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一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填在题后的括号内。错选或未选均无分 1.下面程序段的时间复杂度是() for(i=-0; i
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网络函数的定义 在正弦稳态分析中,定义网络函数N(j)输出相量 输入相量 N(jo)=N(jo)∠()=A()∠(o) 其中A()为N(jo)的模,称幅频特性。 ()为N(ja)的幅角,称相频特性
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第七章数组 7.1选择题 【题7.1】在C语言中,引用数组元素时,其数组下标的数据类型允许是 A)整型常量 B)整型表达式 C)整型常量或整型表达式D)任何类型的表达式 【题7.2】以下对一维整型数组a的正确说明是 A)int(10); B)int n=10, a[n]: C) int n; D) #define SIZE 10 scanf(%d”,&n); int a[SIZE]; int a[n]:
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作业3 3.1多项选择题(从下列各题四个备选答案中选出1至4个正确答案,将其代号(A,B,C,D)写在题干前面的括号内) ()1.设长度为n的线性表使用顺序存储结构,若删除第i个元素,需 移动个元素(1≤i≤n) A. i B. n-i-1 C. n-i D. n-i+l ()2.设长度为100的线性表使用顺序存储结构,首地址为1000,每个元素占用2个存储单元,其中第65个元素的地址是
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一、n维向量 1.定义 n个有次序的数a1,a2,,an所组成的数 组称为n维向量,这n个数称为该向量的个分量, 第i个数a称为第i个分量
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1.一个质量为m的理想气体分子,在一个边长为a的立方容器中 运动,其平动能E=h2:2+n2+n2)/8m2,式中n,n和n为三个平 动量子数,试问能量为14h2/8ma2的平动能级的简并度是多少
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Time-Domain Representation Signals are represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for non-integer values of n
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我们希望能够找到一种方法,能够从任意一个n阶线性定常的 般形式的微分方程组中构造出一个n维的状态空间模型。设输出量a (标量)与输入量r(标量)之间的关系由线性定常微分方程表示。 我们定义状态量为ω及其n-1阶导数 这样,我们就得到了n个状态量(与微分方程的阶次相同)。现 在我们对x求导,直到x(n-1)
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The estimate of x based on N data points can then be made without reprocessing the first N, points. Their effect can be included simply by starting with pseudo observation which is equal to the estimate based on the first N points having a variance equal to the variance of the estimate based on N The same is true of the variance of the estimate based on N
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22.2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptylamine may also be named as a dimethyl derivative of cycloheptanamine. -N(CH3)2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptanamine 22.3 Three substituents are attached to the nitrogen atom; the amine is tertiary. In alphabetical order, the s substituents present on the aniline nucleus are ethyl, isopropyl, and methyl. Their positions are
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