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1.姚穆.纺织材料学.第二版.纺织工业出版社,1990 2.赵书经.纺织材料实验教程.纺织工业出版社,1989 3.李栋高、蒋蕙钧.丝绸材料学.中国纺织出版社,1994
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1 Raw material selection: fruit and vegetables 1.2 Criteria for selection 1.3 Specifications 1.4 New trends in raw material production 1.5 New trends in plant breeding 1.6 Conclusion
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:170.5KB 文档页数:33
Objectives Focus Warming up 2.1 Communicating in writing 2.2 Names and addresses 2.3 Layout and style 2.4 Thinking about your reader 2.5 Sending messages Sum-up Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:208KB 文档页数:24
Objectives Focus Warm up 1.1 First Impressions 1.3 What do you enjoy about your work 1.5 Developing relationships Sum-up Assignment
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参考教材:《会计学基础》,朱继民、周建龙,安徽大学出版社,2019 年第二版
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Australia 461-2 automated enzyme immunoassays 205-6 agronomic characteristics 20-1 automated microbiological methods air handling system
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Published by woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington Cambridge cb1 6AH. england www.woodhead-publishing.com Published in No d South America by CRC Press LLC, 2000 Corporate Blvd, Nw Boca raton Fl USA First edition 1992. Ellis Horwood Ltd
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