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1. 证明数列1, 0,1, 0,\ 的极限不存在. 证 用{ }n u 表示此数列, 则易知该数列的子数列 2 1 { } n u + 收敛于 0 , 2 { }n u 收敛于
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1-1功率放大器概述 1-2非谐振功率放大器 1-3谐振功率放大器
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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一、学习保险学的意义 1、对个人:(马斯洛需求理论)u = f (x1, x2, …q1,q2……In) (1) 合理安排有限资金,降低人生成本 (2) 就业的需要
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一、价电子构型 通式:(n-1)d1~9 ns1~2 中性原子的原子轨道能量随原子序数的变化:n 和 l 竞争
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SLR(1), called simple LR(1) parsing, uses the DFA of sets of LR(0) items as constructed in the previous section SLR(1) increases the power of LR(0) parsing significant by using the next token in the input string – First, it consults the input token before a shift to make sure that an appropriate DFA transition exists
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• 7.1 金属的塑性成形工艺基础 • 7.1.1 金属的塑性成形 • 7.1.2 加工硬化和再结晶 • 7.1.3 塑性变形使金属形成纤维组织 • 7.1.4 金属的可锻性 • 7.2 金属的锻造 • 7.2.1 金属的锻前加热和锻成后冷却 • 7.2.2 自由锻造 • 7.2.3 模型锻造 • 7.2.4 胎模锻造 • 7.2.5 锻压零件的结构工艺性 • 7.3 板料冲压 • 7.3.1 冲压设备 • 7.3.2 板料冲压基本工序 • 7.3.3 冲模 • 7.3.4 冲压件的工艺性要求 • 7.4 金属的其它塑性成型方法 • 7.4.1 零件的轧制 • 7.4.2 零件的挤压 • 7.4.3 精密模锻 • 7.4.4 多向模锻 • 7.4.5 锻压新工艺技术简介
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 §1-1 机械原理课程的研究对象与内容  §1-2 现代化机器的组成  §1-3 设计与创新
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第1章计算机基础知识 1.1计算机概述 1.1.1计算机发展史 1、大型计算机时代
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The work of the external forces in the spring system of the figure is given by W=B*(U1+U2+U3)(2) W=P1*U1+P2米U2+B米U3(3) None of the above statements
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