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The stock Price Assumption Consider a stock whose price is s In a short period of time of length At the change in then stock price S is assumed to be normal with mean Sdt and standard deviation os√△, that is, S follows geometric Brownian motion ds=u Sdt+oSdz Then dInS=( )dt+oda
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European Options on Stock 12.2 Paying Continuous Dividends We get the same probability distribution for the stock price at time T in each of the following cases 1. The stock starts at price So and provides a continuous dividend yield q 2. The stock starts at price Soe-q' and provides no dividend yield
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应用:农产品期权定价 布莱克-舒尔斯-默顿期权定价公式 股票价格的变化过程 布莱克-舒尔斯-默顿期权定价模型的基本思路
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支付已知现金收益资产远期合约的定价 无收益资产远期合约的定价 远期价格与期货价格 远期(期货)价格与标的资产现货价格的关系 支付已知收益率资产远期合约的定价 远期与期货价格的一般结论
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第一章 15 (a)The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0074 per yen. The gain is 100x0.0006 millions of dollars or $60,000. ()The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0091 per yen. The loss is 100.0011 millions of dollars or $110,000. 1.6 you could buy 5,000 put options (or 50 contracts)with a strike price of
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案例一 买入股指期货套期保值 案例二 外汇期货的套利策略 案例三 远期利率协议——上海资浩国际贸易有限公司的美元借款风险 案例四 货币互换中比较优势的运用 案例五 F集团在股权分置改革中发行认股权证
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Two Kinds of Underlying Assets · Investment assets: held for investment purposes by a significant numbers of investors. Examples: stocks, bonds, gold. Three different situations: 1. The asset provides no income 2. The asset provides a known dollar income 3. The asset provides a known dividend yield Consumption assets: held primarily for consumption. Examples: commodities such as copper, oil and live hogs
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1.什么是金融工程? 2.金融创新的动机与社会价值 3.金融工程的创新标准 4.推动金融工程发展的因素 5.金融工程的应用领域 6.金融工程在非金融类公司层面的应用 7金融工程的理论基础与工具
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一、广义: 金融工程涉及到创新性金融工具的设计、发展、实施,是用创新性方法来解决金融问题的过程。 二、狭义: 金融工程是借助于创新性金融工具进行风险管理
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