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Basic probability concepts  Sample spaces and events, simple probability, joint probability Conditional probability  Statistical independence, marginal probability Bayes’s Theorem
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§11.2 The valence bond theory of coordination compounds §11.3 Crystal Field Theoryof coordination compound §11.1 Basic concepts of coordination compounds §*11.5 Further discussion on coordination §11.4 Stability of coordination compounds
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第1章认识 Visual Basic 本章主要内容 一、程序设计语言基本概念 二、VB的特点 三、设计VB应用程序的初步认识 四、对象与事件的基本概念 五、VB的集成开发环境 六、工程的管理
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Introduction Some basic concepts Basic step of statistical work Review questions and exercises
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1.1 The failures of classical physics 1.2 The characteristic of the motion of microscopic particles 1.3 The basic assumptions (postulates) of quantum mechanics 1.4 Solution of free particle in a box - a simple application of Quantum Mechanics
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Functional Language and MapReduce MapReduce Basic MapReduce Algorithm Design Hadoop and Java Practice
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1 Introduction 1.1 GUI and Basic functions 1.1.1 Command Window 1.1.2 Command History 1.1.3 MatLab Help 2 Data in MatLab 2.1 Manipulating data 2.1.1 Creating Objects 2.1.2 Operators 3 Graphics 3.1 Use plotting tools 3.2 Use the command interface 3.2.1 Basic plots 3.2.2 Adding Plots to an Existing Graph 3.2.3 Multiple Plots in One Figure 3.2.4 Controlling the Axes 3.2.5 Axis Labels and Titles 3.3 Mesh and Surface Plots 3.4 Creating Specialized Plots 3.5 Advanced plotting
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1.填空题 (1)Visual Basic是一种面向的可视化程序设计语言,采取了的编程机制
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1.1 The failures of classical physics 1.2 The characteristic of the motion of microscopic particles 1.3 The basic assumptions (postulates) of quantum mechanics 1.4 Solution of free particle in a box – a simple application of Quantum Mechanics
文档格式:PPS 文档大小:1.27MB 文档页数:27
1.1 VB的发展 1.2 VB的功能与特点 1.3 VB的安装、启动和退出 1.4 VB集成开发环境 1.5 开发VB应用程序的基本步骤
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