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复旦大学:《高分子物理》课程电子讲义_第一章 导论、第二章 高分子的大小和形状

1.1 高分子科学的重要性 1.2 高分子物理的学科地位和历史地位 1.3 什么是高分子-高分子材料的几个重要特性 1.4 本课程所讲授的主要内容 1.5 主要参考资料 2.1近程结构(local) 2.1.1构造(Constitutions or Architectures)结构单元的化学组成键接结构

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஛ᏳჁ࠶࢝ 1

课程要求 1.平时作业 2.不定期测试 3.期中测验 4.期末考试 5.一篇杂文 期中先交大纲 期末交全文 注意规范(前言、图表、参考文献)

䈮〻㾱≲ 2 1. ᒣᰦ֌ъ 2. нᇊᵏ⍻䈅 4. ᵏᵛ㘳䈅 5. аㇷᵲ᮷ ᵏѝݸӔབྷ㓢 ᵏᵛӔޘ᮷ ⌘᜿㿴㤳(ࡽ䀰ǃമ㺘ǃ৲㘳᮷⥞) 3. ᵏѝ⍻傼

Some Suggested Topics D) Electrophoretic actuators Ultra strong polymers for ballistic protection Dendritic polymers for drug delivery Conjugated Polymer Sensors Birefringence as a measure of chain Orientation Polymeric Coatings on Optical Fibers Plastic Contact lenses Hydrogels Self assembled photonics 3d Interference Lithography-positive and negative resists 2D Lithographic Masks via Self Assembled BCPs-Flash Memory Morphology of Immiscible Blends lonomer clusters Block Copolymers noncrystalline liquid crystalline crystalline

Some Suggested Topics (I) 3 Electrophoretic actuators Ultra strong polymers for ballistic protection Dendritic polymers for drug delivery Conjugated Polymer Sensors Birefringence as a Measure of Chain Orientation Polymeric Coatings on Optical Fibers Plastic Contact Lenses Hydrogels Self Assembled Photonics 3d Interference Lithography – positive and negative resists 2D Lithographic Masks via Self Assembled BCPs - Flash Memory Morphology of Immiscible Blends Ionomer Clusters Block Copolymers noncrystalline liquid crystalline crystalline

Some Suggested Topics ll Block Copolymer-Homopolymer Blends Determination of Polymer Surface Energy Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes- an example of a class of Adhesion of Polymers Optical Properties of Liquid Crystalline Polymers Polymer Waveguides Polymers for Optical Storage Photoelastic Determination of stresses Crystalline Polymers Fibers Biodegradable Fibers Polyelectrolytes Gels Polyeletrolyte Gels Defects in Mesophases Role of Defects in Controlling Properties

Some Suggested Topics (II) 4 Block Copolymer-Homopolymer Blends Determination of Polymer Surface Energy Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes – an example of a class of polymers Adhesion of Polymers Optical Properties of Liquid Crystalline Polymers Polymer Waveguides Polymers for Optical Storage Photoelastic Determination of Stresses Crystalline Polymers Fibers Biodegradable Fibers Polyelectrolytes Gels Polyeletrolyte Gels Defects in Mesophases Role of Defects in Controlling Properties

Some Suggested Topics (I Additives to Polymers and Sequestration of Nanoparticles in Blends Targeted Location and Orientation of Nanoparticles in Block Copolymers Polymerization Induced Phase Separation(PIPS Orientation Methods for controlling polymer structure Flow Fields Electric, Magnetic Fields Substrates Epitaxy in Polymers Thin Film Patterning-terracing and dewetting Polymer Foams Segmented copolymers(polyurethanes, polyetheresters) Inorganic and metal-containing polymers

Some Suggested Topics (III) 5 Additives to Polymers and Sequestration of Nanoparticles in Blends Targeted Location and Orientation of Nanoparticles in Block Copolymers Polymerization Induced Phase Separation (PIPS) Orientation Methods for controlling polymer structure Flow Fields Electric, Magnetic Fields Substrates Epitaxy in Polymers Thin Film Patterning - terracing and dewetting Polymer Foams Segmented copolymers (polyurethanes, polyetheresters) Inorganic and metal-containing polymers

Some Suggested Topics (IV Techniques applied to Polymer Morphology Scattering Light scattering Wide angle X-ray and/or neutron scattering Small angle X-ray and/or neutron scattering Electron diffraction Microscopy Techniques TEM SEM AFM Thermal Analysis DSC DMA

