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1. Introduction 2. Open Excavation 3. Conventional Tunneling 4. Mechanical Tunneling 5. Immersed Tube Tunnel Method 6. Shafts Construction 7. Conclusion
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1. Introduction 2. Contract Management 3. Risk Management 4. HSE Management
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1. Introduction 2. Design Models for Underground Structures 3. Geotechnical Investigations 4. Instrumentation design 5. Feedback Analysis
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1. Introduction to Planning 2. Preliminary planning 3. Overall planning 4. Detailed planning 5. Financial Planning 6. Reliability of Forecasting
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1. Introduction 2. Fire fighting in Metro and Road Tunnels 3. Flooding Prevention in Underground Structures 4. Earthquake Prevention
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1. Introduction 2. Installations for Traffic Control 3. Installations for Telecommunication 4. Ventilation 5. Illumination of Road Tunnels 6. Drainage 7. Example for the Equipment of Modern Road Tunnels
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同济大学:《地下工程》课程电子教案(讲稿)01 Underground Engineering Introductio(负责人:白云)
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1概述 人工冻结是在天然冻结基础上,随着人工冻结凿井 技术逐步发展起来的。冻结法是利用人工制冷技术,使 地层中的水冻结,把天然岩土变成冻土,增加其强度和 稳定性,隔绝地下水与地下工程的联系,以便在冻结壁 的保护下进行隧道、立井和地下工程的开挖与衬砌施工 技术。其实质是利用人工制冷技术临时改变岩土的状态 以固结地层
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一、平整场地m2按建筑物首层面积计算 二、挖土方m3按设计图示尺寸以体积计算 三、挖基础土方m3
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西安建筑科技大学:《土力学与基础工程》课程PPT教学课件(土力学地基基础)第六章 地基基础设计
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