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Questions on the text 1. Why and how do people change their attitude towards environment? 2. How did Canada protect its fish supply and what was the result? 3. What measures did Costa Rica take to protect its remaining forest? 4. What does the writer think of Brazil's environment protection?
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In this unit, you will first listen, and then learn to ask about job opportunities and go for job interviews; read about online job applications and first job experiences; learn new words and expressions; write your own résumé; visit Culture Salon for some new terms in careers; check goals
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一、学科专业基础课 1有机化学 2有机化学实验 3概率论与数理统计 二、专业核心课程 1生物化学 2生物化学实验 3细胞生物学 4分子生物学 5生化分离与分析技术 6生物制药 7生物信息学 三、专业方向课程 1食品营养工程 2细胞工程 3酶工程 四、专业选修课程 1课题设计与论文写作 2生物专业英语 3绿色工程概论 4生物医学工程概论 5生物工程设备 五、实践性教学环节 1毕业论文(设计) 2毕业实习
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(一)理论课程 1《方言与地域文化》 2《西方语言学史》 3《现代汉语语法专题》 4《语音学》 5《古代汉语》(1) 6《古代汉语》(2) 7《东南亚文化概论》 8《公共关系学》 9《行政管理学》 10《秘书学概论》A 11《中国现当代文学》A(1) 12《写作》 13《教育心理学》A 14《中国民俗学概论》 15《汉字与中国古代文化》 16《书法》 17《中国古代文学经典作品选读》 18《外国文学》A(2) 19《西方文学经典作品选读》 20《对外汉语教学概论》 21《对外汉语课堂教学法》 22《应用语言学》 23《语言学概论》 24《外国文学》A(1) 25《西方文论》 26《初级泰语》 27《高级泰语》 28《比较文学》A 29《专业英语》 30《基础韩语》 31《跨文化交流与传播》 32《文学概论》 33《英语听说》 34《教育学》A 35《中国古代文学》A(1) 36《中国古代文学》A(2) 37《现代汉语》A(1) 38《现代汉语》A(2) 39《中华文化要略》 40《中国现当代文学》A(2) 41《欧美文化概论》 42《国际汉学导论》 43《世界地理与风俗》 44《现当代文学经典作品选读》 45《影视文学》 46《国际政治与国际关系》 47《中国通史概要》 (二)实践课程 48《行政管理学》 49《书法》 50《秘书学概论》A 51《对外汉语课堂教学法》 52《教师技能训练》A 53《成都通实践教学》 54《对外汉语教学实践》 55《国际汉语教师资格认证培训》 56《毕业实习》 57《写作实习》 58《毕业论文》 59《大写作》
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This unit explores the generation gap between young people and their parents. After shing studying Section A, Ss should be able grasp the main idea(young people and their parents might think quite differently on the same thing and seem to ignore what is important in each other's worlds. This put them in separate worlds and creates the generation gap
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Dialog 1 Girl 1: What do you think of this miniskirt, Amy? pretty hot stuff, eh? Girl 2: Wow... it's pretty short. My mom would never let me wear something like that Girl 1: My mom's cool. She lets me make my own decisions about clothes
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在遥远的将来,当人们回顾2 0世纪的计算机发展史时,有人可能会以为一种称为“logic gates (逻辑门)”的设备是以著名的微软公司创始人的名字命名的( Bill Gates中的G a t e s在英语中有 “门”的意思),其实并非如此。我们很快就会明白,逻辑门和通常让水和人通过的门十分相 似。逻辑门通过阻挡或允许电流通过在逻辑中执行简单的任务
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第五节音位 音位是一种语言或方言中能区别意义的最小的语音单位。 一、音位的特征 例如:[a]】在汉语中不区别意义。 在法语中区别意义ptte(爪子)pate(浆糊) 1.音位是能区别意义的语音单位。 音素音质上的差别有两种性质: 一种是对立性差别汉语的/p/一/p/法语的/a/—ㄧ 一种是非对立性差别汉语的/a/—英语的/p//p/ 2音位是最小的语音单位。 3.音位总是属于某种特定的语言或方言的
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Book two Unit nine Preview Students all over the world dream of what will happen in their future. Many hope to travel abroad where they can both use their education and earn a good salary. Large, modern countries like English and America welcome such graduates, making it easy for them to enter the count
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Preview During World War II, life in England was filled with hardships and sorrow because Hitler's Nazi air force was booming London repeatedly. The people of the country had to pull together and help one another in countless ways so that normal daily life could continue as much as possible England's Royal Air Force was heroic in the way the few pilots continued to meet and fight against the tremendous number of Nazi airplanes The citizens on the ground
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