二章习题课 例题一、如图所示的构件,B为中间铰,受载荷如图所示。 求:A、C处的约束反力。 q M A a a 〔思路 1、在解题前,先回顾一下固定端约束的情形。分别以旗杆、墙上钉的铁钉等,介绍其约 束情况(反力的个数) 2、需要求解的未知数为4个,只选取一次研究对象不能解决问题,需要补充方程。故可 以考虑先选取BC为研究对象,在以整体为对象,即可求解。 解)
Teaching Objectives: a. to help students to form a picture of Britain when it was under the bombs from German armies during World War II b. to direct students to write a composition with the structure of a general statement supported by specific details c. to guide students to do some oral practice through doing the interview and picture description and the routine pair work as well
化学反应速率与化学达到平衡的倾向的区别 We saw that a reaction with a very large equilibrium constant has a tendency toward the products so that very little of the reactants remain equilibrium is reached. Such a reaction is said to be spontaneous. However, as we have already pointed out, spontaneous doesn't mean fast