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4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndyke:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University
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4.3.1 Burrhus FredericSkinner:1904-1990 Born in Susquehanna,Pennsylvania. Received bachelor’s degreein Hamilton College in New York, majored in Englishliterature. He decided to be a writer.(influenced by RobertFrost)
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“Any subject can by taught effectively to any child at any stage of development
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5.1 About GestaltPsychology The founder ofGestalt psychology: Max Wertheimer(1880-1943)
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Instructional objectives: What does one learn in his learning, according to Tolman? What is the opinion of Tolman aboutreinforcement and reinforcementexpectancy?
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7.1 concept learning 7.1.1 concept A concept is a category under which specific elements may be grouped.e.g. a red ball, a red pencil, and a red chair are all instances of the simple concept “red”. An “even number” is defined as any integer(整数) that is divisible by two without a remainder, and that an “odd number” is one that is not evenly(均匀地) divisible by two
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Memory strategies 1 Acronyms and Acrostics: (for information involving key words) An acronym is an invented combination of letters. Each letter is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle--Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze
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10.1 What is transfer of learning? consider the two students: Henry is bilingual:He speaks both English and Spanish fluently.He begins a French course in high school and immediately recognizes many similarities between French and Spanish. “Aha,”he thinks, “my knowledge of Spanish will help me learn French”. Ted’s mathematics class has been working with decimals for several weeks. His teacher asked, “which number is larger, 4.4 or 4.14?” Ted recalls something that he knows about whole numbers: Number with three digits are larger than numbers with only two digits. “The larger number is 4.14”, he concludes
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▪ 真核基因结构与转录活性 ▪ 真核基因表达特点 ▪ DNA水平的调控 ▪ 转录水平的调控:顺式作用元件和反式作用 因子 ▪ 其他水平的调控:mRNA的加工、mRNA的 翻译、蛋白质加工修饰
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第五章 基因表达(转录)Gene Expression(董彩虹)
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