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一.物态 物质的聚集态:大量粒子在一定温度、压强等外界条件下聚集而成的稳定结构状态
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广义相对论简介 爱因斯坦为什么要创立广义相对论? 狭义相对论只适用于惯性系,即惯性系比非惯性系 “优越”,所反映的自然规律的对称性不完善 狭义相对论的洛仑兹变换不能保持引力形式不变, 即狭义相对论不能包容万有引力定律
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节以无限深势阱为例介绍薛定谔方程应用 一维问题 本节以氢原子为例介绍薛定谔方程应用 三维问题 要求:思路,重要结论
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. An object moves in the xy plane with an acceleration that has a positive x component. At time=0 the object has a velocity given by=3i +0j. What can be concluded about the y component of the acceleration?
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一.研究对象:大量粒子组成的体系 子系近独立:粒子相互作用能<<粒子自身能量:E≈ΣE粒子间微弱相互作用能够使其在足够长时间内实现平衡
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“如果由于对气体理论一时不喜欢而把 它埋没,对科学将是一大悲剧;例如, 由于牛顿的权威而使波动理论受到的待 遇就是一个教训。我意识到我只是一个 软弱无力地与时代潮流抗争的个人,但 仍在力所能及的范围内作出贡献,使得 双一旦气体理论复苏,不需要重新发现许 多东西
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20.1 The magnetic field and its application 1. The magnetic field and its features Gravitational field FG=mg -gravitational force caused by mass Electric field =gE -electric force caused by electric charge Magnetic field--? While the magnetic field has similarities to the other fields, it also has some unique features that distinguish it from the others
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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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