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 5.1 Introduction of clustering analysis  5.2 Similarity calculation  5.3 Overview of basic clustering techniques  5.4 Partitioning method  5.5 Hierarchical method  5.6 Clustering based on density and grid  5.7 Clustering based on models  5.8 Outlier analysis
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 4.1 The basic concept of association rules  4.2 Low-dimensional binary association rules  4.3 Multi-level association rules  4.4 Multidimensional association rules  4.5 The Affinity analysis based on the association mining
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统计表的设计 1.合理安排结构 2.表头包括表号、总标题和数据单位 3.总标题内容应满足3要e 4.数据计量单位相同时,在表的右上角标明
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 3.1 Learning Problems  3.2 The least square method (LSM)  3.3 Linear regression analysis  1 Simple Linear Regression  2 Multiple Regression  3 Understanding the Regression Output  4 Coefficient of Determination R2  5 Validating the Regression Model
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 2.1 Overview of data types  2.2 Review of Data pre-processing tools and platforms  2.3 Clean, storage and management of raw data  2.4 Collections of data analysis and data mining
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 1.1 What’s big data?  1.2 Overview of data analysis  1.3 Overview of data mining  1.4 Make requirement for different professional applications
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固定资产的基础数据量大,为了正确的输 入和便于进行数据分类汇总处理,需要对每一 固定资产进行编码。固定资产编码由若干基本 编码组成,编码的好坏直接影响计算机数据处 理的效率和输出管理信息的能力
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❖实验设计简介 ◼ 实验设计简介 ◼ 实验过程简介 ❖数据分析 ◼ 睡眠时长分析 ◼ 就寝时间分析 ◼ 所有数据分析 ❖实验问题与改进
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6.1 最大值和最小值 82 6.2 求和、乘积和差分 83 6.3 统计命令 85 6.4 排序 88 6.5 统计频数直方图和棒图 88 6.6 区域的三角分解 92 6.7 多边形分析 93
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