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hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University L 2 Economic Transactions and Accounting equation Exercises 1. Lion Company had a net cash inflow of $80,000 from operating activi
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hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 1 Introduction to Accounting Exercise Short Answer questions 1. Please elaborate the term of efficient market 2. Please elaborate the terms of ethical man, economic man, rational economic
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1. The branch of accounting which aims at serving external users is called accounting 2. A credit entry decreases asset and accounts or increases liabi owner's equity, and revenue accounts
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points is a collection of all accounts used by a business 2. All cash payments by check are recorded in the 3. Revenue and expense accounts are called because they are opened
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共集电极和共基极放大电路 一、射极输出器 二、直流通道
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参考教材:《会计学基础》,朱继民、周建龙,安徽大学出版社,2019 年第二版
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环境是动物赖以生存的基础,它同饲料、品种、疫病一样,对动物生长、发育、繁殖和健康产生 重要影响。优良动物品种只有在适宜环境中,才能充分发挥其遗传潜力,取得较好的经济效益。我国 地域辽阔,气候类型多样,大多数地区环境变化剧烈,难以满足动物生产要求。为了提高畜牧业生产 水平,提高畜产品质量和畜牧业经济效益,必须对畜舍环境进行控制与管理。畜舍的设计则是畜舍环 境控制与管理的基础
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第一节控制机制与控制过 程 第节控制方法与技术 第三节信息管理系统 ●实践训练 ●课程综合实训
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1、控制机制与要领的掌握 2、三种最常用的控制类型的运用
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1、对各类问题进行分析与确定 2、SWOT分析方法
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