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河北医科大学:《天然药物化学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第九章 生物碱 Alkaloids 第2节 生物碱的生源、分类、结构 Biogenesis & Classification & Structure
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1、扩散控释机制 2、渗透泵控释机制 3、溶出控释机制 4、生物粘附控释机制 5、化学反应控制机制 6、膨胀控释机制 7、降解控释机制
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Outline 5.1 Proteins Linear Polymers of Amino acids 5.2 Architecture 5.3 Many Biological Functions 5.4 May be Conjugated with Other Groups 5.6 Purification 5.7 Primary Structure Determination 5.8 Consider the Nature of Sequences
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2.1 Weak Interactions in Aqueous Systems 47 and titration curves, and consider how aqueous solu 2.2 lonization of Water. Weak Acids, and tions of weak acids or bases and their salts act as buffers Weak Bases 60 against pH changes in biological systems. The water 2.3 Buffering against pH Changes in Biological
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Biocatalysts in organic chemical synthesis 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Micro-organisms as catalysts of organic synthesis 2.3 Enzyme preparations versus whole cell processes 2.4 Scale of production 2.5 Modes of operation of bioprocesses 2.6 Biotechnological processes verses chemical synthetic processes
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维生素B族为水溶性维生素,有B1、B2、PP、B6、泛酸、生物素、叶酸及 B12,在生物体内通过构成辅酶而发挥作用。 (一)VitB1(硫胺素)和TTP(硫胺素焦磷酸): 结构式见P441图11-6,活性部位为噻唑环2-位,C2上的H易离开(为 3位N稳定)
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一、完成下列反应式: 课堂练习-2
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一、命名: 1.(CH3)2CHOHCH3
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一、推测 C9H10O2 化合物的结构 。 二、完成下列反应:
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一、核苷酸的结构 1.核苷酸 (1)组成核酸的碱基
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