Some Suggested Topics (IV) 6 Techniques applied to Polymer Morphology Scattering Light scattering Wide angle X-ray and/or neutron scattering Small angle X-ray and/or neutron scattering Electron diffraction Microscopy Techniques TEM SEM AFM Thermal Analysis DSC DMA

开场白 When you can measure what you are talking about and express it in numbers you know sth about it, but when you cannot, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of Science 如果你能用数字定量地说明你讲的东西时, 这表示你对这一事物确有所知,但如果你不能这 样做时,则说明你的知识贫乏和不能令人满意 它可能是知识的开端,而在你的思想中还几乎没 有进入科学境界。 Lord Kelvin(开尔文)

ᔶ൰ⲳ ྸ֖᷒㜳⭞ᮦᆍᇐ䠅൦䈪᱄֖䇨Ⲻђ㾵ᰬ, 䘏㺞⽰֖ሯ䘏жӁ⢟⺤ᴿᡶ⸛, ռྸ֖᷒у㜳䘏 ṭڐ ,ᰬࡏ䈪᱄֖Ⲻ⸛䇼䍡҅ૂу㜳ԚӰ┗ᝅ; ᆹਥ㜳ᱥ⸛䇼Ⲻᔶㄥ, 㙂൞֖Ⲻᙓᜩѣ䘎ࠖ҄⋗ ᴿ䘑ޛ〇ᆜູ⮂Ⱦ ——Lord Kelvin(ᔶቊᮽ) 7 “When you can measure what you are talking about and express it in numbers you know sth. about it, but when you cannot, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of Science

第一章导论 高分子科学的重要性 高分子物理的学科地位和历史地位 什么是高分子-高分子材料的几个重要特性 本课程所讲授的主要内容 ■主要参考资料

আ▲ॾ ح ખ ᇴᅢ᎚ݨᏳଖᆓ࠶࢝ „ ႍݼந༑ႍेݼᆓଖݨ஛ᏳჁ࠶࢝ „ „ ༌౼༡࠶࢝Ᏻ࠶࢝Ᏻَ௛ݨ৮ࢴ᎚ᇴ࿮ᅢ ๻ഀᎹᇴݨ༴ྱ੆ڴଞת „ „ Ꮉᇴ٘ଌᏪ௛ 8

材料的用途 信息技术 能源环境 生物技术 结构材料 军事 大材料 航空、航天 材和是类过的里 支柱,发展高新技术的E画 基础和先导。高分子材 料扮演着极为重要的角 色

9 ໶Ⴡ৲ཏ ჸઌَ௛ ᅓგ৲ཏ ംኺএથ ௛َࣕੵ ૮༜ षଥȢषဂ yyyyyy ປَܹ௛ މߕީыঝ଒ԗ՗ङୌ ३䫻ͫ࣫їޢކङ୍੽ ङߐ܉ޏ௤يՇͫߴݵ ׂॅչүح澞௤ӣߕ׿ ࢦ܁މवߢО୍੽ङઅ ਩ 䠁 ኎ 䲦 ⬧ 儈 ࠶ ᆀ ૷࣐ࣩݪ޶

1.高分子科学的重要性 现代工业的重要标志 其他产业的重要支柱 i am inclined to think that the development of polymerization is, perhaps, the biggest thing chemistry has done, where it has had the biggest effect on everyday life. The world would be a totally different place without artificia/ fibers(纤维), plastics(塑料), elastomers(弹性体), etc. Even in the field of electronics, what would you oo without insulation And there you come back to polymers agaIn.” Lord Todd, president of the royal Society of London, quoted in Chem Eng News 1980, 58(40), 29, in answer to the question, What do you think has been chemistry's biggest contribution to science to society

1. ளӢ׾यࣩ؅ଜੌ㓬 „ ⧠ԓᐕъⲴ䟽㾱ḷᘇ „ ަԆӗъⲴ䟽㾱᭟ḡ… “I am inclined to think that the development of polymerization is, perhaps, the biggest thing chemistry has done, where it has had the biggest effect on everyday life. The world would be a totally different place without artificial fibers (㓔㔤), plastics (ກᯉ), elastomers (ᕩᙗփ), etc. Even in the field of electronics, what would you do without insulation? And there you come back to polymers again.” Lord Todd, president of the Royal Society of London, quoted in Chem. Eng. News 1980, 58(40), 29, in answer to the question, What do you think has been chemistry’s biggest contribution to science, to society? 10

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