THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAERIE OVEENE Contayning THE LEGENDE OF THE KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSSE, OR OF HOLINESSE Canto I. The Patron of true Holinesse, Foule Errour doth defeate: Hypocrisie him to entrappe, Doth to his home entreate. Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine, Y cladd in mightie armes and siluer shielde. Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine, The cruell markes of many'a bloudy fielde; Yet armes till that time did he neuer wield: His angry steede did chide his foming bitt, As much disdayning to the curbe to yield: Full iolly knight he seemd,and faire did sitt. As one for knightly giusts and fierce encounters fitt But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, And dead as liuing euer him ador'd: Vpon his shield the like was also scor'd, For soueraine hope,which in his helpe he had: Right faithfull true he was in deede and word, But of his cheere did seeme too solemne sad; Yet nothing did he dread,but euer was ydrad. Vpon a great aduenture he was bond, That greatest Gloriana to him gaue, That greatest Glorious Queene of Faerie lond, To winne him worship,and her grace to haue
THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning THE LEGENDE OF THE KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSSE, OR OF HOLINESSE. Canto I. The Patron of true Holinesse, Foule Errour doth defeate: Hypocrisie him to entrappe, Doth to his home entreate. Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine, Y cladd in mightie armes and siluer shielde, Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine, The cruell markes of many' a bloudy fielde; Yet armes till that time did he neuer wield: His angry steede did chide his foming bitt, As much disdayning to the curbe to yield: Full iolly knight he seemd, and faire did sitt, As one for knightly giusts and fierce encounters fitt. But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, And dead as liuing euer him ador'd: Vpon his shield the like was also scor'd, For soueraine hope, which in his helpe he had: Right faithfull true he was in deede and word, But of his cheere did seeme too solemne sad; Yet nothing did he dread, but euer was ydrad. Vpon a great aduenture he was bond, That greatest Gloriana to him gaue, That greatest Glorious Queene of Faerie lond, To winne him worship, and her grace to haue
