also produce their travel certificates. Article 30 In the event that an alien accommodates at the house of a Chinese resident, if the house is located in a city or a town, the host or the alien himself shall, within 24 hours of the lodger's arrival submit a report to the local public security organ together with the lodger's passport and other certificates and the



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