Unit 1 Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics
Unit 1 Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics
The term lexicology contains two Greek morphemes: lexikon and logie The former means word. the latter means“ learning”or“ the study of
The term lexicology contains two Greek morphemes: lexikon and logie. The former means “word, the latter means “learning” or “ the study of
Lexicology is the branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application
Lexicology is the branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application
The connection of lexicology with other branches of Linguistics
The connection of lexicology with other branches of Linguistics:
1. With Phonetics Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. Without sound. there is no word because every word is a unity of sound and meaning
1. With Phonetics: Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. Without sound, there is no word because every word is a unity of sound and meaning
S M N D θ T K P F B G W R L
1. Indiscrete: alveolar(齿龈音)一/in/ 2 inconceivable: velar(软腭音)一~/i 3 Input: bilabial(双唇音)
1. Indiscrete: alveolar (齿龈音) /in/ 2.inconceivable: velar(软腭音) /i / 3.input: bilabial (双唇音) /im/
超音位特征对语义搭配的影响在英语 中是司空见惯的。例如: He is a french teacher 孤立地来看 French teacher,我们很 难判别 French在与 teacher搭配时是什 么意思
超音位特征对语义搭配的影响在英语 中是司空见惯的。例如: He is a French teacher. 孤立地来看French teacher,我们很 难判别French在与teacher搭配时是什 么意思
但是在特定超音位的语境中,当我们赋 予 French一个主重音, Teacher一个次 重音,这时, He is a french teacher 就有了明确的意义,即:他是一位法语 教师。 A French teacher teaches french
但是在特定超音位的语境中,当我们赋 予French一个主重音,Teacher一个次 重音,这时,He is a French teacher 就有了明确的意义,即:他是一位法语 教师。 A ˊFrench ,teacher teaches French
如果我们赋予 French个次重音, teacher一个主重音,这时 He is a French teacher中的 French表示法 国国籍: a French teacher is french
如果我们赋予French一个次重音, teacher一个主重音,这时He is a French teacher中的French表示法 国国籍: A ,French ˊteacher is French