英语教学课件系列 学生双语报 Student(Times www.ncneedu.cn
高一外研版必修二 Module1 Our Body and healthy habits Cultural corner task Student(Time
高一外研版必修二 Module1 Our Body and healthy habits Cultural Corner & Task
Look at the following pictures and say how much do you know about health care Student(Time
Look at the following pictures and say how much do you know about health care
Health care Student(Time
Health Care
Health care Student(Time
Health Care
Health care Student(Time
Health Care
Health care Student(Time
Health Care
Health Care Student(Time
Health Care
Look at the headlines from the Web pages. ● What do you know about the health care system of China in the past? 农民工夫妻无钱治病投江自杀生前未获任何救助华龙网: 0 编者按:2006年6月本报刊出报道一—《一个民工家庭能抗多大风网 因付不起1859元药费投闽江自尽的故事。时隔不到8个月同样的是 妻因高额药费命断长江。他们同样出身货困农户,15条相同新 父母担心付不起医药费抱孩子迒离医院浙江都市网 医护人员担心12月大女婴后遗症展开爰心大搜索12个月二 医院揿治在救治过程中因为付不起医药费8月10日中午, 对一个小生命负责的态度先把药费问题放在一边把小思青 Student(Time
Look at the headlines from the Web pages. What do you know about the health care system of China in the past?
药费昂贵付不起无奈妻子想歪正义网2004-1 在医院救治丈夫前期,为付医疗费丁某已举债2万余元,后 加上丈夫一直昏迷不醒,遂萌生与丈夫同归于尽的念头 注廴丈夫的鼻饲导管内。见丈夫岀珂抽搐、出冷汗等中 患者住院67天花掉140万高昂药费末能挽回生命 t000152视(间调查 Student(Time