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Oceanographic submersibles are small research vessels for underwater transport of people and equipment and for use as underwater platforms for observation, sampling, measurement, and performing various work tasks. They are also referred to as undersea vehicles
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第一节 微生物的六种营养要素 • 一、碳源(carbon source) • 二、氮源(nitrogen source) • 三、能源(energy source) • 四、生长因子(growth factor) • 五、无机元素(mineral salts) • 六、水分(moisture) 第二节 微生物的营养类型 第三节 营养物质进入细胞的方式 单纯扩散 (simple diffusion) 促进扩散 (facilitated diffusion) 主动运输 (active transport) 基团移位 (group translocation) 第四节 培养基(media)
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第九章国际货物运输 第一节国际运输方式 海洋运输 Ocean Transport(重点 (一)特点
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MAJOR PROCESS TYPES CONTINUOUS STEADYSTATE- Used for world-scale production of commodity chemicals Large, centrally located plants BATCH Used for small-scale production of high value-added chemicals JIT MINIPLANT Used for on-site production of hazardous or difficult to transport chemicals Continuous Steady-State is the dominant process type
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