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第一章自动控制的一般概念 1.1引言 1.2自动控制系统示例 1.3闭环控制和开环控制 1.4自动控制系统的分类 1.5对自动控制系统的基本要求对本课程的基本要求
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5.3.1积分与微分因子 5.3.2一阶因子 5.3.3二阶因子 5.3.4传递延迟
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6.3.1 串联超前校正(基于频率响应法) 6.3.2 串联滞后校正(基于频率响应法) 6.3.3 串联滞后-超前校正
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3.6.1 稳态误差的定义 3.6.2 系统类型 3.6.3 扰动作用下的稳态误差
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Space policy Notes on Space Law and policy Derived from multiple sources. Please see bibliography at end of notes mportant Lecture themes Space law\is international law, governed by treaties and custom Space policy\is set by individual nations or subgroups within a nation, and typically
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The Seventies Readings 1. Chap. 1, \Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership.\ 2. Chap. 4 and 5, \Beyond Horizons. 3. Chap. and 2, Wheelon. Strategic Themes: 1. Retrenchment for NASA-NASA and the country out of sync. 2. A truck to nowhere-the seeds of the Challenger disaster
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UNCLASSIFIED Unclassified Clinton administration 1993 National security space activities shall contribute to US national security by supporting right of self-defense of US, allies and friends deterring, warning, and defending against enemy attack assuring hostile forces cannot prevent our use of space ountering, if necessary, space systems and services used for hostile purposes enhancing operations of U. S. and allied forces ensuring our ability to conduct military and intelligence space-related satisfying military and intelligence
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Explosion of Commercial Space and the Implications for National Security General(Ret) Thomas S. Moorman, Jr Background Space not mainstream · Desert storn Air Force role Space Service Strategic Vision Budget Outlook
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History and Policy in the Fifties Reading: Chapters 1-10, The Heavens and the Earth Big Themes: Technocracy as a way for a nation to accomplish tasks mon The impact of the thermonuclear bomb and the technology of missiles The Cold War as a contest between Communism and Capitalism
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一、起落架的载荷情况多 二、需要作机构运动 三、要从受力要求的观点和机构运动要求的观 点来分析起落架的构造
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