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Fourier series: Periodic signals and lti Systems ()=∑H(k k= ak一→H(ko)ak “g Soak-→|H(jkco)lkl H(7k)=1H(k0e∠B(ko) or powers of signals get modified through filter/system ncludes both amplitude phase akeJhwon
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Fouriers derivation of the ct fourier transform x(t)-an aperiodic signal view it as the limit of a periodic signal as t→∞ For a periodic signal the harmonic components are spaced Oo=2π/ T apart. AsT→∞,Obo→>0, and harmonic components are space
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Index absorptance HT-54 cylindrical geometry see non-planar geometry absorption HT-57 adiabatic 0-5.0-9 Diesel cycle 2A-4 adiabatic efficiency see efficiency diffusivity ht-22 adiabatic flame temperature 2C-7 dissipation 1C-10 drag HT-24 Biot number HT-30, HT-36 black body HT-56, HT-63 see also
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I. Summary of the Text Beijing,may5,1998 Intel announces that it will invest US$50 0 million to open an information technology research and development center in Beijing, China The Intel China Research Center will explore Internet-related issue and information technology disciplines. It will improve the fundamental research level in high technology in China and promote the exchange and cooperation between
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逻辑代数( Logic Algebra)是由英国数 学家乔治布尔( George Boole)于1849年首 先提出的,因此也称为布尔代数( Boolean Algebra)。逻辑代数研究逻辑变量间的相互 关系,是分析和设计逻辑电路不可缺少的数学 工具。所谓逻辑变量,是指只有两种取值的变 量:真或假、高或低、1或0
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制图标准 意义:制图标准是对图纸的各个项目在表达上 的严格而统一的规定,使不同岗位的工程人 员对工程图的各项内容有完全一致的理解。 分类:国家标准(GB)、部颁标准、 国际标准(|S0) 常用制图标准
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若体系具有空间反演不变性,[,]=0,则 a)宇称守恒 b)宇称Ⅰ与H有共同本征态
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5-1多项式插值的问题 前面根据区间[ab上给出 的节点做插值多项式Ln(x) 近似f(x),一般总认为L1(x)的次 数n越高逼近(x)的精度 越好,但实际上并非如此。这是 因为对任意的插值节点 ,当n>0时,L(x)不一定收敛 到∫(x),本世纪初龙格 ( Runge)就给出了一个等距节 点插值多项式Ln(x)不收 敛的f(x)的例子。他给出的函数 为f(x)=1(1+x)
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如果线性方程组的系数行列式不为零,即det(A)≠0, 则该方程组有唯一解。由克莱姆(cramer)法则,其解为 det() (i=1,2,…n det(A) 这种方法需要计算n+1个n阶行列式并作n次除法,而每个 n阶行列式计算需作(n-1)n!次乘法,计算量十分惊人
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3-1:按定义:m(naCl)=(2058.44)10002001.7112(mol-kg-) x(NaC)=(20/58.44)(0/58.44+200/18.026)=0.02992 3-4:△t=km,0.81=2.53m,m=0.32016=(0.324/M)×(1000/4)
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