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 什么是消费物价指数 (CPI)?怎么计算?它有什么用?  CPI指标存在怎样的问题?它们有多严重?  CPI与GDP平减指数有何区别?  我们如何用CPI来比较不同年份相同数量的货币?  我们怎样用通货膨胀来校正利率?
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1, Veblen and Leisure Class 2, What is institution? 3, Property Rights and Institution 4, Contract and Transaction Cost 5, Institutions and Reversal of Fortune 6, Case Study and Conclusion
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《环境政策与管理》课程教学资源(参考资料)The Cost of Air Pollution——Strengthening the Economic Case for Action(World Bank 2016)
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对外经济贸易大学:《成本管理会计 Cost and Management Accounting》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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– Ch.8 Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis – Ch.9 Decision Criteria and Option Considerations – Ch.10 Capital Budgeting and Risk – Ch.11 The cost of Capital
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:0.98MB 文档页数:59
4.1Modes of Logistics transportationation – 1. Definition of transportationation – 2. Five Basic Transportation Modes and Their Characteristics – 3. Intermodal Transportation – 4. The tendency of Logisitcs Transportation 4.2 Transportation Management – 1. Transport Cost&Pricing Consideration – 2. Issues of transport rationalization 4.3 Distribution Concept and Types
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Preface Part I: Preliminaries Column 1: Cracking the Oyster Column 2: Aha! Algorithms [Sketch] Column 4: Writing Correct Programs [Sketch] Column 5: A Small Matter of Programming [Sketch] Part II: Performance Column 7: The Back of the Envelope Column 8: Algorithm Design Techniques [Sketch] Part III: The Product Column 14: Heaps [Sketch] Column 15: Strings of Pearls Epilog to the First Edition Epilog to the Second Edition Appendix 2: An Estimation Quiz Appendix 3: Cost Models for Time and Space Appendix 4: Rules for Code Tuning Solutions for Column 1 Column 5 Column 7 Column 15 Index About The Book Why a Second Edition? To Readers of the First Edition About the First Edition Errata Supporting Material Source Code Web Sites Relevant to the Book Animation of Sorting Algorithms Tricks of the Trade Teaching Material
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:5.66MB 文档页数:149
1. Software Testing Background a. What is the software defect? b. Why do bugs occur? c. The Cost of bugs? d. What exactly does a tester do? e. The making of a software tester 2. The Software Development Process a. What is a software product? b. Software Project staff c. Software Lifecycle Models 3. The Realities of Software Testing a. Testing Principles b. Terms and Definitions for software testing
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• What is Network Optimization? • Typical Models & Algorithms – Minimum Spanning Tree (最小(生成)树) – Minimum Arborescence (最小树形图) – Shortest Path (最短路) – Maximum Flow (最大流) – Minimum Cost Flow (最小费用流) – Matching (匹配)
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《微观经济学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Chapter 6 Supply - Cost Side of Market
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