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一、贮存脂肪 二、脂类的合成
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第一节 概述 第二节 蛋白质的分子结构 第三节 蛋白质的理化性质及分离纯化
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1. Gluconeogenesis: The universal pathway for synthesis of glucose. 2. Biosynthesis of glycogen, starch, and sucrose. 3. CO2 fixation in plants (the Calvin Cycle). 4. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in plants
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dissociation and reconstitution studies Abundant knoblike protruding structures were observed on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane by EM (Racker in 1960). The inside-out submitochondrial particles with the knobs\ are capable of both electron transferring and ATP synthesis
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1. Fatty acids; 2. Eicosanoids: 3. Triacylglycerols 4. Membrane phospholipids; 5. Cholesterol, steroids, and isoprenoids;
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一、氧化一还原电势 二、电子传递和氧化呼吸链 三、氧化磷酸化作用
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Chapter 25 DNA Metabolism 1. How does a DNA molecule replicate with high fidelity? 2. How are DNA lesions (damages)repaired to maintain the integrity of genetic information? 3. How do DNA molecules recombine (rearrange)? High accuracy, multitude of participants
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一、DNA是遗传信息的携带分子 二、RNA传递和加工遗传信息 三、遗传密码的破译 四、遗传密码的基本特性
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一、核酸的水解 二、核酸的酸碱性质 三、核酸的紫外吸收 四、核酸的变性、复性及杂交
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