Which of all earthly things he most did craue; And euer as he rode,his hart did earne To proue his puissance in battell braue Vpon his foe,and his new force to learne; Vpon his foe,a Dragon horrible and stearne. A louely Ladie rode him faire beside, Vpon a lowly Asse more white then snow, Yet she much whiter,but the same did hide Vnder a vele,that wimpled was full low, And ouer all a blacke stole she did throw, As one that inly mournd:so was she sad, And heauie sat vpon her palfrey slow: Seemed in heart some hidden care she had. And by her in a line a milke white lambe she lad. So pure and innocent,as that same lambe She was in life and euery vertuous lore, And by descent from Royall lynage came Of ancient Kings and Queenes,that had of yore Their scepters stretcht from East to Westerne shore, And all the world in their subiection held; Till that infernall feend with foule vprore Forwasted all their land,and them expeld: Whom to auenge,she had this Knight from far co[m]peld Behind her farre away a Dwarfe did lag, That lasie seemd in being euer last, Or wearied with bearing of her bag Of needments at his backe.Thus as they past, The day with cloudes was suddeine ouercast, And angry loue an hideous storme of raine Did poure into his Lemans lap so fast, That euery wight to shrowd it did constrain, And this faire couple eke to shroud the[m]selues were fain Enforst to seeke some couert nigh at hand, A shadie groue not far away they spide, That promist ayde the tempest to withstand: Whose loftie trees yclad with sommers pride Did spred so broad,that heauens light did hide, Not perceable with power of any starre: And all within were pathes and alleies wide, With footing worne,and leading inward farre: Faire harbour that them seemes;so in they entred arre
Which of all earthly things he most did craue; And euer as he rode, his hart did earne To proue his puissance in battell braue Vpon his foe, and his new force to learne; Vpon his foe, a Dragon horrible and stearne. A louely Ladie rode him faire beside, Vpon a lowly Asse more white then snow, Yet she much whiter, but the same did hide Vnder a vele, that wimpled was full low, And ouer all a blacke stole she did throw, As one that inly mournd: so was she sad, And heauie sat vpon her palfrey slow: Seemed in heart some hidden care she had, And by her in a line a milke white lambe she lad. So pure and innocent, as that same lambe, She was in life and euery vertuous lore, And by descent from Royall lynage came Of ancient Kings and Queenes, that had of yore Their scepters stretcht from East to Westerne shore, And all the world in their subiection held; Till that infernall feend with foule vprore Forwasted all their land, and them expeld: Whom to auenge, she had this Knight from far co[m]peld. Behind her farre away a Dwarfe did lag, That lasie seemd in being euer last, Or wearied with bearing of her bag Of needments at his backe. Thus as they past, The day with cloudes was suddeine ouercast, And angry Ioue an hideous storme of raine Did poure into his Lemans lap so fast, That euery wight to shrowd it did constrain, And this faire couple eke to shroud