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We define transfer function H(s) as a ratio of the Laplace transform of system output (or response)(s) to the Laplace transform of the input(or forcing function)v(s) when all initial conditions are zero, then
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When initial energy is present in a circuit, the Laplace transform method may be used to obtain the complete response. The first is the more fundamental, for it involves writing the differential equations for the network and then taking the Laplace transform of those equations
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复习思考题1.2.2 (1) (2)电压增益为1是指A=1
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本章重点是关联矩阵、基本回路矩阵及基本割集矩阵等几种基本矩阵的列写及其相互间关系。 1. 掌握割集的概念,熟练写出电路关联矩阵A、回路矩阵B、割集矩阵Q; 2. 掌握复合支路的概念; 3. 学会用矩阵形式列写回路电流方程、结点电压方程和割集电压方程;
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S14-2 Exponential Fourier series f(t)=+ cosot+a2 cos 2ot+.] sinot+ b2 sin
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If a positive current is flowing into the(+) end of the current coil while the(+) terminal of the voltage coil is positive with respect to the unmarked end, an upscale reading is obtained
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Data Acquisition System Considerations Multiplexing Filtering Considerations for Data Acquisition Systems SHA and ADC Settling Time Requirements in Multiplexed Applications Complete Data Acquisition Systems on a Chip Multiplexing into Sigma-Delta ADCs Simultaneous Sampling Systems
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8.1 二端口网络的方程与参数 一、Z参数方程和Y参数方程 二、A参数方程 三、H参数方程 四、各种参数之间的关系 8.2 二端口网络的网络函数 一、用Z参数表示网络函数 二、用A参数表示网络函数 三、特性阻抗 8.3 二端口网络的等效 一、二端口网络的Z参数等效电路 二、二端口网络的Y参数等效电路 8.4 二端口网络的级联
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Three-phase sources have three Q terminals called the line terminals(a, b,c). + Neutral connection--n an b+V n bn Balanced three-phase sources may
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The concepts of stability radii of 2-dimensional (2D) Chua's circuit are introduced. One Chua's circiut with a limit cycle was stimulated via computer and corre-sponding stability radii were calculated. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of 2D Chua's circuit are pointed out
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