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1、广告发展概述(2课时) 2、广告螺旋(2课时) 3、广告管理(2课时) 4、广告调研(2课时) 5、广告媒体(8课时) 6、广告设计(12课时) 7、广告制作(2课时) 8、零售广告(2课时) 9、广告效益分析(2课时)
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世界上最大的零售商沃尔一马特公司,目前正面临着如何激励员工的问 题。多年来,这家公司都使用一种相对宽松和直接的方式来激励员工,以保持 他们的忠诚度。公司主要是通过给员工股权来激励他们,而员工的正常薪水并 不高。为了说明沃尔·马特公司历史上股权激励制度曾经起过的作用,我们来 举个例子
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Sports Marketi A Strategic perspective Matthew D. shank Professor of Marketing and Chair Department of management and Marketing northern Kentucky university
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Key Elements of Advertising Paid Form Nonpersonal Presentation Out-of-store Mass Media Identified Sponsor
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Obiective To Describe the Role of Pricing To Examine the Impact of Internal and external forces on Pricing To Present A Retail Pricing Framework
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Obiective To Describe Steps In Implementing Merchandise plans To Examine the prominent roles of Logistics and Inventory Management in Implementing merchandise Plans
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Operating A Retail Business perations Blueprint Store format Size Space Allocation Personnel utilization Store Maintenance Energy Management Renovations ntory Management
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To Examine Procedures Involved in Retail Organization Set Up To Examine Retail Organizational Arrangements To Consider Retailing's Special Human Resource Environment To Describe Principles and Practices of Retailing's Human Resource Management Process
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Good Location can overcome Mediocre Strategy Mⅸ Poor location difficult to overcome Requires EXtensive Decision Making Least Flexible Element of Strategy Mix
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To Examine the Importance of Identifying Understanding, and Appealing to Customers To Enumerate& Describe Segmentation Factors and their Application To Examine Consumer Attitudes and the Decision Making Process To EXamine Target Market Planning To Note Environmental Factors that Affect Consumers
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