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49.1 Introduction 49.2 Mechanical Characteristics Applications. Structure of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials 49.3 Ferroelectric Materials K. F.Etzold Electrical Characteristics
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51.1 Introduction 51.2 Equation of State 51.3 Effect of Crystal Point Group on 51.4 Geometric Corrections and Elastoresistance Tensor 51.5 Multivalley Semiconductors 51.6 Longitudinal Piezoresistivity II, and Maximum Sensitivity
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53.1 Introduction Terry P. Orlando 53.2 General Electromagnetic Properties Massachusetts Institute of 53.3 Superconducting Electronics Technology 53.4 Types of Superconductors 53.1 Introduction The fundamental idea behind all of superconductorsu' properties is that superconductivity is quantum
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55.1 Introduction 55.2 Dielectric Losses 55.3 Dielectric Breakdown 55.4 Insulation Aging R.Bartnikas 55.5 Dielectric Materials Institut de Recherche Gases. Insulating Liquids. Solid Insulating Materials
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57.1 Introduction 57.2 Classification of Magnetooptic Effects David Young Faraday Rotation or Magnetic Circular Birefringence.Cotton- Rockwell Semiconductor Systemns Mouton Effect or Magnetic Linear Birefringence. Kerr Effects
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59.1 Introduction 59.2 Fossil Power Plants Fuel Handling Boiler.Turbine.Generator. Electric System· Condenser Stack and Ash Handling·Cooling and Feedwater System 59.3 Nuclear Power Plants
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Overview of Pulsed Radars. Critical Subsystem Design and Josh T.Nessmith Technology. Radar Performance Prediction.Radar Georgia Tech Research Institute Waveforms. Detection and Search Estimation and Tracking
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(一)高等学校科研的含义 1.科研的实质 人们揭示自然界和人类社会客观规律的过程,是生产知识形态产品的活动。它是一种创造性活动。 2.高校科研的意义 ()科研是提高师资水平的基本途径 (2)是培养学生能力、发展学生智力的手段 (3)科研是发展新学科的基础 (4)科研是学校直接为社会服务的主要渠道 (5)科研是加速学校管理现代化的重要条件
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一、关于“手”的理论。 二、政府在经济中应该做什么? 三、政府在经济中不该做什么? 四、总结
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色谱法也叫层析法,它是一种 高效能的物理分离技术,将它用于 分析化学并配合适当的检测手段, 就成为色谱分析法
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