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南京农业大学:农学专业《细胞遗传学》课程教学大纲 Cytogenetics
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基因类别 结构基因包括编码结构蛋白和酶蛋白的基因, 也包括编码阻遏蛋白和激活蛋白的基因。 调控基因包括调节基因、启动基因和操纵基因
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一、多线染色体 二、灯刷染色体 三、性染色体 四、B染色体
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一、Mutation是什么? 二、Mutation是如何发生的? 三、Mutation发生的原因是什么? 四、Mutation对生物体产生了什么样的影响? 五、Mutation使我们了解了基因的什么特性?
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F and partial diploids The F-factor in a Hfr chromosome can excise out to become an autonomously replicating plasmid If a segment of the chromosome becomes part of the F pp lasmid during excision, the new element is called an F plasmid
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There are many ways of cloning a disease gene, depending on what is known about the disease. We will show several typical examples in this part of the lecture
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Restriction enzymes are used for cutting DNA at precise locations Vectors are used for the propagation of cloned DNA fragments Libraries of cloned DNA fragments allow searching for a specific DNA fragment
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