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一、选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1.今欲用H3PO4与Na2HPO,来配制DH=7.2的缓冲溶洗则HPO4与na物质的量之比n(PO:n(Na2HPO应当是()
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一、选择题(在下列各题中,选择出符合题意的答 案,将其代号填入括号内)(每小题2分30分) 1已知反应Cu+4HN03(浓)Cu(N03+2N2(g)+2H20,若 有4.00 mol HNO33被还原,则产生的NO2气体在273℃、202ka下所占 ( 24()449(89.9:()180L
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1.掌握sp2杂化的特点,形成π键的条件以及π键的特性。 2.握烯烃的命名方法,了解次序规则的要点及Z/E命名法。 3.掌握烯烃的重要反应(加成反应、氧化反应、a-H的反应)
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MATLAB format long; rand pseudorandom number: 1951, D. H. Lehmer, Berkeley A random sequence is a vague notion ... in which each term is unpredictable to the uninitiated and whose digits pass a certain number of tests traditional with statisticians
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1 At a frequency of 796 Hz, compute Zo,u and for a line having the following parameters: F2230 u H/km,=0.0055 u F, r-6./km, g negligible. 2 At certain frequency, transmission line has Zo=5560°andy=0.005+j0.03np/km The line is 60 km long. A sinusoidal voltage of 100V at the specified frequency is applied to one end. Find:
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I Let L= 1.25 H in Fig. 6-11, and determine v(t)if v(0) 1(02)=20A L 0.05F ig 6-11 For prob. I 2(a)What value of L in the circuit of Fig 6-11 will result in a transient response of the form, v(t)
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When x(t), the input to N, is known, and when h(t),the impulse response of N, is known, the y(t), the output or response function, is expressed by
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An overview on D-glucose metabolism The major fuel of most organisms,4'o=-2840kJ/mole if completely oxidized to CO, and H, via the glycolysis pathway, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (generating ATP). Can also be oxidized to make NADPH and ribose-5-P via the pentose phosphate pathway
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1、参数OLS估计的方差增大 2、t检验失效,不能拒绝H0的可能僧大常常犯纳伪错误 3、降低预测
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