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Collaborate Document Management Plan and design up front Create a short model section for information content and order Create a layout template Create a document control system for revisions Accept individual responsibility and deadlines
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.66MB 文档页数:42
6.1 企业竞争情报的管理 6.2 企业 CIO 体制的实施 6.3 企业信息的公开 6.4 企业信息的保护
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7.1 系统原则 7.2 整序原则 7.3 激活原则 7.4 共享原则 7.5 搜索原则
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第8章企业信息管理的定量分析 8.1企业信息化水平的测评 8.2企业信息管理绩效的测评
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The Product/Service Definition:- That bundle of benefits which is received in the exchange process Note:- People buy benefits not products:- Health Club Membership A visit to Cadbury world Lynx deodorant Caterpillar Earth Movers
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Lecture 4: Marketing Strategy and Planning Lecture Objectives Planning -role/questions/processes? Strategy -components and measurement
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Lecture 3: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Lecture Objectives Segmentation-what/why/how? Target market strategies Positioning and re-positioning strategies
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Statistical Thinking and Management Descriptive versus Inferential Statistics Types of Data and their Sources Types of Sampling Methods Types of Survey Errors
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the impact that unanticipatedchanges in exchange rates may have on theconsolidated financial statements of the multinationalcompany
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter provides a way to measure economic exposure, discusses its determinants, and presents methods for managing and hedging economic exposure
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