Introduction-1导引-1 The finite element method is an extension of the analysis techniques(matrix method) of ordinary framed structures. 有限元法是刚架结构分析技术的扩充。 The finite element method was pioneered in the aircraft industry where there was an urgent need for accurate analysis of complex airframe 有限元法首先应用于飞机工业
Concept Question Which of the following statements is correct? Uo=U for ALL elastic materials(1 Uo=OijEij-U0 ONLY for linear elastic materials Jo=-ijEii for a nonlinear elastic material Statements(1) and 3)
Which of the following statements is correct? 1. The PVD only applies to linear elastic materials 2. The PVD applies only to elastic materials, but they can be linear or non-linear 3. The PVD applies regardless of the constitutive behavior of the material
Unit #10- Principle of minimum potential energy and Castigliano's First Theorem Principle of minimum potential energy The principle of virtual displacements applies regardless of the constitutive law. Restrict attention to elastic materials(possibly nonlinear). Start from the Pvd