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1.常见的构成名词的后缀 -ability inability instability availability washability age
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Seli ssessment Worksheet Please answer the questions in English Name: 1. What useful information have i learnt in this unit? 2. What language items have i learnt in this unit?
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Bachelor of Science in Human Science, Interior Design Program, FJD.E. R Accredited Mississippi State University Starkuitte,MS gpA355/4.00 Associate of Arts Degree Meridian, Community College Meridian, MS
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Pre-Reading Activities Text New Word Reading Text A: Language Points .Newspaper Reading .Exercise Check-up .Assignment
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Unit six Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes Warm-up questions 1. Have you ever been in an earthquake? 2. What do you think you would do first if the room started to shake? 3. How should we prepare for earthquakes?
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Unit 8 Section A Legal and moral Implications of Cloning Warm-up Questions 1. What do you know about cloning and genetic engineering? 2. Do you want to cloning yourself once human cloning becomes reality?
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Book two Unit si Section a: As his Name Is. so is hel Preview This writer describes ways names can make a difference. When one woman used her middle name, she felt better and her professional achievement improved. A magazine
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Unit two Section A: Environmental Protection throughout the world about the text Ecology is the study of the relationships among plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balance among these relationships
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Pre-Reading activities Text New Word reading Text A: Language points Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up ssignment
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1. Learn/master new words and expressions, and be able to use them in actual situations 2. Grasp the main idea of the text and be able to answer the related questions 3. Develop the students' ability of listening and speaking 4. Cultivate
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