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§4.1 定轴转动运动学 (Kinematics of Rotation About a Fixed Axis) §4.2 定轴转动定律 (The Law of Rotation About a Fixed Axis) §4.3 转动中的功和能 (Rotational Work and Energy) §4.4 定轴转动的角动量守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum About a Fixed Axis)
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§3.1 动量定理 (Theorem of Momentum) §3.2 动量 守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Momentum) §3.3 质心 (The Center of Mass) §3.4 角动量守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum)
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This volume is an attempt to explore the value of rational-choice analysis for the study of international law. As the editors suggest, the field of international law has been quite resistant to rational-choice analysis. It is important to recognize, however, that the enterprise of which this volume is an example is not new. Political scientists have used
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A Comparison of Tort Law(Example Sjef van Erp(Maastricht University/e)and Property Law(1) Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services) Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. while they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use Contents
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本章将从基本的电磁实验定律出发建立真空中的Maxwell’s equations。并从微观角度论证了存在介质时的Maxwell’s equations 的形式及其电磁性质的本构关系 。 继而给出 Maxwell’s equations在边界上的形式,及其电磁场的能量和能流 , 最 后 讨 论 Maxwell’s equations的自洽性和完备性。 §1.1 电荷守恒定律 The Conservation Law of Charge §1.2 电荷与电场 Electric Charge and Electric Field 库仑定律 叠加原理 电场 高斯定理 电场的散度 电场的旋度 §1.3 电流和磁场 Electric Current and Magnetic Field §1.4 麦克斯韦方程组 Maxwell’s equations §1.5 介质的电磁性质 Electromagnetic Property in Medium §1.6 电磁场边值关系 Boundary Conditions of Electromagnetic Field §1.7 电磁场的能量和能流 Energy and Energy Flow of Electromagnetic Field
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The causes of acceleration of a system--The first law of motion states that zero total force exists when the system has a constant velocity; a nonzero total force on the system causes its acceleration
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3.1 Common feature of spontaneous change 3.2 The second law of thermodynamics 3.3 Carnot cycle and Carnot principle 3.4 Definition of entropy 3.5 Clausius inequality; principle of increase of entropy 3.6 Calculate the change of entropy 3.7 Statistical view of entropy
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一、海商法的概念 海商法,英文为Maritime law或 Law of admiralty,前者通常翻译为“海商 法”,后者通常翻译为“海事法”。 “海事”、“海商”的含义:广义上的海事指一切海上事物;狭义海事指船 舶在海上发生的事故。狭义的海商指航海贸易广义的海商还包括船舶在海上 发生的海损事故。两者有重叠之处。谁包括谁呢?
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• 中文电子书发展概况 Current situations of Chinese e-book development. • 中国的版权法规 Copyright law and regulations in China • 数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战 Challenges in copyright clearance in digital library development • 网络传播权的基本解决方案 How to get permissions • 结束语 Conclusion
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环境与生态因子 环境概念 生态因子的类型 自然环境的基本特征 生物与环境关系的基本原理 生物与主要生态因子的相互关系 生物与光的关系 生物与温度的关系 生物与水的关系 生物对水因子的适应 水生植物对水环境的适应 陆生植物水平衡的调节机制 水生动物水平衡的调节机制 陆生动物水平衡的调节机制 生物与土壤的关系 参考文献 思考题 生物对非生物因子的耐受限度 最小因子定律(Liebig’s law of minimum) 耐受性定律(Shelford’s law of tolerance) 限制因子(limiting factors) 生物与土壤的关系 土壤的生态学意义 土壤的理化性质及其对生物的影响
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