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Compounds having two carbonyl groups separated by an intervening carbon are called β-dicarbonyl compunds, and these compounds are highly versatile reagents for organic synthesis
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南开大学环境科学与工程学院:有机污染物的电化学氧化 Electrochemical Oxidation of organic pollutants(鲁金凤)
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This book describes semiconductors from a materials science perspective rather than from condensed matter physics or electrical engineering viewpoints. It includes discussion of current approaches to organic materials for electronic devices. It further describes the fundamental aspects of thin film nucleation and growth, and the most common physical and chemical vapor deposition techniques. Examples of the application of the concepts in each chapter to specific problems or situations are included, along with recommended readings and homework problems
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复旦大学:《有机化学实验 Organic chemistry lab》课程教学资源(教学大纲)2019年春季有机化学实验教学大纲
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复旦大学:《有机化学实验 Organic chemistry lab》课程教学资源(教学大纲)2020年春季有机化学实验教学大纲
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复旦大学:《有机化学实验 Organic chemistry lab》课程教学资源(教学大纲)2021春季有机实验教学大纲(医学院)
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1.掌握柱层析分离、装柱、洗脱、分离操作 2.分离次甲基蓝与甲基橙混合液
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① 学习由醇制备卤代烃的原理和方法 ② 练习带有吸收有害气体装置的回流加热操作 ③ 学习液液萃取的原理及分液漏斗的使用方法
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1.了解提纯固体有机化合物的常用方法 2.掌握重结晶方法来提纯固体有机化合物
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:423.76KB 文档页数:9
复旦大学:《有机化学实验 Organic chemistry lab》课程教学资源(实验讲义)The isolation of casein(from milk)
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