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How does it work? Ofloxacin belongs to a group of broad spectrum antibiotics called the quinolones. It works by entering the bacterial cell and inhibiting a chemical called DNA-gyrase which is involved in the production of genetic material (DNA). This therefore prevents the bacteria from reproducing
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.1MB 文档页数:81
• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading and Writing Skills • Language Points • Guided Practice • Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:955KB 文档页数:69
• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading and Writing Skills • Language Points • Guided Practice • Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:19.03MB 文档页数:67
• Pre-Reading Activities • Intensive Study • Exercises • Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.8MB 文档页数:56
成都信息工程大学(成都信工学院):《大学英语》PPT教学课件(第四册)Unit4 America as a Collage
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Text A: fantasy, suspicion, injection, deputy, considerate, restore, estate, fantastic, multiple, furnish, deceive, commission, substantial, arrest, motive, justify exceeding, swear, disguise, switch e Text B: romantics, mysterious, e it, sigh, simplify, standpoint, heave, shiver, 2. Key phrases and expressions Text A: raise a glass to, turn out, buy up, live out, add on, fix up, sell sth at a loss Text B: read about, for one thing, in the night, make an appointment, switch on, raise the devil answer the door. stare after 3. Key structures
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Text A The Nightmare and The Dreams Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Language Points
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Text A Smart Cars Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Structure Study LR Part 4 Language Points
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Text A Tony Trivisonno's American Dream Part 1 Obiectives Part Discussion Questions Part3 Background Part 4 Text Structure Part Lanquage Points
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:12.32MB 文档页数:84
• Revision of Text A • Text B • Listening Practice • Assignment
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