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复旦大学:《谱学导论》课程教材文献(物质结构)第四章 分子对称性与群论初步
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CATER 8 The replication of wa Teaching Arrangement Watch animation-Understand replication
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Part l: Maintenance of the genome Dedicated to the structure of NA and the processes that propagate, maintain and alter it from one cell generation to the next
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E---Watson et al. (2004) Part I: Chemistry and genetics Part l: Maintenance of the Genome Part I: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part v: Methods
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复旦大学:《物理化学》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第6章 分子间相互作用 Interaction between Molecules
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§4-1. Symmetry Elements and Operations §4-2. Molecular Point Group §4-3. Representations of Groups §4-4. Chemical Applications of Group Theory
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复旦大学上海医学院:《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程PPT教学课件(英文)04基因突变的分子细胞生物学效应 cellular effects of gene mutation
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◼ 前言 ◼ 遗传病的常规诊断 ◼ 分子诊断
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◼ 前言 ◼ 基因突变导致蛋白功能改变 ◼ 基因突变引起性状改变的机制
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◼ 前言 ◼ 诱发基因突变的因素 ◼ 基因突变的一般特性 ◼ 基因突变的分子机制 ◼ DNA损伤的修复
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