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准则I 如果数列{xn}{yn}及{zn}满足下列条件 (1)(n=1,2,3,) (2)lim yn=a, lim zn=a n→∞ n→∞ 那么数列{xn}的极限存在,且 lim xn=a
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定理3(函数极限的局部保号性) 如果f(x)→A(x→x),而且A>0(或A0(或f(x)0的情形证明
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一、一组变量,名字相同,数据类型相同,用下标(索引-Index)来区分。例如:a(0),a(1),…,a(n)H称为数组a的成员(元素、下标变量) 二、两种类型的数组: 1 静态数组:成员数量不变 2 动态数组:成员数量可变
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多维事务数据库DB的结构为 (ID,A,AAn, items),A是DB中的结 构化属性(例如顾客的年龄,职业收入等), 而 items是同事务连接的项的集合(例如购 物篮中频繁项集)。每一个 t=(id,aa2man,items--t)由两部分信息 组成:维信息(a1,a2man)和项集信息。 挖掘过程分为两部分:挖掘维度信息的模 式和从投影的子DB中找出频繁项集
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15.1 15.1 模拟量输入接口技术 模拟量输入接口技术 15. 2 A/D 15. 2 A/D转换器的主要性能指标及分类 15.3 常用的A/D转换芯片
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Starting a New Online Business • Creating a New Company or Adding an Online Project – Step 1: Identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace – Step 2: Investigate the opportunity – Step 3: Determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need
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Teaching Objectives: a. to help students to form a picture of Britain when it was under the bombs from German armies during World War II b. to direct students to write a composition with the structure of a general statement supported by specific details c. to guide students to do some oral practice through doing the interview and picture description and the routine pair work as well
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3.1矩阵的秩 1.子式:在An中,选取k行与k列,位于交叉处的k2个数按照原来的 相对位置构成k阶行列式,称为A的一个k阶子式,记作D 对于给定的k,不同的k阶子式总共有C个 2.矩阵的秩:在A中,若 (1)有某个r阶子式D,≠0; (2)所有的r+1阶子式D+1=0(如果有r+1阶子式的话) 称A的秩为r,记作 rankA=r,或者r(A)r.规定:rank0=0 性质:(1) rankA min{m,n}
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教学目的介绍绝对连续函数概念及性质,证明联系微分与积分的牛顿 -莱布尼兹公式 教学要点绝对连续函数,不定积分,牛顿莱布尼兹公式 定义1设f(x)是定义在[a,b]上的实值函数.若对任意>0,存在δ>0,使得对 [a,b]上的任意有限个互不相交的开区间{(a1,b2)}1,当乙(-a1)<时,成立
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1) orally, conveniently carried, readily identified, and easily taken 2) compared with equivalent doses of a liquid medication, accurate dosing, most tasteless when swallowed 3) readily identified 4) Prescribing flexibility (a variety of dosage strengths) 5) from a pharmaceutic standpoint, solid dosage forms are • efficiently and productively manufactured • packaged and shipped by manufacturers at lower cost and with less breakage than comparable liquid forms • more stable, have a longer shelf-life than their liquid counterparts
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