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一、对不同传染疾病的控制方式 Control of Disease 二、全球健康现状 Global Health Considerations 三、疫病的出现与再现 Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases 四、生物战与生物武器 Biological Warfare and Biological Weapons
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《大国战略通识课(国际战略与外交政策)》教学资源(参考书籍)[美]罗伯特·吉尔平《全球政治经济学——解读国际经济秩序 GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY:UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER》
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Global warming preceded by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations during the last deglaciation
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Ecology drives a global network of gene exchange connecting the human microbiome
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上海交通大学:《外国法专题(比较公司法)》课程教学资料(学生展示)The Global History of Corporate Governance
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上海交通大学:《供应链管理 Supply Chain Management》课程教学资料_Case Studies_Sample Works_Research Report_2012OpenResearch_庞名章_Wal-Mart Report-Tips on Global Logistics and Risk Management
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Definition of a project and its attributes Key constraints within which a project must be managed How a project is “born” Life of a project Steps involved in the project management process Implications of global project management Benefits of project management
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Institutions and International Political Economy)The Emperor Has No Clothes The Limits of OPEC in the Global Oil Market
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