the[m]selues were fain. Enforst to seeke some couert nigh at hand, A shadie groue not far away they spide, That promist ayde the tempest to withstand: Whose loftie trees yclad with sommers pride, Did spred so broad, that heauens light did hide, Not perceable with power of any starre: And all within were pathes and alleies wide, With footing worne, and leading inward farre: Faire harbour that them seemes; so in they entred arre
《仙后》第一部第一章前七节译文 一位高贵的骑士策马在平原上奔驰。他身披坚厚的甲胄,手持盾牌,上边有累累伤痕,那是血腥的战 场上留下的“残酷的痕迹(cruell markes)。尽管身披战甲,这位骑士从未亲临战场挥舞过兵刃,他跨 下的骏马愤怒的咆哮着,口吐白沫,虽套着嚼子,但似乎并不愿对骑士惟命是从。因为这位英勇的骑 士端庄的坐于马上,但已做好了与敌相遇拚杀一场恶战到底的准备。 这位骑士胸前佩带着一个血红的十字架,那是对上帝缅怀的表示:之所以佩带这个饰物(badg©),就 是为了这种表示。而且,不论生死,他都对上帝顶礼膜拜。他的盾牌上边也同样有一个十字架,那标 志着他在上帝帮助下可以获得至高无上的希望。因此,不论是行动上还是表达上,他都是一样忠诚真 挚。不过,他此时神情(cheere=-expression)十分凝重,尽管他无所畏惧,别人对他十分敬畏。 他将出发进行一次伟大的冒险,这是仙国最为伟大的高尚的女王格劳瑞安娜(Gloriana)命他做的,既 可以使他赢得荣誉,又可以使他得到仙后的恩宠,而这是所有的人世中的东西中他最为渴望得到的。 他越是骑马前行,越是渴望在战场上无畏的证明他压倒对手的力量,体验他学得的新的竞技手段,那 是制服他的对手、可怕而又严酷的“恶龙”的手段。 那是一位骑着比雪还白的驴子的娇美女士。这位女士尽管更为雪白纯洁,但她的面部却遮掩在面纱之 下,而且有许多皱褶,压的很低:她整个身体批裹着黑色长袍(stole),就象是一个悲痛欲绝的人。 她坐在低矮的驴子上,面带悲伤,心情沉重,缓缓向前行进,似乎心中隐藏着什么焦虑。她旁边是一 只奶白色的羊羔,她用一条皮带牵着。 她纯洁天真、如同那只羊羔(耶稣),她的祖先是古代的国王王后,所以属贵族血统。而在古代,她 祖先的权力范围从东岸延伸到西岸,整个世界都处于他们统治之下,俯首听命(subjection),直到那 个凶残的恶魔(infernall feend=-infernal fiend)以邪恶肮脏的暴乱(foule uprore)摧毁了他们的王国, 并将他们驱逐。为了复仇,她才从远方把这位骑士召来。 她后边很远有一位侏儒,远远落在后边,是因为背上负荷着她所用之物,疲惫不堪。就在他们向前行 进时,忽然阴云密布,朱庇特一怒之下使可憎的暴雨倾注而下,溢满大地,地上每一个生灵都只好设 法避雨。而骑士与这位女士也自然要找一容身之处躲过大雨。 他们急不可耐要寻一避雨处,在不远的地方看到了林荫浓郁的林子。那里,树木挺拔,拥有夏日的高 岸俊美,而且林子四下幅员极大,可以遮掩开天下的阳光,浓荫也不是强烈的阳光能穿透的。所以, 这里有遮挡住狂烈的暴雨的条件。更何况其中到处都是宽阔的路径,是人常来之处,而且通向很远的 地方。既然这里是很好的避雨处,他们就快步进入了林子
《仙后》第一部第一章前七节译文 一位高贵的骑士策马在平原上奔驰。他身披坚厚的甲胄,手持盾牌,上边有累累伤痕,那是血腥的战 场上留下的“残酷的痕迹(cruell markes)。尽管身披战甲,这位骑士从未亲临战场挥舞过兵刃,他跨 下的骏马愤怒的咆哮着,口吐白沫,虽套着嚼子,但似乎并不愿对骑士惟命是从。因为这位英勇的骑 士端庄的坐于马上,但已做好了与敌相遇拚杀一场恶战到底的准备。 这位骑士胸前佩带着一个血红的十字架,那是对上帝缅怀的表示;之所以佩带这个饰物(badge),就 是为了这种表示。而且,不论生死,他都对上帝顶礼膜拜。他的盾牌上边也同样有一个十字架,那标 志着他在上帝帮助下可以获得至高无上的希望。因此,不论是行动上还是表达上,他都是一样忠诚真 挚。不过,他此时神情(cheere=expression)十分凝重,尽管他无所畏惧,别人对他十分敬畏。 他将出发进行一次伟大的冒险,这是仙国最为伟大的高尚的女王格劳瑞安娜(Gloriana)命他做的,既 可以使他赢得荣誉,又可以使他得到仙后的恩宠,而这是所有的人世中的东西中他最为渴望得到的。 他越是骑马前行,越是渴望在战场上无畏的证明他压倒对手的力量,体验他学得的新的竞技手段,那 是制服他的对手、可怕而又严酷的“恶龙”的手段。 那是一位骑着比雪还白的驴子的娇美女士。这位女士尽管更为雪白纯洁,但她的面部却遮掩在面纱之 下,而且有许多皱褶,压的很低;她整个身体批裹着黑色长袍(stole),就象是一个悲痛欲绝的人。 她坐在低矮的驴子上,面带悲伤,心情沉重,缓缓向前行进,似乎心中隐藏着什么焦虑。她旁边是一 只奶白色的羊羔,她用一条皮带牵着。 她纯洁天真、如同那只羊羔(耶稣),她的祖先是古代的国王王后,所以属贵族血统。而在古代,她 祖先的权力范围从东岸延伸到西岸,整个世界都处于他们统治之下,俯首听命(subjection),直到那 个凶残的恶魔(infernall feend=infernal fiend)以邪恶肮脏的暴乱(foule uprore)摧毁了他们的王国, 并将他们驱逐。为了复仇,她才从远方把这位骑士召来。 她后边很远有一位侏儒,远远落在后边,是因为背上负荷着她所用之物,疲惫不堪。就在他们向前行 进时,忽然阴云密布,朱庇特一怒之下使可憎的暴雨倾注而下,溢满大地,地上每一个生灵都只好设 法避雨。而骑士与这位女士也自然要找一容身之处躲过大雨。 他们急不可耐要寻一避雨处,在不远的地方看到了林荫浓郁的林子。那里,树木挺拔,拥有夏日的高 岸俊美,而且林子四下幅员极大,可以遮掩开天下的阳光,浓荫也不是强烈的阳光能穿透的。所以, 这里有遮挡住狂烈的暴雨的条件。更何况其中到处都是宽阔的路径,是人常来之处,而且通向很远的 地方。既然这里是很好的避雨处,他们就快步进入了林子