Principles of Information Science Chapter g Information Organization System Optimization theory
Principles of Information Science Chapter 9 Information Organization -- System Optimization Theory
81.1 System Fundamentals Definitions System: Definitions System -integrity of elements that form a certain structure internally and perform certain functions externally. L von bertalanffy: "System --set of interrelated elements ●●●●
§1.1 System Fundamentals - Definitions System: Definitions System – integrity of elements that form a certain structure internally and perform certain functions externally. L. von Bertalanffy: “System -- set of interrelated elements
81.2 System Fundamentals Features Basic features of systems include: D)Integrity as an entirety (2)Interrelated among elements 3)Multilevel (4) Relativity (5)Goal-Keeping (6)Dynamic
Basic Features of Systems include: (1) Integrity as an entirety; (2) Interrelated among elements; (3) Multilevel (4) Relativity (5) Goal-Keeping (6) Dynamic §1.2 System Fundamentals - Features
81. 3 Organization Information Information and Stochastic System's Organism A stochastic system s=((SI, pi),., (Sn,pn),.,(SN, p Uncertainty: H(S)=-2 pn log p 0=[H(S)lm≤H(S)≤|H(S)]mx=Ho=log Ho-H(S) Organization: a R
§1.3 Organization & Information Information and Stochastic System’s Organism A stochastic system S = {(s1, p1), …, (sn, pn), …, (sN, pN)} Uncertainty: H(S) = - pn log pn n 0 = [H(S)]min H(S) [H(S)]max = H0 = logN Organization: = H0 – H(S) H0 = R
§14Self- Organizing& Information Conditions Required for Self-Organizing A system, S, under environment, E, is self-organizable iff H(S)>H(E)≥00r dR dt The latter means H)df Ho dh(s) and this leads to dHo 1)IfN is given, d Ho/dt=0, then it must have dH(S)0. dt
§1.4 Self-Organizing & Information Conditions Required for Self-Organizing A system, S, under environment, E, is self-organizable iff H(S) > H(E) 0 or dR dt > 0, The latter means H(S) dH0 dt > H0 dH(S) dt , and this leads to 1) If N is given, dH0/dt = 0, then it must have dH(S) dt 0
82.1 Information Optimization Mechanism for Optimization Observer Structure Functions Structure Information Detected Adjusting System to be Optimized
§2.1 Information & Optimization Mechanism for Optimization Functions Detected System to be Optimized Observer Structure Information Structure Adjusting
82.2 Optimization Algorithm The structure of the system to be optimized XN cle C n CN The utility of the system related to the structure: ul,.,UN Thus, the optimal structure of the system should be So={SI(。)=maxI(
§2.2 Optimization Algorithm The structure of the System to be optimized: S: c1, …, cn, …, cN x1, …, xn, …, xN t1, …, tn, …, tN { } The utility of the system related to the structure: u1, …, uN, Thus, the optimal structure of the system should be Sopt = {S| I() = max I()} {S}
82.3 Examples Optimization algorithm may be reduced to various cases: Linear programming Non-Linear Programming Dynamic programming Networking(Minimum Route, Maximum Traffic, Minimum Cost, etc) Decision-Making Game(MIniMax, MaxMin, etc)
§2.3 Examples Optimization algorithm may be reduced to various cases: -- Linear Programming -- Non-Linear Programming -- Networking (Minimum Route, Maximum Traffic, Minimum Cost, etc) -- Decision-Making Game (MIniMax, MaxMin, etc) -- Dynamic Programming
§31 Systems and Order Decreasing A Natural trend in closed systems From higher order to lower order( Maxwell Demon)
§3.1 Systems and Order Decreasing A Natural trend in closed systems From higher order to lower order (Maxwell Demon)
§32 Systems and Order Increasing Evolution: from lower order to higher order
§3.2 Systems and Order Increasing Evolution: from lower order to higher order